Kategorie: Základní desky
1497 Kč
cena s DPH
A520M S2H Ultra odolná základná doska AMD A520 s Pure Digital VRM riešením, GIGABYTE Gaming LAN s riadením šírky pásma, PCIe 3.0 x4 M.2, RGB FUSION 2.0, inteligentný ventilátor 5, Q-Flash Plus, anti-sulfur rezistory Podporuje procesory AMD Ryzen™ radu 5000/ 3. generácie Ryzen™ a 3. generácie Ryzen™ s grafickými procesormi Radeon™ Dvojkanálová ECC/ne-ECC nevyrovnaná pamäť DDR4, 2 DIMM 4+3 fázové čisto digitálne riešenie VRM s MOSFETmi s nízkym RDS(on) Ultra rýchla karta NVMe PCIe 3.0 x4 M.2 Konektor Exkluzívna herná sieť LAN GIGABYTE 8118 s riadením šírky pásma Porty HDMI, DVI-D, D-sub na viacnásobné zobrazenie RGB FUSION 2.0 Podporuje adresovateľné LED a RGB LED pásy Inteligentný ventilátor 5 je vybavený viacerými snímačmi teploty, hybridnými hlavičkami ventilátorov s funkciou FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus Aktualizácia systému BIOS bez inštalácie procesora, pamäte a grafickej karty Dizajn rezistorov proti síre CPU AMD Socket AM4, podpora pre: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/ 3rd Gen Ryzen™ a 3rd Gen Ryzen™ s grafickými procesormi Radeon™ (Viac informácií nájdete v časti "Zoznam podporovaných procesorov".) Čipová súprava AMD A520 Pamäť 2 x zásuvky DDR4 DIMM s podporou až 64 GB (32 GB kapacita jedného DIMM) systémovej pamäte Procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000: Podpora DDR4 4266(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3866(O.C.) / 3800(O.C.) / 3733(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3466(O.C.) / 3400(O.C.) / 3333(O.C.) / 3300(O.C.) / 3200 / 2933 / 2667 / 2400 / 2133 MHz pamäťové moduly Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie: Podpora pre DDR4 5100(O.C.) / 5000(O.C.) / 4866(O.C.) / 4600(O.C.) / 4400(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3333(O.C.) / 3200 / 2933 / 2667 / 2400 / 2133 MHz pamäťové moduly Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie s grafikou Radeon™: Podpora pre DDR4 5100(O.C.) / 5000(O.C.) / 4866(O.C.) / 4600(O.C.) / 4400(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3333(O.C.) / 3200 / 2933 / 2667 / 2400 / 2133 MHz pamäťové moduly Dvojkanálová architektúra pamäte Podpora ECC nevyrovnaných pamäťových modulov DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 Podpora neECC nevyrovnaných pamäťových modulov DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 Podpora pamäťových modulov Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) (Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti "Zoznam podpory pamäte".) Palubná grafika Integrované v procesoroch AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie s grafikou Radeon™: 1 x port D-Sub, podporujúci maximálne rozlíšenie 1920x1200@60 Hz 1 x port DVI-D, podporujúci maximálne rozlíšenie 1920x1200@60 Hz * Port DVI-D nepodporuje pripojenie D-Sub pomocou adaptéra. 1 x port HDMI, ktorý podporuje maximálne rozlíšenie 4096x2160@60 Hz * Podpora HDMI 2.1, HDCP 2.3 a HDR. Podpora až 3 displejov súčasne Maximálna zdieľaná pamäť 16 GB Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-kanálový * Konfigurácia 7.1-kanálový zvuk, musíte najprv otvoriť zvukový softvér a vybrať položku Rozšírené nastavenia zariadenia > Zariadenie na prehrávanie, aby ste zmenili predvolené nastavenie. Podrobnosti o konfigurácii zvukového softvéru nájdete na webovej stránke spoločnosti GIGABYTE. LAN Čip Realtek GbE LAN (1000 Mbit/100 Mbit) Rozširujúce sloty CPU: 1 x slot PCI Express x16, podpora PCIe 3.0 a beží na x16 Čipová súprava: 2 x sloty PCI Express x1, podpora PCIe 3. Rozhranie úložiska CPU: 1 x M.2 konektor (Socket 3, kľúč M, typ 2242/2260/2280 SATA a PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 podpora SSD) Čipová sada: 4 x SATA 6Gb/s konektory Podpora RAID 0, RAID 1 a RAID 10 USB CPU: 4 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 na zadnom paneli Čipová sada: 2 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 dostupné cez interný konektor USB 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 porty (2 porty na zadnom paneli, 4 porty dostupné cez interné USB headery) Interné konektory I/O 1 x 24-pinový hlavný napájací konektor ATX 1 x 8-pinový napájací konektor ATX 12V 1 x záhlavie ventilátora CPU 2 x záhlavie systémového ventilátora 1 x adresovateľná záhlavie LED pásu 1 x záhlavie RGB LED pásu 1 x M.2 Konektor Socket 3 4 x konektory SATA 6 Gb/s 1 x záhlavie na prednom paneli 1 x záhlavie na prednom paneli 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module (TPM) header (2x6 pinov, pre GC-TPM2.iba modul 0_S) 1 x záhlavie sériového portu 1 x záhlavie reproduktorov 1 x záhlavie narušenia šasi 1 x prepojka Clear CMOS Konektory na zadnom paneli 1 x port klávesnice/myši PS/2 1 x port D-Sub 1 x port DVI-D 1 x port HDMI 4 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 port 1 x port RJ-45 1 x tlačidlo Q-Flash Plus 3 x audio konektory Riadiaca jednotka I/O riadiaci čip iTE I/O Monitorovanie H/W Detekcia napätia Detekcia teploty Detekcia otáčok ventilátora Upozornenie na prehriatie Upozornenie na zlyhanie ventilátora Regulácia otáčok ventilátora * To, či je funkcia regulácie otáčok ventilátora podporovaná, závisí od nainštalovaného ventilátora. BIOS 1 x 128 Mbit flash Použitie licencovaného systému AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5. Jedinečné vlastnosti Podpora APP Center * Dostupné aplikácie v APP Center sa môžu líšiť podľa modelu základnej dosky. Podporované funkcie jednotlivých aplikácií sa môžu líšiť aj v závislosti od špecifikácií základnej dosky. @BIOS EasyTune Fast Boot Game Boost ON/OFF Charge RGB Fusion Smart Backup System Information Viewer Podpora Q-Flash Plus Podpora Q-Flash Podpora Xpress Install Dodávaný softvér Norton Internet Security (verzia OEM) Realtek 8118 Gaming LAN Bandwidth Control Utility Operačný systém Podpora 64-bitového systému Windows 10 Faktor formy Formát Micro ATX; 24.4 cm x 20.5cm.
218 Kč
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bracket, záslepka 1x paralelní port, vývod ze základní desky
2479 Kč
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B550M AORUS ELITE Ultra odolná základná doska AMD B550 s riešením Pure Digital VRM, PCIe 4.0 x16 Slot, Dual PCIe 4.0/3.0 M.2 konektory, GIGABYTE 8118 Gaming LAN, Smart Fan 5 s FAN STOP, RGB FUSION 2.0, Q-Flash Plus Podporuje procesory AMD Ryzen™ radu 5000/ 3. generácie Ryzen™ a 3. generácie Ryzen™ s grafickými procesormi Radeon™ Dvojkanálový ECC/ne-ECC Unbuffered DDR4, 4 DIMM 5+3 fázové čisto digitálne riešenie VRM s MOSFETmi s nízkym RDS(on) Ultra Durable™ PCIe 4.0 Pripravený slot x16 Duálna ultrarýchla karta NVMe PCIe 4.0/3.0 M.2 konektory Vysokokvalitné zvukové kondenzátory a ochrana proti šumu pre maximálnu kvalitu zvuku GIGABYTE Exclusive 8118 Gaming GbE LAN Podpora zadného rozhrania HDMI a DVI RGB FUSION 2.0 Podporuje adresovateľné LED a RGB LED pásy Inteligentný ventilátor 5 je vybavený viacerými snímačmi teploty, hybridnými hlavičkami ventilátorov s funkciou FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus Aktualizácia systému BIOS bez inštalácie procesora, pamäte a grafickej karty Dizajn rezistorov proti síre TECHNICKÉ ŠPECIFIKÁCIE cPU aMD Socket AM4, podpora pre: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/ 3rd Gen Ryzen™ a 3rd Gen Ryzen™ s grafickými procesormi Radeon™ (Viac informácií nájdete v časti "Zoznam podporovaných procesorov".) čipová súprava aMD B550 pamäť 4 x zásuvky DDR4 DIMM s podporou až 128 GB (32 GB kapacita jedného DIMM) systémovej pamäte Procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000: Podpora DDR4 4266(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3866(O.C.) / 3800(O.C.) / 3733(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3466(O.C.) / 3400(O.C.) / 3333(O.C.) / 3300(O.C.) / 3200 / 2933 / 2667 / 2400 / 2133 MHz pamäťové moduly Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie: Podpora pre DDR4 4400(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3333(O.C.) /3200/2933/2667/2400/2133 MHz pamäťové moduly Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie s grafikou Radeon™: Podpora pre DDR4 4733(O.C.) / 4600(O.C.) / 4400(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3333(O.C.) /3200/2933/2667/2400/2133 MHz pamäťové moduly Dvojkanálová architektúra pamäte Podpora ECC nevyrovnaných pamäťových modulov DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 Podpora neECC nevyrovnaných pamäťových modulov DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 Podpora pamäťových modulov Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) (Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti "Zoznam podpory pamäte".) palubná grafika integrované v procesoroch AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie s grafikou Radeon™: 1 x port DVI-D, ktorý podporuje maximálne rozlíšenie 1920x1200@60 Hz * Port DVI-D nepodporuje pripojenie D-Sub pomocou adaptéra. 1 x port HDMI, ktorý podporuje maximálne rozlíšenie 4096x2160@60 Hz * Podpora HDMI 2.1, HDCP 2.3 a HDR. Maximálna zdieľaná pamäť 16 GB audio realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-kanálový * Konfigurácia 7.1-kanálový zvuk, musíte najprv otvoriť zvukový softvér a vybrať položku Rozšírené nastavenia zariadenia > Zariadenie na prehrávanie, aby ste zmenili predvolené nastavenie. Podrobnosti o konfigurácii zvukového softvéru nájdete na webovej stránke spoločnosti GIGABYTE. lAN čip Realtek GbE LAN (1000 Mbit/100 Mbit) rozširujúce sloty 1? x Slot PCI Express x16 (PCIEX16), integrovaný v procesore: Procesory AMD Ryzen™ tretej generácie podporujú PCIe 4.0 x16 Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie s grafikou Radeon™ podporujú PCIe 3.0 režim x16 * Ak chcete dosiahnuť optimálny výkon, nainštalujte iba jednu grafickú kartu PCI Express do slotu PCIEX16. 1 x slot PCI Express x16 (PCIEX4), integrovaný v čipovej sade: Podpora PCIe 3.0 x4 režim 1 x slot PCI Express x1 (PCIEX1), integrovaný v čipovej sade: Podpora PCIe 3.režim 0 x1 rozhranie úložiska 1? x M.2 konektor (M2A_CPU), integrovaný v procesore, podporuje Socket 3, kľúč M, typ 2242/2260/2280/22110 SSD: Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie podporujú SATA a PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie s grafikou Radeon™ podporujú rozhrania SATA a PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 SSD 1 x M.2 konektor (M2B_SB), integrovaný v čipovej sade, podporuje Socket 3, kľúč M, typ 2242/2260/2280 SSD: Podpora SATA a PCIe 3.0 x2 SSD 4 x konektory SATA 6 Gb/s, integrované v čipovej sade: Podpora RAID 0, RAID 1 a RAID 10 uSB cPU: 4 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 na zadnom paneli Čipová sada: 2 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 dostupné cez interný konektor USB 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 porty (4 porty na zadnom paneli, 2 porty dostupné cez interný konektor USB) interné konektory I/O 1 x 24-pinový hlavný napájací konektor ATX 1 x 8-pinový napájací konektor ATX 12V 1 x záhlavie ventilátora CPU 2 x záhlavie systémového ventilátora 2 x adresovateľné záhlavie LED pásu 2 x záhlavie RGB LED pásu 1 x záhlavie LED pásu chladiča CPU/RGB LED pásu 2 x M.2 konektory Socket 3 4 x konektory SATA 6 Gb/s 1 x záhlavie na prednom paneli 1 x záhlavie na prednom paneli 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 1 x USB 2.0/1.1 záhlavie 1 x záhlavie Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (2x6 pinov, pre GC-TPM2.0_S iba modul) 1 x hlavička sériového portu 1 x prepojka Clear CMOS 1 x tlačidlo Q-Flash Plus konektory na zadnom paneli 1 x port PS/2 pre klávesnicu/myš 1 x port DVI-D 1 x port HDMI 4 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 port 1 x port RJ-45 3 x audio konektory riadiaca jednotka I/O riadiaci čip iTE I/O monitorovanie H/W detekcia napätia Detekcia teploty Detekcia otáčok ventilátora Upozornenie na prehriatie Upozornenie na zlyhanie ventilátora Regulácia otáčok ventilátora * To, či je funkcia regulácie otáčok ventilátora podporovaná, závisí od chladiča, ktorý inštalujete. bIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Použitie licencovaného systému AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 jedinečné vlastnosti podpora APP Center * Dostupné aplikácie v APP Center sa môžu líšiť podľa modelu základnej dosky. Podporované funkcie jednotlivých aplikácií sa môžu líšiť aj v závislosti od špecifikácií základnej dosky. @BIOS EasyTune Fast Boot Game Boost ON/OFF Charge RGB Fusion Smart Backup System Information Viewer Podpora Q-Flash Plus Podpora Q-Flash Podpora Xpress Install dodávaný softvér norton Internet Security (verzia OEM) Realtek 8118 Gaming LAN Bandwidth Control Utility Operačný systém podpora 64-bitového systému Windows 10 faktor formy formát Micro ATX; 24.4 cm x 24.4 cm poznámka Vzhľadom na rôzne podmienky podpory Linuxu poskytované výrobcami čipových súprav si stiahnite ovládač Linuxu z webovej stránky výrobcu čipovej súpravy alebo z webovej stránky tretej strany. Väčšina výrobcov hardvéru/softvéru už nemusí ponúkať ovládače pre Win9X/ME/2000/XP. Ak budú ovládače k dispozícii od dodávateľov, budeme ich aktualizovať na webovej stránke GIGABYTE. .
17537 Kč
cena s DPH
1. Dual socket R3 (LGA 2011) supports
Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2600
v4†/ v3 family; QP...
163 Kč
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kabel prodlužovací - napájení ATX 12V 8Pin(M) na 8Pin/2x4Pin(F) 30cm
1746 Kč
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Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 4GB RAM
Raspberry Pi je nejoblíbenější jednodeskový počítač na světě. První model přišel v roce 2012 se skromným cílem - posílit technické vzdělávání dětí - a odstartoval malou průmyslovou revoluci. Raspberry Pi 4B je dosud nejvýkonnější model a první plnohodnotná náhrada PC!
Raspberry Pi 4B nabízí možnost volby operační paměti - od klasické 1GB RAM, přes 2GB RAM až po 4GB RAM. Přechod na novější typ paměti - LPDDR4 - také významně zvýšil její rychlost.
Základním stavebním kamenem Raspberry Pi 4B je jeho 1.5GHz čtyřjádrový procesor ARM Cortex-A72. Přechod na modernější 28nm technologii umožnil Raspberry Pi 4B dosáhnout významného zvýšení výkonu procesoru, multimédií a I/O, díky čemuž je nyní plnohodnotným osobním počítačem.
Grafika VideoCore byla povýšena na verzi VI. Přináší 4Kp60 video, dekódování HEVC/H.265 a režim dvou monitorů! (Poznámka: 4Kp60 nelze nastavit na dvou monitorech současně.)
Raspberry Pi 4B zachovává stejný půdorys jako starší modely (3B+, 3B, 2B, 1B+), ale přináší významné změny v oblasti konektorů, které si žádají novou krabičku a nejen to.
Napájecí konektor byl povýšen na USB-C, které umožňuje vyšší výkon a nabízí další výhody. Při nákupu Raspberry Pi 4B proto nezapomeňte na USB-C zdroj, nebo USB-C redukci ke starému micro USB zdroji. (Poznámka: Raspberry Pi 4B vyžaduje minimálně 5V?3A zdroj. Za předpokladu, že celkový odběr USB periferií nepřekročí hranici 500 mA, lze použít i kvalitní 5V?2.5A zdroj. Slabší napájení může vést až ke ztrátě dat a poškození micro SD karty!)
Standardní HDMI konektor byl nahrazen dvěma microHDMI konektory. Díky tomu můžete připojit až dva monitory! Budete potřebovat dva microHDMI kabely nebo dvě kabelová microHDMI redukce.
Ethernet byl povýšen na skutečný gigabit a přesunul se na opačnou stranu USB konektorů.
Dva ze čtyř USB konektorů na Raspberry Pi 4B byly povýšeny na mnohem rychlejší USB 3.0.
Pro usnadnění výběru základního příslušenství nabízíme výhodné sady a specializované komplety s Raspberry Pi 4B.
Na Raspberry Pi 4B můžete i nadále používat stejné programy a operační systémy. Svůj stávající operační systém však MUSÍTE aktualizovat na verzi s novým firmwarem pro nové čipy! Staré instalace bez nového firmwaru nebudou fungovat. TECHNICKÉ SPECIFIKACE
Broadcom BCM2711 1.5 GHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A72 ARM v8 64-bit SoC
2,4GHz a 5GHz IEEE 802.11.b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Bluetooth 5.0 (BLE) Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbit/s) 2 × USB 2.0 konektor 2 × USB 3.0 konektor
Standardní GPIO header se 40 piny (zpětně kompatibilní s předchozími modely)
Videa a Zvuk
2 × microHDMI 2.0 konektor (až 4Kp60) MIPI DSI konektor pro připojení displeje MIPI CSI konektor pro připojení kamery čtyřpólový 3,5mm jack - výstup zvuku a kompozitního videa (PAL a NTSC)
H.265 (4Kp60 dekódování) H.264 (1080p60 dekódování, 1080p30 kódování) OpenGL ES, 3.0 grafika
Operační systém
Micro SD slot (bez vyskakovacího mechanismu) pro načítání operačního systému a ukládání dat Oficiální operační systém: Raspbian Raspberry Pi podporuje i celá řada alternativních operačních systémů. Pro více informací navštivte náš blog, naše fórum, nebo oficiální stránky. Musíte aktualizovat! Staré instalace bez nových aktualizací firmwaru nebudou na Raspberry Pi 4B fungovat.
5V DC přes USB-C konektor (minimálně 3A) 5V DC přes GPIO header (minimálně 3A) PoE - napájení přes ethernet (vyžaduje přídavný modul Raspberry Pi PoE HAT)
2890 Kč
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2130 Kč
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Základní deska AMD AM4 ATX s headerem Aura Sync RGB, DDR4 3200MHz, M.2, HDMI 2.0b, SATA 6Gb/s a USB 3.1 Gen 2
4672 Kč
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MSI B650 GAMING PLUS WIFI B650 GAMING PLUS WIFI is designed with tons of connectivity, flexible tools, and convenient Wi-Fi solution with DDR5 memory version for gamers who want all. Supports AMD Ryzen™ 8000 / 7000 Series Desktop Processors Supports DDR5 Memory, Dual Channel DDR5 7200+MHz (OC) Enhanced Power Design: 12+2+1 Duet Rail Power System, dual 8-pin CPU power connectors, Core Boost, Memory Boost Premium Thermal Solution: Extended Heatsink, MOSFET thermal pads rated for 7W/mK, additional choke thermal pads and M.2 Shield Frozr are built for high performance system and non-stop work Lightning Fast Game experience: PCIe 4.0 slots, Lightning Gen 4 x4 M.2 with M.2 Shield Frozr, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 20G 2.5G LAN with Wi-Fi 6E Solution: Upgraded network solution for professional and multimedia use. Delivers a secure, stable and fast network connection High Quality PCB: 6-layer PCB made by 2oz thickened copper Audio Boost: Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality for the most immersive gaming experience CPU Supports AMD Ryzen™ 8000/ 7000 Series Desktop Processors Socket AM5 Chipset AMD B650 MEMORY 4x DDR5, Maximum Memory Capacity 256GB Memory Support DDR5 7200+(OC)/ 7000(OC)/ 6800(OC)/ 6600(OC)/ 6400(OC)/ 6200(OC)/ 6000(OC)/ 5800(OC)/ 5600(OC)/ 5400(OC)/ 5200(OC)/ 5000(OC)/ 4800(JEDEC) MHz Max. overclocking frequency: • 1DPC 1R Max speed up to 7200+ MHz • 1DPC 2R Max speed up to 6000+ MHz • 2DPC 1R Max speed up to 6000+ MHz • 2DPC 2R Max speed up to 5400+ MHz Supports Dual-Channel mode Supports non-ECC, un-buffered memory Supports AMD EXPO ONBOARD GRAPHICS 1x HDMI™ Support HDMITM 2.1 with HDR, maximum resolution of 4K 60Hz* 1x DisplayPort Supports DP1.4, maximum resolution of 4K 60Hz* *Available only on processors featuring integrated graphics. Graphics specifications may vary depending on the CPU installed. EXPANSION SLOT 2x PCI-E x16 slot 1x PCI-E x1 slot PCI_E1 Gen PCIe 4.0 supports up to x16 (From CPU) PCI_E2 Gen PCIe 3.0 supports up to x1 (From Chipset) PCI_E3 Gen PCIe 4.0 supports up to x4 (From Chipset) MULTI-GPU AMD MULTI-GPU Support STORAGE 2x M.2 M.2_1 Source (From CPU) supports up to PCIe 4.0 x4 , supports 22110/2280 devices M.2_2 Source (From CPU) supports up to PCIe 4.0 x4 , supports 2280/2260 devices 4x SATA 6G Supports RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 1 for SATA storage devices Supports RAID 0 and RAID 1 for M.2 NVMe storage devices USB 4x USB 2.0 (Front) 4x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type A (Rear) 2x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type A (Front) 3x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type A (Rear) 1x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type C (Front) 1x USB 3.2 Gen2x2 Type C (Rear) LAN Realtek 8125BG 2.5G LAN WIRELESS / BLUETOOTH AMD Wi-Fi 6E The Wireless module is pre-installed in the M.2 (Key-E) slot Supports MU-MIMO TX/RX Supports 20MHz, 40MHz, 80MHz bandwidth in 2.4GHz/ 5GHz or 6GHz* bands Supports 802.11 a/ b/ g/ n/ ac/ ax Supports Bluetooth 5.3** * Wi-Fi 6E 6GHz may depend on every country’s regulations and will be ready in Windows 11. ** Bluetooth 5.3 will be ready in Windows 10 build 21H1 and Windows 11. AUDIO Realtek ALC897 Codec 7.1-Channel High Definition Audio INTERNAL I/O 1x Power Connector(ATX_PWR) 2x Power Connector(CPU_PWR) 1x CPU Fan 1x Pump Fan 4x System Fan 2x Front Panel (JFP) 1x Chassis Intrusion (JCI) 1x Front Audio (JAUD) 1x Com Port (JCOM) 1x Tuning Controller connector(JDASH) 2x Addressable V2 RGB LED connector (JARGB_V2) 2x RGB LED connector(JRGB) 1x TPM pin header(Support TPM 2.0) 4x USB 2.0 ports 2x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type A ports 1x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type C ports LED FEATURE 4x EZ Debug LED BACK PANEL PORTS 1x DisplayPort 1x 2.5G LAN 1x USB 3.2 Gen 2 10Gbps (Type-A) 4x USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gbps (Type-A) 2x Wi-Fi / Bluetooth 6x Audio connectors 1x Flash BIOS Button 1x HDMI™ 2x USB 3.2 Gen 2 10Gbps (Type-A) 1x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 20Gbps (Type-C) OPERATING SYSTEM Support for Windows 11 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit PCB DIMENSION (W × L) ATX 243.84mmx304.8mm BOX CONTENT 1x Wi-Fi Antenna 1x SATA Cable 1x I/O Shield 1x Quick Guide 2x EZ M.2 Clips
18574 Kč
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Serverový konfigurátor
Form Factor
305W x 330D (mm)
AMD EPYC™ 7000 ...
3886 Kč
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TUF GAMING B550-PRO Herná základná doska ATX AMD B550 (Ryzen AM4) s rozhraním PCIe 4.0, duálny M.2, 14 výkonových stupňov DrMOS, 2.5 Gb Ethernet, HDMI, DisplayPort, SATA 6 Gb/s, predné USB Type-C, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A a Type-C a podpora osvetlenia Aura Sync RGB Socket AMD AM4: pripravený pre stolové procesory AMD Ryzen™ radu 5000/ 4000 G/ 3000 Vylepšené riešenie napájania: 12+2 napájacie stupne DrMOS, 8+4 pinové zásuvky ProCool, komponenty TUF vojenskej kvality a Digi+ VRM pre maximálnu odolnosť Komplexné chladenie: chladič VRM, chladič PCH bez ventilátora, duálny M.2 chladiče, hybridné záhlavia ventilátorov a nástroj Fan Xpert 4 Pripojenie novej generácie : PCIe 4.0 M.2, Predné USB Type-C, USB 3.2 Podpora Gen 2 Type-A a Type-C Vytvorené pre online hry: 2.5 Gb Ethernet, TUF LANGuard a technológia Turbo LAN Kodek Realtek S1200A: Prvotriedna kvalita zvuku s bezprecedentným odstupom signál-šum 108 dB pre stereo linkový výstup a 103 dB SNR pre linkový vstup Obojsmerné potlačenie šumu AI: Poskytuje krištáľovo čistú hlasovú komunikáciu v hre TECHNICKÉ ŠPECIFIKÁCIE cPU socket AMD AM4 pre stolové procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000/ 4000 G/ 3000 * * Pozri www. asus. com pre zoznam podpory CPU čipová súprava aMD B550 pamäť stolné procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000/ 3000 4 x DIMM, max. 128GB, DDR4 4600(O.C)/4400(O.C)/4333(O.C.)/4266(O.C.)/4133(O.C.)/4000(O.C.)/3866(O.C.)/3733(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/3466(O.C.)/3333(O.C.)/3200/3000/2933/2800/2666/2400/2133 MHz nevyrovnaná pamäť * Procesory AMD RyzenTM 4000 série G 4 x DIMM, max. 128GB, DDR4 5100(O.C)/4866(O.C)/4600(O.C)/4500(O.C)/4400(O.C)/4333(O.C.)/4266(O.C.)/4200(O.C.)/4133(O.C.)/4000(O.C.)/3866(O.C.)/3733(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/3466(O.C.)/3400(O.C.)/3333(O.C.)/3200/3000/2800/2666/2400/2133 MHz Nevyrovnaná pamäť Dvojkanálová pamäťová architektúra Podpora pamäte ECC (režim ECC) sa líši podľa procesora. * Pozrite si stránku www. asus. com pre zoznamy kvalifikovaných predajcov pamäte (Qualified Vendors Lists). grafika 1 x DisplayPort 1.2 1 x HDMI 2.1 (4K@60HZ ) *Grafické špecifikácie sa môžu u jednotlivých typov procesorov líšiť. podpora viacerých grafických procesorov podporuje technológiu AMD 2-Way CrossFireX rozširujúce sloty stolné procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000/ 3000 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 (režim x16) Procesory AMD RyzenTM 4000 série G 1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 (režim x16) Čipová sada AMD B550 1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 (režim x4) 3 x PCIe 3.0 x1 * Podpora rozdvojenia PCIe pre funkciu RAID na CPU. úložisko celkovo podporuje 2 x M. 2 sloty a 6 portov SATA 6 Gb/s Stolné procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000/ 3000 : 1 x M.2 Socket 3, s kľúčom M, podpora úložných zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIe 4.0 x4) Procesory AMD RyzenTM 4000 série G : 1 x M.2 Zásuvka 3, s kľúčom M, typ 2242/2260/2280/22110(PCIE 3.0 x4 a režimy SATA) podporujú úložné zariadenia Čipová sada AMD B550 : 1 x M.2 Zásuvka 3, s kľúčom M, typ 2242/2260/2280/22110(PCIE 3.0 x4 a režimy SATA) podpora úložných zariadení*2 6 x SATA 6Gb/s port(y), Podpora Raid 0, 1, 10 lAN realtek RTL8125B 2.5Gb Ethernet TUF LANGuard audio realtek ALC S1200A 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC - Podporuje : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking, až 24-Bit/192kHz prehrávanie Audio Feature : - Exclusive DTS Custom for GAMING Headsets. - Optický(-é) výstupný(-é) port(-y) S/PDIF na zadnom paneli - Kryt zvuku - Tienenie zvuku - Vyhradené vrstvy zvukovej dosky plošných spojov - Prémiové japonské zvukové kondenzátory - Unikátny de-pop obvod porty USB zadný port USB (spolu 8 ) 2 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 2 (1 x Type-A +1 x USB Type-C) 2 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 (2 x Type-A) 4 x USB 2.0 portov (4 x typ A) Predný port USB (spolu 7 ) 3 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 (2 x Type-A +1 x Type-C) 4 x USB 2.0 portov (4 x typ A) funkcie softvéru exkluzívny softvér ASUS Armoury Crate - Aura Creator - Aura Sync - Obojsmerné potlačenie hluku AI AI Suite 3 - Nástroj na úsporu výkonu a energie TurboV EVO EPU Digi+ VRM Fan Xpert 4 - EZ update TUF GAMING CPU-Z AI Charger ASUS Turbo LAN DAEMON Tools DTS Custom for GAMING Headsets Antivírusový softvér Norton (skúšobná verzia na 60 dní zdarma) WinRAR UEFI BIOS ASUS EZ DIY - ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 - ASUS EZ Flash 3 xml-ph-0022@deepl.interna špeciálne funkcie ASUS aSUS TUF PROTECTION - ASUS DIGI+ VRM (Digitálny dizajn napájania s Dr. MOS) - ASUS Enhanced DRAM Overcurrent Protection - ASUS ESD Guards - TUF LANGuard - ASUS Overvoltage Protection - ASUS SafeSlot - ASUS Stainless-Steel Back I/O ASUS Q-Design - ASUS Q-DIMM - ASUS Q-LED (CPU [červená], DRAM [žltá], VGA [biela], Boot Device [žltozelená]) - ASUS Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - Aluminum M.2 chladiče ASUS EZ DIY - Tlačidlo BIOS FlashBack™ - BIOS FlashBack™ LED - Procool AURA Sync - Štandardné RGB headery - Adresovateľný RGB header Gen 2 zadné I/O porty 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI 1 x LAN (2.5G) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (teal blue) (1 x Type-A+1 x USB Type-C) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (modrý) Type-A 4 x USB 2.0 (jeden port možno prepnúť na USB BIOS FlashBack™) 1 x optický S/PDIF výstup 5 x audio jack(y) 1 x tlačidlo BIOS FlashBack™ interné porty I/O 1 x konektor(-y) ventilátora CPU 1 x konektor(-y) ventilátora CPU OPT 3 x konektor(-y) ventilátora podvozku 1 x konektor AIO_PUMP 2 x záhlavia Aura RGB Strip 2 x adresovateľné záhlavia Gen 2 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 konektor TypeC™ na prednom paneli 1 x USB 3.2 konektory Gen 1 (do 5 Gb/s) podporujú ďalšie 2 USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 2 x USB 2.0 konektor(y) podporuje(ú) ďalšie 4 USB 2.0 portov 1 x M.2 Socket 3 s kľúčom M, podpora úložných zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIe 4.0 x4 režim) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 s kľúčom M, podpora pamäťových zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIE 3.0 x 4 režim) 1 x M.2 s kľúčom E pre modul Wi-Fi 1 x SPI TPM header 6 x SATA 6Gb/s konektor(y) 1 x Thunderbolt header(y) 1 x 24-pinový EATX Power konektor(y) 1 x 8-pinový ATX 12V Power konektor(y) 1 x 4-pinový ATX 12V Power konektor(y) 1 x Front panel audio konektor(y) (AAFP) 1 x Thermal sensor connector(y) 1 x Clear CMOS jumper(y) 1 x System panel connector 1 x COM port header príslušenstvo príručka používateľa I/O Shield 2 x SATA 6Gb/s kábel(y) 1 x podporné DVD 1 x TUF Gaming Sticker 1 x TUF Certification card(s) 1 x M.2 balíky skrutiek SSD 1 x M.2 gumové obaly bIOS 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS spravovateľnosť wOL prostredníctvom PXE operačný systém windows 10 64-bit faktor formy formát ATX 12 x 9.6 palcov (30.5 x 24.4 cm) poznámka *1 PCIE 3.0 X16_2 beží v režime x1, keď niektorá z kariet PCIe 3.0 x1 slotov je obsadených. *2 M2_2 zdieľa šírku pásma so SATA6G_56. Keď M.2_2 je zaplnený, SATA6G_56 bude deaktivovaný. .
3523 Kč
cena s DPH
Chipset: Intel® B760 Express
Rozměrový formát: Micro ATX (244x244mm)
Podpora pro procesory: 13. a 12. generace Intel® Core™, Pentium® Gold a Celeron®
Patice procesoru: LGA1700
4x DIMM patice podporující až 192GB, DDR5 7600(O.C.)/7400(O.C
3768 Kč
cena s DPH
Intel® Socket LGA 1700:Support 13th and 12th Gen Series Processors
Unparalleled Performance:Hybrid 8+2+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution
Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs XMP Memory Module Support
Next Generation Storage:2*PCIe 4.0 x4
6865 Kč
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3019 Kč
cena s DPH
Supports Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th /12th processors
Unparalleled Performance :Hybrid 6+2+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution
Dual Channel DDR4 :4*DIMMs XMP Memory Module Support
Next Generation Storage :2*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors
M.2 Thermal Guard :To Ensure M.2 SSD Performance
EZ-Latch :PCIe 4.0x16 Slot with Quick Release Design
Fast Networks :2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 6E 802.11ax
Extended Connectivity :Rear USB-C 10Gb/s, DP, HDMI
Smart Fan 6 :Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP
Q-Flash Plus :Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card
LGA1700 socket: Support for the 14th, 13th, and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors L3 cache varies with CPU (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.)
Intel B760 Express Chipset
Support for DDR4 5333(O.C.)/ 5133(O.C.)/ 5000(O.C.)/ 4933(O.C.)/ 4800(O.C.)/ 4700(O.C.)/ 4600(O.C.)/ 4500(O.C.)/ 4400(O.C.)/ 4300(O.C.)/ 4266(O.C.)/ 4133(O.C.)/ 4000(O.C.)/ 3866(O.C.)/ 3800(O.C.)/ 3733(O.C.)/ 3666(O.C.)/ 3600(O.C.)/ 3466(O.C.)/ 3400(O.C.)/ 3333(O.C.)/ 3300(O.C.)/ 3200/ 3000/ 2933/ 2666/ 2400/ 2133 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR DIMM sockets supporting up to 128 GB (32 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (Please refer "Memory Support List" for more information.)
Onboard Graphics
Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.0 version and HDCP 2.3. 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.)
Support for up to triple-display at the same time
Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out
Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps)
Wireless Communication module
AMD Wi-Fi 6E RZ608 (MT7921K) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.2 Support for 11ax 80MHz wireless standard and up to 1.2 Gbps data rate (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.)
Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 (For PCB rev. 1.1) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate
Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (For PCB rev. 1.2) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate
Realtek Wi-Fi 6E RTL8852CE (For PCB rev. 1.3) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate
Expansion Slots
CPU: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x16 Chipset: 2 x PCI Express x1 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1
Storage Interface CPU: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices
Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (3 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers
Internal I/O Connectors
1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 3 x system fan headers 1 x addressable LED strip header 1 x RGB LED strip header 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0 module only) 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper
Back Panel Connectors
2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) 1 x HDMI port 2 x DisplayPorts 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks
I/O Controller
iTE I/O Controller Chip
H/W Monitoring
Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the cooler you install.
1 x 128 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0
Unique Features
Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus
Bundled Software
Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software
Operating System
Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit
Form Factor
Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 24.4cm
233 Kč
cena s DPH
kabel AK-CB052 redukce PCIe na PCIe 2.0, 6pin na 8pin
3455 Kč
cena s DPH
základní deska, MB, ATX, socket LGA1700, Intel B760
3035 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE B760M DS3H Supports Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th /12th processors Unparalleled Performance:Hybrid 6+2+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs XMP Memory Module Support Next Generation Storage:2*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors M.2 Thermal Guard:To Ensure M.2 SSD Performance EZ-Latch:PCIe 4.0x16 Slot with Quick Release Design Fast Networks:2.5GbE LAN Extended Connectivity:Rear USB-C 10Gb/s, DP, HDMI Smart Fan 6:Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus:Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card CPU LGA1700 socket: Support for the 14th, 13th, and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors L3 cache varies with CPU (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.) Chipset Intel B760 Express Chipset Memory 14th and 13th Generation Intel Core™ i9/i7 Processors: Support for DDR5 7600(O.C.) /7400(O.C.) /7200(O.C.) /7000(O.C.) /6800(O.C.) /6600(O.C.) / 6400(O.C.) / 6200(O.C.) / 6000(O.C.) / 5800(O.C.)/ 5600/5200/4800/4400 MT/s memory modules 13th Generation Intel Core™ i5/i3 and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors: Support for DDR5 4800/4400 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: 1 x D-Sub port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920x1200@60 Hz km 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.0 version and HDCP 2.3. 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Support for up to quad-display at the same time Storage CPU: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices Expansion Slots CPU: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x16 Chipset: 2 x PCI Express x1 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out USB Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (3 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 3 x system fan headers 1 x addressable LED strip header 1 x RGB LED strip header 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x parallel port header 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel I/O Ports 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x D-Sub port 1 x HDMI port 2 x DisplayPorts 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the fan you install. BIOS 1 x 128 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor Micro ATX Form Factor 24.4cm x 24.4cm
10825 Kč
cena s DPH
SUPERMICRO MB 1xLGA1151, Z170, 4x DDR4,6xSATA3, 3xPCIe 3.0 x16 (8/4/4),1 x4, 2 x1,1xPCIe M.2,1xLAN,DVI/HDM/DP,HD Audio
15255 Kč
cena s DPH
SUPERMICRO mini-ITX MB Xeon D-1520/1521 (4-core), 4x DDR4 ECC DIMM,6xSATA1x PCI-E 3.0 x16, 2x10GbE LAN,IPMI
2193 Kč
cena s DPH
základní deska, MB, ATX, AM4, AMD B450, Ryzen, 4x DDR4, 2x PCIe x16, 3x PCIe x1, M.2, 6x SATA 6Gb/s, Gb LAN, HDMI, DVI-D, USB-C, 2x USB 3.1 g2, 2x USB 3.1 g1, 2x USB 2.0, 3x audio Jack
2513 Kč
cena s DPH
Základní deska, AMD B550, AM4, 4x DDR4 DIMM (max. 128GB), 2x M.2, Wi-Fi, DVI-D, HDMI, mATX
11799 Kč
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145 Kč
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kabel prodlužovací interní USB konektor, on board USB, délka 40cm
206 Kč
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Vývod pro sériový port RS232 ze základní desky počítače na záslepku.
10825 Kč
cena s DPH
SUPERMICRO MB 1xLGA1151, Z170, 4x DDR4,6xSATA3, 3xPCIe 3.0 x16 (8/4/4),1 x4, 2 x1,1xPCIe M.2,1xLAN,DVI/HDM/DP,HD Audio
6738 Kč
cena s DPH
Gigabyte Z790 AORUS ELITE X WIFI7 Supports Intel Core™ 13th and next-gen processors Digital twin 16+1+2 phases VRM solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs with XMP 3.0 memory module support PCIe UD Slot X: PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with 10X strength for graphics card EZ-Latch Click:M.2 heatsinks with screwless design EZ-Latch Plus:M.2 slots with quick release design UC BIOS:User-Centred intuitive UX with Quick Access function Ultra-Fast Storage:4*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 slots Efficient Overall Thermal:VRM Thermal Armor Advanced & M.2 Thermal Guard L Fast Networking:2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 7 with Ultra-high gain antenna Extended Connectivity:DP, HDMI, Front USB-C 10Gb/s, Rear USB-C 20Gb/s Precision Audio:ALC1220 & Audiophile Grade Capacitors CPU LGA1700 socket: Support for the 13th, and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors L3 cache varies with CPU * Please refer to "CPU Support List" for more information. Chipset Intel Z790 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 8266(O.C) / 8200(O.C) / 8000(O.C) / 7950(O.C) / 7900(O.C) / 7800(O.C) / 7600(O.C.) / 7400(O.C.) / 7200(O.C.) / 7000(O.C.) / 6800(O.C.) / 6600(O.C.) / 6400(O.C.) / 6200(O.C.) / 6000(O.C.) / 5800(O.C.) / 5600(O.C.) / 5400(O.C.) / 5200(O.C.) / 4800 / 4000 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.0 version and HDCP 2.3. - 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek ALC1220-VB CODEC * The back panel line out jack supports DSD audio. High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Intel 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless Communication module MediaTek Wi-Fi 7 MT7927, RZ738 (PCB rev. 1.0) - 802.11a, b, g, n, ac, ax, be, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.3 - Support for 11be 320MHz wireless standard Intel Wi-Fi 7 BE200 (PCB rev. 1.1) - 802.11a, b, g, n, ac, ax, be, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.3 - Support for 11be 320MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) Expansion Slots CPU: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 5.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * For optimum performance, if only one PCI Express graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: - 2 x PCI Express x16 slots, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4_1/PCIEX4_2) Storage Interface CPU: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: - 2 x M.2 connectors (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB, M2Q_SB) - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SATA and PCIe 4.0 x4 SSD support) (M2M_SB) - 6 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices * Refer to "2-8 Internal Connectors," for the installation notices for the M.2 and SATA connectors. USB Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support, available through the internal USB header - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) on the back panel - 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (3 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: - 8 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (4 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connectors 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 3 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 4 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 6 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 2 x Thunderbolt™ add-in card connectors 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/ GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x reset button 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x Clear CMOS button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) jk 1 x HDMI port 1 x DisplayPort 1 x RJ-45 port 1 x optical S/PDIF Out connector 2 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Smart Backup Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
357 Kč
cena s DPH
zadní záslepka do PC case, bracket PCI, 1x USB type-C, interní konektor USB 3.1 Gen2, délka kabelu 50cm, černá
3674 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE B760 GAMING X With the fast-moving technology changes, GIGABYTE always follows the latest trends and provides customers with advanced features and latest technologies. GIGABYTE motherboards are equipped with upgraded power solution, latest storage standards and outstanding connectivity to enable optimized performance for gaming. Supports Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th /12th processors Unparalleled Performance:Hybrid 8+1+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs XMP Memory Module Support Next Generation Storage:3*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors Advanced Thermal Design & M.2 Thermal Guard:To Ensure VRM Power Stability & M.2 SSD Performance EZ-Latch:PCIe 4.0x16 Slot with Quick Release Design Fast Networks:2.5GbE LAN Extended Connectivity:Front USB-C 10Gb/s, DP, HDMI Smart Fan 6:Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus:Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card CPU LGA1700 socket: Support for the 14th, 13th, and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors L3 cache varies with CPU Chipset Intel B760 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 7600(O.C.) /7400(O.C.) /7200(O.C.) /7000(O.C.) /6800(O.C.) /6600(O.C.) / 6400(O.C.) / 6200(O.C.) / 6000(O.C.) / 5800(O.C.) / 5600(O.C.) / 5400(O.C.) / 5200(O.C.) / 4800 / 4000 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3. ** Support native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel Support for S/PDIF Out * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Expansion Slots CPU: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: 2 x PCI Express x16 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_1, PCIEX1_2) Storage Interface CPU: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: 2 x M.2 connectors (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB, M2M_SB) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support, available through the internal USB header 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) on the back panel 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (1 port on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) 1 x USB 2.0/1.1 port on the back panel Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: 8 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (4 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 2 x addressable LED strip headers 2 x RGB LED strip headers 3 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 port 5 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI port 1 x RJ-45 port 6 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
1247 Kč
cena s DPH
AMD FM2+ A-series APU
2493 Kč
cena s DPH
Supports Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th /12th processors
Unparalleled Performance :Hybrid 6+2+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution
Dual Channel DDR4 :2*DIMMs XMP Memory Module Support
Next Generation Storage :2*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors
EZ-Latch :PCIe 4.0x16 Slot with Quick Release Design
Fast Networks :2.5GbE LAN
Extended Connectivity :Rear USB-C 5Gb/s, DP, HDMI, D-Sub
Smart Fan 6 :Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP
Q-Flash Plus :Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card
LGA1700 socket: Support for the 14th, 13th, and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors L3 cache varies with CPU (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.)
Intel B760 Express Chipset
Support for DDR4 5333(O.C.)/ 5133(O.C.)/ 5000(O.C.)/ 4933(O.C.)/ 4800(O.C.)/ 4700(O.C.)/ 4600(O.C.)/ 4500(O.C.)/ 4400(O.C.)/ 4300(O.C.)/ 4266(O.C.)/ 4133(O.C.)/ 4000(O.C.)/ 3866(O.C.)/ 3800(O.C.)/ 3733(O.C.)/ 3666(O.C.)/ 3600(O.C.)/ 3466(O.C.)/ 3400(O.C.)/ 3333(O.C.)/ 3300(O.C.)/ 3200/ 3000/ 2933/ 2666/ 2400/ 2133 MT/s memory modules 2 x DDR4 DIMM sockets supporting up to 64 GB (32 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (Please refer "Memory Support List" for more information.)
Onboard Graphics
Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: 1 x D-Sub port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920x1200@60 Hz 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.0 version and HDCP 2.3. 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Support for up to 3 displays at the same time
Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out
Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps)
Expansion Slots
CPU: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x16 Chipset: 1 x PCI Express x1 slot, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1
Storage Interface
CPU: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices
Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (3 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+USB 2.0 Hubs: 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers
Internal I/O Connectors
1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 3 x system fan headers 1 x addressable LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip headers 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper
Back Panel Connectors
2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x D-Sub port 1 x HDMI port 1 x DisplayPort 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks
I/O Controller
iTE I/O Controller Chip
H/W Monitoring
Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the fan you install.
1 x 128 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0
Unique Features
Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus
Bundled Software
Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software
Operating System
Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit
Form Factor
Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 22.5cm
1289 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE A520M K V2 (rev. 1.0)
Chipset: AMD A520
Rozměrový formát: Micro ATX (233x198mm)
Podpora pro procesory: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series a Ryzen™ 3000 Series
Patice procesoru: AM4
2x DIMM patice p
3019 Kč
cena s DPH
Patice LGA1700: Podpora procesorů Intel® Core ™, Pentium® Gold a Celeron® 13. a 12. generace
L3 cache se liší podle CPU
(Další informace naleznete v části „Seznam podpory CPU“.)
Čipová sada
Čipová sada Intel® B760 Express
230 Kč
cena s DPH
kabelová redukce z USB 3.0 19pin konektoru na USB 2.0 9pin header konektor, délka 10cm
2669 Kč
cena s DPH
B550 GAMING X V2 AMD B550 Gaming Motherboard with 10+3 Phases Digital Twin Power Design, Enlarged Surface Heatsinks, PCIe 4.0 x16 Slot, Dual PCIe 4.0/3.0 x4 M.2, Realtek GbE LAN with Bandwidth Management, Front USB Type-C™, RGB FUSION 2.0, Q-Flash Plus Supports AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/ Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/ Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series/ Ryzen™ 3000 and Ryzen™ 3000 G-Series Processors Dual Channel ECC/ Non-ECC Unbuffered DDR4, 4 DIMMs 10+3 Phases Digital Twin Power Design with Low RDS(on) MOSFETs Ultra Durable™ PCIe 4.0 Ready x16 Slot Dual Ultra-Fast NVMe PCIe 4.0/3.0 x4 M.2 Connectors Realtek GbE LAN with Bandwidth Management Front USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C™ and HDMI & DVI-D for Multiple Display High Quality Audio Capacitors and Audio Noise Guard for Ultimate Audio Quality RGB FUSION 2.0 support Addressable LED & RGB LED Strips Smart Fan 5 Features Multiple Temperature Sensors , Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus Update BIOS without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card Anti-Sulfur Resistors Design This MB has several revisions, you can see the differences in the below CPU AMD Socket AM4, support for: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/ Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/ Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series, Ryzen™ 3000 Series and Ryzen™ 3000 G-Series Processors Socket AM4 (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.) Chipset AMD B550 Memory 4 x DDR4 DIMM sockets supporting up to 128 GB (32 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Support for DDR4 4733(O.C.) / 4600(O.C.) / 4400(O.C.) / 4266(O.C.) / 4133(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3866(O.C.) / 3733(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3466(O.C) / 3400(O.C.) / 3200 / 2933 / 2667 / 2400 / 2133 MHz memory modules Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules* * ECC memory (ECC mode) support varies by CPU Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (Please refer "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor with AMD Radeon™ Graphics support: 1 x DVI-D port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920x1200@60 Hz * The DVI-D port does not support D-Sub connection by adapter. 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version, HDCP 2.3, and HDR. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Maximum shared memory of 16 GB Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. LAN Realtek GbE LAN chip (1 Gbps/100 Mbps/10 Mbps) Expansion Slots 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX16), integrated in the CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series* and Ryzen™ 3000 Series Processors support PCIe 4.0 x16 mode * Actual support may vary by AMD CPU s specification. AMD Ryzen™ Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series and Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series Processors support PCIe 3.0 x16 mode * For optimum performance, if only one PCI Express graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX2), integrated in the Chipset: Supporting PCIe 3.0 x2 mode 3 x PCI Express x1 slots (PCIEX1_1, PCIEX1_2, PCIEX1_3), integrated in the Chipset: Supporting PCIe 3.0 x1 mode Storage Interface 1 x M.2 connector (M2A_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 SSDs: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series and Ryzen™ 3000 Series Processors support SATA and PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen™ Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series and Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series Processors support SATA and PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2B_SB), integrated in the Chipset, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 SSDs: Supporting SATA and PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 SSDs 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors, integrated in the Chipset: Support for RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 USB CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/3000 Series Processors support one USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port on the back panel AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/4000 G-Series/3000 G-Series Processors support one USB 3.2 Gen 1 port on the back panel 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports on the back panel Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports available through the internal USB header 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (2 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x water cooling CPU fan header 3 x system fan headers 2 x addressable LED strip headers 2 x RGB LED strip headers 1 x CPU cooler LED strip/RGB LED strip header 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module (TPM) header (2x6 pin, for the GC-TPM2.0_S module only) 1 x Clear CMOS jumper *All fan headers are subject to support AIO_Pump, Pump and high performance fan with the capability of delivering up to 2A/12V @ 24W. Back Panel Connectors 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x DVI-D port 1 x HDMI port 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A*/USB 3.2 Gen 1 port * For AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/3000 Series Processors only. 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Overheating warning Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the cooler you install. BIOS 1 x 128 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for APP Center * Available applications in APP Center may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. @BIOS EasyTune RGB Fusion Smart Backup System Information Viewer Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Q-Flash Support for Xpress Install Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
6547 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock Z890 Steel Legend WiFi; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto...
3584 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE B760M GAMING X AX Intel Socket LGA 1700:Supports Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th /12th processors Unparalleled Performance:Hybrid 8+1+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs XMP Memory Module Support Next Generation Storage:2*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors Advanced Thermal Design & M.2Thermal Guard :To Ensure VRM Power Stability & M.2 SSD Performance EZ-Latch:PCIe 4.0x16 Slot with Quick Release Design Fast Networks:2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 6E 802.11ax Extended Connectivity:Front USB-C 10Gb/s, DP, HDMI Smart Fan 6:Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus:Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card CPU LGA1700 socket: Support for the 13th and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors L3 cache varies with CPU (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.) Chipset Intel B760 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 7600(O.C.) /7400(O.C.) /7200(O.C.) /7000(O.C.) /6800(O.C.) /6600(O.C.) / 6400(O.C.) / 6200(O.C.) / 6000(O.C.) / 5800(O.C.) / 5600(O.C.) / 5400(O.C.) / 5200(O.C.) / 4800 / 4000 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.0 version and HDCP 2.3. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless LAN Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3
Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate Realtek Wi-Fi 6E RTL8852CE WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) Expansion Slots CPU: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * For optimum performance, if only one PCI Express graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4) Storage CPU: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support, available through the internal USB header 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (3 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) 1 x USB 2.0/1.1 port on the back panel Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: 8 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (4 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 3 x system fan headers 2 x addressable LED strip headers 2 x RGB LED strip headers 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 2 x Thunderbolt™ add-in card connectors 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 5 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) 1 x HDMI 2.0 port 1 x DisplayPort 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the fan you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 24.4cm
5035 Kč
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ProArt B760-CREATOR D4
Intel Socket LGA1700 for 13th Gen Intel Core™ Processors & 12 th Gen Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors
Supports Intel 10 nm CPU
Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 and Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0**
* Refer to www.asus.com for CPU support list.
** Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 support depends on the CPU types.
Intel B760
4 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 Non-ECC, Un-buffered Memory*
Dual Channel Memory Architecture
Supports Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP)
OptiMem II
* Supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules vary devpending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information please refer to CPU/Memory Support under the Support tab or visit https://www.asus.com/support/ .
1 x HDMI port**
1 x DisplayPort port***
* Graphics specifications may vary between CPU types. Please refer to www.intel.com for any updates.
** Support 4K@60Hz as specified in HDMI 2.1.
*** Support max. 8K@60Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4.
Expansion Slots
Intel 13 th & 12 th Gen Processors
1 x PCIe 5.0/4.0/3.0 x16 slot
Intel B760 Chipset*
1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slot (supports x4 mode)
1 x PCIe 3.0 x1 slot**
** PCIe X1 shares bandwidth with M.2_2. PCIe X1 will be disable when M.2_2 runs at PCIe x4 mode by manually enabled.
Total supports 3 x M.2 slots and 4x SATA 6Gb/s ports*
Intel 13 th & 12 th Gen Processors
M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280/22110
- Intel 13 th & 12 th Gen processors support PCIe 4.0 x4 mode.
Intel B760 Chipset**
M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (supports PCIe 3.0 x4 mode)***
M.2_3 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode)
4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports***
* Intel Rapid Storage Technology supports SATA RAID 0/1/5/10.
*** M.2_2 slot shares bandwidth with PCIe X1 and WiFi Key E. M.2_2 will run at PCI 3.0 x2 mode either a device is detected at PCIe x1 or WiFi Key E slot.
1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet
1 x Intel 1Gb Ethernet
Wireless & Bluetooth
M.2 slot only (Key E, PCIe)* *Wi-Fi module is sold separately.
Rear USB (Total 9 ports)
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C port
4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (4 x Type-A)
4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A)
Front USB (Total 7 ports)
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 connector (supports USB Type-C )
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header supports additional 2 x USB 3.2 Gen1 ports
2 x USB 2.0 headers support additional 4 USB 2.0 ports
Realtek 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC* - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking - Supports up to 24-Bit/192 kHz playback
Audio Features
- Premium audio capacitors
- Dedicated audio PCB layers
- Audio cover
- Unique de-pop circuit
Back Panel I/O Ports
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 port (1 x USB Type-C)
4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (4 x Type-A)
4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A)
1 x DisplayPort
1 x HDMI port
1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet port
1 x Intel 1Gb Ethernet port
5 x Audio jacks
1 x Optical S/PDIF out port
Internal I/O Connectors
Fan and Cooling related
1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header
1 x 4-pin CPU OPT Fan header
1 x 4-pin AIO Pump header
4 x 4-pin Chassis Fan headers
Power related
1 x 24-pin Main Power connector
1 x 8-pin +12V Power connector
1 x 4-pin +12V Power connector
Storage related
3 x M.2 slots (Key M)
4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 connector (supports USB Type-C )
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header supports additional 2 x USB 3.2 Gen1 ports
2 x USB 2.0 headers support additional 4 USB 2.0 ports
3 x Addressable Gen 2 headers
1 x AURA RGB header
1 x Clear CMOS header
1 x COM Port header
1 x Front Panel Audio header (AAFP)
1 x M.2 slot (Key E)
1 x SPI TPM header (14-1pin)
1 x 20-5 pin System Panel header
1 x Thermal Sensor header
1 x Thunderbolt™ header
Special Features
- DIGI+ VRM (- Digital power design with DrMOS)
- Enhanced DRAM Overcurrent Protection
- ESD Guards
- LANGuard
- Overvoltage Protection
- SafeSlot
- Stainless-Steel Back I/O
ASUS Q-Design
- M.2 Q-Latch
- Q-Connector
- Q-LED (CPU [red], DRAM [yellow], VGA [white], Boot Device [yellow green])
- Q-Slot
ASUS Thermal Solution
- Flexible M.2 heatsink
- VRM heatsink design
- ProCool
- Pre-mounted I/O shield
- AURA RGB header
- Addressable Gen 2 headers
Software Features
ASUS Exclusive Software
Armoury Crate
- AURA Creator
- AURA Sync
- Fan Xpert 4
- Power Saving
- Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation
AI Suite 3
- Performance And Power Saving Utility
Turbo app
IT Management software supported
- ASUS Control Center Express(ACCE)
ProArt Creator Hub
Norton 360 Deluxe (60 Days Free Trial)
- ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3
- ASUS EZ Flash 3
128 Mb
2 x SATA 6Gb/s cables
2 x M.2 Rubber packages
1 x Screw package for M.2 Key E
1 x ProArt ruler
1 x Q-connector
1 x ACC Express Activation Key Card
1 x User guide
Operating System
Windows 11 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
Form Factor
ATX Form Factor
12 inch x 9.6 inch ( 30.5 cm x 24.4 cm )
28442 Kč
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AMD WRX80 Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO extended-ATX workstation motherboard with Intel dual 10G LAN, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C port, 7 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slots, 3 x M.2 PCIe 4.0, ASMB9-iKVM, 2 x U.2 and 16 power stages, and WIFI 6E
AMD sWRX8 Socket : Ready for AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Series Processors, with overclocking available to dip into untapped potential and performance
Ultrafast connectivity : USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C port, 10 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports, 3 x M.2 PCIe 4.0, HYPER M.2 x16 Gen 4 card and Intel X550-AT2 dual 10Gb Ethernet, WiFi 6E
ASMB9-iKVM remote management : AST-2500 BMC chip to provide intelligence for its IPMI architecture for out-of-band management to enhance hardware-level control for improved IT efficiency
Powerful performance : 16 power stages, multi-GPU support and R-DIMM memory support
Trusted stability : Tested for 24/7 dependability, validated for solid compatibility and equipped with SafeSlot for ultimate security
AMD Socket sWRX8 for AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Series Processors* * Refer to www.asus.com for CPU support list.
AMD WRX80 Chipset
8 x DDR4 8 x DIMM, Max. 2048GB, DDR4 Non-ECC and ECC Unbuffered DIMM* 8 x DIMM, Max. 2048GB, DDR4 ECC R-DIMM and LR-DIMM* 8 Channel Memory Architecture * Supported memory types, data rate(Speed), and number of DRAM modules vary depending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information refer to www.asus.com for memory support list.
Expansion Slots
AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Series Processors 7 x PCIe 4.0/3.0 x16 slot(s)* * Support PCIe bandwidth bifurcation for RAID on CPU function.
Multi-GPU Support
Supports NVIDIA 4-Way/3-Way/2-Way SLI Technology
Total supports 3 x M.2 slots and 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Series Processors M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 & SATA modes) M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 & SATA modes) U.2_1 slot supports U.2 NVMe device and up to 4 SATA devices* AMD WRX80 Chipset M.2_3 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 & SATA modes) U.2_2 slot supports U.2 NVMe device and up to 4 SATA devices* 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports ASMedia ASM1061 Controller 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports
Supports NVMe RAID configurations via M.2 storages *The U.2_1 slot shares bandwidth with M.2_2, U.2_2 slot shares bandwidth with M.2_3. When M.2_2 slot is being populated, U.2_1 slot will be disabled. When M.2_3 slot is being populated, U.2_2 slot will be disabled. Each U.2 slots can support up to 4 SATA devices via a transfer cable. the cable is perchased seperately.
1 x Intel X550-AT2 dual 10Gb Ethernet
Wireless & Bluetooth
Wi-Fi 6E 2x2 Wi-Fi 6E (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax) Supports 2.4/5/6GHz frequency band* Bluetooth v5.3** * WiFi 6E 6GHz regulatory may vary between countries. ** The Bluetooth version may vary, please refer to the Wi-Fi module manufacturer s website for the latest specifications.
Rear USB (Total 10 ports) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 port (1 x USB Type-C) 9 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports (8 x Type-A + 1 x USB Type-C)
Front USB (Total 7 ports) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 connector (suppport USB Type-C) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header support additional 2 USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support additional 4 USB 2.0 ports
Relatek ALC4080 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC - Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking - High quality 120 dB SNR stereo playback output and 113 dB SNR recording input - Supports up to 32-Bit/384 kHz playback
Back Panel I/O Ports
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 port(s) (1 x USB Type-C) 9 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 port(s) (8 x Type-A+ 1 x USB Type-C) 1 x Wi-Fi Module 2 x Intel X550-AT2 dual 10Gb Ethernet ports 5 x Audio jacks 1 x Optical S/PDIF out port 1 x BIOS FlashBack™ button 1 x Clear CMOS button
Internal I/O Connectors
Fan and Cooling related 1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header(s) 1 x 4-pin CPU OPT Fan header(s) 6 x 4-pin Chassis Fan header(s) 1 x VRM heatsink Fan header 1 x Chipset Fan header Power related 1 x 24-pin Main Power connector 2 x 8-pin +12V Power connector 2 x 6-pin PCIe Graphics Card connector 1 x 8-pin PCIe Power connector Storage related 3 x M.2 slots (Key M) 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports 2 x U.2 slots USB 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 connector (support(s) USB Type-C) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0 header(s) support(s) additional 4 USB 2.0 ports BMC Related 1 x BMC switch 1 x IPMI switch 1 x Messange LED header 1 x Micro SD card socket 2 x LAN LED header(s) 1 x Location LED header 1 x Location button header 1 x PSU_SMB header 1 x SMART_PSU switch 1 x VGA switch 1 x VGA header 1 x VPP_I2C header Miscellaneous 1 x COM Port header 1 x FlexKey button 1 x Front Panel Audio header (AAFP) 1 x SPI TPM header (14-1pin) 1 x Start button 1 x 20-3 pin System Panel header with Chassis intrude function 1 x RTC Battery header 1 x Thermal Sensor header
Special Features
ASUS Q-Design - Q-Code - Q-Connector - Q-DIMM - Q-LED (CPU [red], DRAM [yellow], VGA [white], Boot Device [yellow green]) - Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - M.2 heatsink ASUS EZ DIY - BIOS FlashBack™ button - BIOS FlashBack™ LED - Clear CMOS button - ProCool II - Pre-mounted I/O shield - SafeSlot Bespoke Motherboard Design & Business Focused Features - Event Log in ASMB9-iKVM - 24/7 Reliability - Overcurrent Protection ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet
Software Features
ASUS Exclusive Software Armoury Crate ASUS CPU-Z AI Charger ASUS Turbo LAN DAEMON Tools DTS:X Ultra Norton Anti-virus software (Free Trial version) WinRAR UEFI BIOS ASUS EZ DIY - ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 - ASUS EZ Flash 3 - ASUS UEFI BIOS EZ Mode
Cables 6 x SATA 6Gb/s cables 1 x VGA cable Miscellaneous 1 x ASUS 2x2 Dual-Band Wi-Fi moving antennas 1 x Hyper M.2 X16 Gen 4 Card 4 x M.2 SSD screw packages for Hyper M.2 X16 Gen 4 Card 3 x Q Latch 7 x M.2 Rubber Packages 1 x Q-connector Installation Media 1 x Support DVD Documentation 1 x User manual
Operating System
Windows 11 Windows 10 64-bit
Form Factor
EATX(EEB) Form Factor 12.2 inch x 13 inch ( 30.98 cm x 33.02 cm )
4060 Kč
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B760M Steel Legend WiFi
Supports 13th Gen & 12th Gen Intel Core™ Processors (LGA1700)
12+1+1 Power Phase, Dr.MOS for VCore+GT
Supports DDR5 7200MHz (OC)
1 PCIe 5.0 x16, 1 PCIe 4.0 x1
Graphics Output Options: HDMI, DisplayPort, eDP
Realtek ALC897 7.1 CH HD Audio Codec, Nahimic Audio
4 SATA3, 3 Hyper M.2 (PCIe Gen4x4)
2 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C (1 Rear, 1 Front),
1 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A (Rear),
6 USB 3.2 Gen1 (4 Rear, 2 Front),
6 USB 2.0 (2 Rear, 4 Front)
Dragon 2.5G LAN, 802.11ax (WiFi 6E) + Bluetooth 5.3
Supports ASRock Auto Driver Installer
Unique Feature
Superb Productivity - PCIe Gen5 (Graphics) - Dual Channel DDR5 Rock-Solid Durability - 12+1+1 Power Phase, 50A Dr.MOS for VCore+GT - Flexible Integrated I/O Shield - Nichicon 12K Black Caps (100% Japan made high quality conductive polymer capacitors) for VCore Ultrafast Connectivity - 2.5G LAN, 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6E Module EZ Update - ASRock Auto Driver Installer EZ Troubleshooter - ASRock Post Status Checker
- Supports 13th Gen & 12th Gen Intel Core™ Processors (LGA1700) - Supports Intel Hybrid Technology - Supports Intel Turbo Boost Max 3.0 Technology - Supports Intel Thermal Velocity Boost (TVB) - Supports Intel Adaptive Boost Technology (ABT)
- Intel B760
- Dual Channel DDR5 Memory Technology - 4 x DDR5 DIMM Slots - Supports DDR5 non-ECC, un-buffered memory up to 7200+(OC)* - Max. capacity of system memory: 128GB - Supports Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) 3.0
*1DPC 1R Up to 7200+ MHz (OC), 4800 MHz Natively. 1DPC 2R Up to 6000+ MHz (OC), 4400 MHz Natively. 2DPC 1R Up to 5600+ MHz (OC), 4000 MHz Natively. 2DPC 2R Up to 4800+ MHz (OC), 3600 MHz Natively.
- 128Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS with GUI support
- Intel Xe Graphics Architecture (Gen 12) - 1 x eDP 1.4, supports max. resolution up to Full HD 60Hz - 1 x HDMI 2.1 TMDS Compatible, supports HDCP 2.3 and max. resolution up to 4K 60Hz - 1 x DisplayPort 1.4 with DSC (compressed), supports HDCP 2.3 and max. resolution up to 8K 60Hz / 5K 120Hz
*Intel UHD Graphics Built-in Visuals and the VGA outputs can be supported only with processors which are GPU integrated.
- 7.1 CH HD Audio (Realtek ALC897 Audio Codec) - Nahimic Audio
- 2.5 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000/2500 Mb/s - Dragon RTL8125BG - Supports Dragon 2.5G LAN Software - Smart Auto Adjust Bandwidth Control - Visual User Friendly UI - Visual Network Usage Statistics - Optimized Default Setting for Game, Browser, and Streaming Modes - User Customized Priority Control
Wireless LAN
- 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6E Module - Supports IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax - Supports Dual-Band 2x2 with extended 6GHz band support* - 2 antennas to support 2 (Transmit) x 2 (Receive) diversity technology - Supports Bluetooth 5.3 + High speed class II - Supports MU-MIMO
*Wi-Fi 6E (6GHz band) will be supported by Microsoft Windows 11. The availability will depend on the different regulation status of each country and region. It will be activated (for supported countries) through Windows Update and software updates once available. A 6GHz compatible router is required for 6E functionality.
CPU: - 1 x PCIe 5.0 x16 Slot (PCIE1), supports x16 mode* Chipset: - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x1 Slot (PCIE2)* - 1 x M.2 Socket (Key E), supports type 2230 WiFi/BT PCIe WiFi module and Intel CNVio/CNVio2 (Integrated WiFi/BT) - 15µ Gold Contact in VGA PCIe Slot (PCIE1)
*Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks
CPU: - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_1, Key M), supports type 2260/2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* Chipset: - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_2, Key M), supports type 2260/2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_3, Key M), supports type 2260/2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* - 4 x SATA3 6.0 Gb/s Connectors
*Supports Intel Volume Management Device (VMD) Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks
- Supports RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 and RAID 10 for SATA storage devices
- 2 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C (1 Rear, 1 Front) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A (Rear) - 6 x USB 3.2 Gen1 (4 Rear, 2 Front) - 6 x USB 2.0 (2 Rear, 4 Front) * All USB ports support ESD Protection
- 1 x eDP Signal Connector - 1 x SPI TPM Header - 1 x Chassis Intrusion and Speaker Header - 1 x RGB LED Header* - 3 x Addressable LED Headers** - 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin)*** - 1 x CPU/Water Pump Fan Connector (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)**** - 3 x Chassis/Water Pump Fan Connectors (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)***** - 1 x 24 pin ATX Power Connector (Hi-Density Power Connector) - 2 x 8 pin 12V Power Connectors (Hi-Density Power Connector) - 1 x Front Panel Audio Connector - 2 x USB 2.0 Headers (Support 4 USB 2.0 ports) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Header (Supports 2 USB 3.2 Gen1 ports) - 1 x Front Panel Type C USB 3.2 Gen2 Header (10 Gb/s)
*Supports in total up to 12V/3A, 36W LED Strip
**Support in total up to 5V/3A, 15W LED Strip
***CPU_FAN1 supports the fan power up to 1A (12W).
****CPU_FAN2/WP supports the fan power up to 2A (24W).
*****CHA_FAN1~3/WP support the fan power up to 2A (24W). CPU_FAN2/WP and CHA_FAN1~3/WP can auto detect if 3-pin or 4-pin fan is in use.
Rear Panel I/O
- 2 x Antenna Ports - 1 x PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port - 1 x HDMI Port - 1 x DisplayPort 1.4 - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A Port (10 Gb/s) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C Port (10 Gb/s) - 4 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Ports - 2 x USB 2.0 Ports - 1 x RJ-45 LAN Port - HD Audio Jacks: Line in / Front Speaker / Microphone
Software and UEFI
Software - ASRock Motherboard Utility (A-Tuning) - ASRock Dragon 2.5G LAN Software - ASRock Polychrome SYNC* UEFI - ASRock EZ Mode - ASRock Full HD UEFI - ASRock My Favorites in UEFI - ASRock Auto Driver Installer - ASRock Instant Flash - ASRock Easy RAID Installer
*These utilities can be downloaded from ASRock Live Update & APP Shop.
- 1 x User Manual - 2 x SATA Data Cables - 2 x ASRock WiFi 2.4/5/6 GHz Antennas - 3 x Screws for M.2 Sockets - 3 x Standoffs for M.2 Sockets
Form Factor
- Micro ATX Form Factor: 9.6-in x 9.6-in, 24.4 cm x 24.4 cm - 2oz Copper PCB
- Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit / 11 64-bit
- FCC, CE - ErP/EuP ready (ErP/EuP ready power supply is required)
21654 Kč
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základní deska, formát E-ATX, s. AM5, AMD X870E, 4x DDR5
7784 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE X870 AORUS ELITE WIFI7 ICE AMD Socket AM5:Supports AMD Ryzen™ 9000 / 8000 / 7000 Series Processors Digital twin 16+2+2 phases VRM solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs with AMD EXPO™ Memory Module Support WIFI EZ-Plug: Quick and easy design for Wi-Fi antenna installation EZ-Latch Plus:PCIe and M.2 slots with Quick Release & Screwless Design EZ-Latch Click:M.2 heatsinks with screwless design Sensor Panel Link:Onboard video port for hassle-free in-chassis panel setup Friendly UI: Multi-Theme, AIO Fan Control, and Q-Flash Plus Auto Scan in BIOS and SW Ultra-Fast Storage:4*M.2 slots, including 3* PCIe 5.0 x4 Efficient Thermal:VRM Thermal Armor Advanced & M.2 Thermal Guard L Fast Networking:2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 7 with directional Ultra-high gain antenna Extended Connectivity:Dual USB4 Type-C with DP-Alt, HDMI Reliable Audio:Realtek ALC1220 HD Audio & Audiophile Grade Capacitors Ultra Durable PCIe Armor : The metal back plate of PCIe x16 slot for enhanced durability PCIe UD Slot X: PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with 10X strength for graphics card CPU AMD Socket AM5, support for: AMD Ryzen™ 9000 Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Processors (Go to GIGABYTE s website for the latest CPU support list.) Chipset AMD X870 Memory Support for DDR5 8000(OC) / 7800(OC) / 7600(OC) / 7200(OC) / 7000(OC) / 6800(OC) / 6666(OC) / 6600(OC) / 6400(OC) / 6200(OC) / 6000(OC) / 5600(OC) / 5200 / 4800 / 4400 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 256 GB (64 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for AMD EXtended Profiles for Overclocking (AMD EXPO™) and Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" on GIGABYTE s website for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor with AMD Radeon™ Graphics support+ASMedia USB4 Controller: - 2 x USB4 USB Type-C ports, supporting USB4 and DisplayPort video outputs and a maximum resolution of 3840x2160@240 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.4 version and HDR. Integrated Graphics Processor with AMD Radeon™ Graphics support: - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version, HDCP 2.3, and HDR. ** Support native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. - 1 x front HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920x1080@30 Hz * Support for HDMI 1.4 version (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Support for up to quad-display at the same time Audio Realtek ALC1220 CODEC * The back panel line out jack supports DSD audio. High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless Communication module MediaTek Wi-Fi 7 MT7925 (PCB rev. 1.0) - WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.4 - Support for 11be 160MHz wireless standard Realtek Wi-Fi 7 RTL8922AE (PCB rev. 1.1) - WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.4 - Support for 11be 160MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) * Wi-Fi 7 features require Windows 11 SV3 to function properly. (There is no support driver for Windows 10.) **Wi-Fi 7 channels on 6 GHz band availability depends on individual country s regulations. Expansion Slots 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX16), integrated in the CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x16 mode * The M2B_CPU and M2C_CPU connectors share bandwidth with the PCIEX16 slot. When the M2B_CPU or M2C_CPU connector is populated, the PCIEX16 slot operates at up to x8 mode. AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x8 mode AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4 mode (The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot.) Chipset: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4) * The PCIEX4 slot shares bandwidth with the M2D_SB connector. The PCIEX4 slot becomes unavailable when a device is installed in the M2D_SB connector. - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x2 (PCIEX2) Storage Interface 1 x M.2 connector (M2A_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 SSDs: AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs 2 x M.2 connectors (M2B_CPU, M2C_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SSDs: AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSDs * The M2B_CPU and M2C_CPU connectors become unavailable when an AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1/Phoenix 2 processor is used. 1 x M.2 connector (M2D_SB), integrated in the Chipset, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices * RAID 5 is only available on AMD Ryzen™ 9000 Series Processors. RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB CPU+ASMedia USB4 controller: - 2 x USB4 USB Type-C ports on the back panel CPU+USB 3.2 Gen 1 Hub: - 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports on the back panel CPU+USB 2.0 Hub: - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support, available through the internal USB header - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) on the back panel - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports available through the internal USB header - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connectors 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 4 x system fan headers 2 x system fan/water cooling pump headers 3 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 4 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x noise detection header 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x HDMI port (Note) 1 x power button 1 x reset button 2 x temperature sensor headers 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x HDMI port (Note) 2 x antenna connectors (2T2R) 2 x USB4 USB Type-C ports (DisplayPort (Note)) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x RJ-45 port 1 x optical S/PDIF Out connector 2 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan(pump) you install. Noise detection BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications
4042 Kč
cena s DPH
MSI B760 GAMING PLUS WIFI; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto výs...
6704 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock Z890 Lightning WiFi; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto vý...
293 Kč
cena s DPH
TPM modul, šifrovací klíč, 2.0, LPC rozhraní, pro základní desky ASRock s čipovou sadou X299 a novější, bulk balení
3877 Kč
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B550 AORUS ELITE AX V2 AMD B550 AORUS Motherboard with 12+2 Phases Digital Twin Power Design, Enlarged Surface Heatsinks, Dual PCIe 4.0/3.0 x4 M.2 with Dual Thermal Guards, AMD WiFi 6E 802.11ax, 2.5GbE LAN, Front USB Type-C™, RGB FUSION 2.0, Q-Flash Plus Supports AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/ Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/ Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series/ Ryzen™ 3000 and Ryzen™ 3000 G-Series Processors Dual Channel ECC/ Non-ECC Unbuffered DDR4, 4 DIMMs 12+2 Phases Digital Twin Power Design with 50A DrMOS Advanced Thermal Design with Enlarged Surface Heatsinks Ultra Durable™ PCIe 4.0 x16 Slot Dual Ultra-Fast NVMe PCIe 4.0/3.0 x4 M.2 with Dual Thermal Guards Onboard AMD WiFi 6E 802.11ax & BT 5.2 AMP-UP Audio with ALC1200 and WIMA Capacitors Blazing Fast 2.5GbE LAN with Bandwidth Management Front USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C™ and DisplayPort & HDMI for Multiple Display RGB FUSION 2.0 Supports Addressable LED & RGB LED Strips Smart Fan 5 Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus Update BIOS without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card Pre-installed IO Shield for Easy and Quick Installation This MB has several revisions, you can see the differences in the below CPU AMD Socket AM4, support for: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/ Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/ Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series, Ryzen™ 3000 Series and Ryzen™ 3000 G-Series Processors Socket AM4 (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.) Chipset AMD B550 Memory 4 x DDR4 DIMM sockets supporting up to 128 GB (32 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Support for DDR4 4733(O.C.) / 4600(O.C.) / 4400(O.C.) / 4266(O.C.) / 4133(O.C.) / 4000(O.C.) / 3866(O.C.) / 3733(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) / 3466(O.C) / 3400(O.C.) / 3200 / 2933 / 2667 / 2400 / 2133 MHz memory modules Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules* * ECC memory (ECC mode) support varies by CPU Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (Please refer "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor: 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 5120x2880@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.4 version, HDCP 2.3, and HDR. 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version, HDCP 2.3, and HDR. Maximum shared memory of 16 GB Audio PCB Rev. 1.5, 1.4 Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel Support for S/PDIF Out PCB Rev. 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0 Realtek ALC1200 codec High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbit/1 Gbit/100 Mbit) Wireless Communication module PCB Rev. 1.5, 1.4 Realtek Wi-Fi 6E RTL8852CE WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.2 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate PCB Rev. 1.3 Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate PCB Rev. 1.2, 1.1 AMD Wi-Fi 6E RZ608 (MT7921K) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.2 Support for 11ax 80MHz wireless standard and up to 1.2 Gbps data rate PCB Rev. 1.0 Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 WIFI a, b, g, n, ac with wave 2 features, ax, supporting 2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band BLUETOOTH 5 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate * Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment. Expansion Slots 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX16), integrated in the CPU: - AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series* and Ryzen™ 3000 Series Processors support PCIe 4.0 x16 mode * Actual support may vary by AMD CPU s specification - AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/4000 G-Series/3000 G-Series Processors support PCIe 3.0 x16 mode * For optimum performance, if only one PCI Express graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX2), integrated in the Chipset: - Supporting PCIe 3.0 x2 mode 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX1_2), integrated in the Chipset: - Supporting PCIe 3.0 x1 mode 1 x PCI Express x1 slot (PCIEX1_1), integrated in the Chipset: - Supporting PCIe 3.0 x1 mode Storage Interface 1 x M.2 connector (M2A_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 SSDs: - AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/3000 Series Processors support SATA and PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs - AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/4000 G-Series/3000 G-Series Processors support SATA and PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2B_SB), integrated in the Chipset, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 SSDs: - Supporting SATA and PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 SSDs 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors, integrated in the Chipset: - Support for RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 USB CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/3000 Series Processors support two USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) on the back panel AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series/4000 G-Series/3000 G-Series Processors support two USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (red) on the back panel 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports on the back panel Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C™ port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 port on the back panel 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports available through the internal USB header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+USB 2.0 Hub: 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x CPU fan header 1 x water cooling CPU fan header 3 x system fan headers 1 x CPU cooler LED strip/RGB LED strip header 2 x addressable LED strip headers 2 x RGB LED strip headers 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C™ port, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module (TPM) header (2x6 pin, for the GC-TPM2.0_S module only) 1 x Clear CMOS jumper *All fan headers are subject to support AIO_Pump, Pump and high performance fan with the capability of delivering up to 2A/12V @ 24W. Back Panel Connectors 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI port 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A*/USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (red) * For AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series/3000 Series Processors only. 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x RJ-45 port 1 x optical S/PDIF Out connector 5 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Overheating warning Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the fan you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for APP Center * Available applications in APP Center may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. @BIOS EasyTune RGB Fusion Smart Backup System Information Viewer Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Q-Flash Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
5131 Kč
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CPU Support Intel® Core™ 14th/ 13th/ 12th Gen Processors, Intel® Pentium® Gold and Celeron® Processors
LGA 1700
MEMORY 4x DDR5, Maximum Memory Capacity 192GB
Memory Support 7000+(OC)/ 6800(OC)/ 6600(OC)/ 6400(OC)/ 6200(OC)/ 6000(OC)
7502 Kč
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GIGABYTE B650E AORUS STEALTH ICE AMD Socket AM5:Supports AMD Ryzen™ 9000/8000/ 7000 Series Processors Digital twin 12+2+2 phases VRM solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs with AMD EXPO™Memory Module Support PCIe UD Slot X: PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with 10X strength for graphics card WIFI EZ-Plug: Quick and easy design for Wi-Fi antenna installation M.2 EZ-Match: Magnetic alignment for easy installation of large heat sinks EZ-Latch Click:M.2 heatsinks with screwless design EZ-Latch Plus:M.2 slots with Quick Release & Screwless Design Sensor Panel Link:Onboard video port for hassle-free in-chassis panel setup UC BIOS:User-Centred intuitive UX with Quick Access function Back Plate : With an iron base plate providing enhanced stability and support, this design not only boasts an attractive appearance but also excels in functionality Ultra-Fast Storage:3*M.2 slots, including 1* PCIe 5.0 x4 Efficient Overall Thermal:VRM Thermal Armor Advanced & M.2 Thermal Guard XL Fast Networking:2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 7 with Ultra-high gain directional antenna Extended Connectivity:HDMI, Onboard HDMI, USB-C with DP-Alt Reliable Audio:8-Ch HD Audio & Audiophile Grade Capacitors World s First true White Reverse Connector Motherboard CPU AMD Socket AM5, support for: AMD Ryzen™ 9000 Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Processors (Go to GIGABYTE s website for the latest CPU support list.) Chipset AMD B650 Memory Support for DDR5 8000(OC)/ 7800(OC)/ 7600(OC)/ 7200(OC)/ 7000(OC)/ 6800(OC)/ 6666(OC)/ 6600(OC)/ 6400(OC)/ 6200(OC)/ 6000(OC)/ 5600(OC)/ 5200/4800/4400 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity)of system memoryDual channel memory architecture Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support forAMD EXtended Profiles for Overclocking (AMD EXPO™) and Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU andmemory configurationmay affect the supportedmemory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" on GIGABYTE s website for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor with AMD Radeon™ Graphics support: - 1 x USB Type-C port, supporting USB 3.2 Gen 2 and DisplayPort video outputs and a maximum resolution of 3840x2160@144 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.4 version and HDR. - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3. ** Support for native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. - 1 x Front HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920x1080@30 Hz * Support for HDMI 1.4 version (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software.To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless Communication module MediaTek Wi-Fi 7 MT7925 - 802.11a, b, g, n, ac, ax, be, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.4 - Support for 11be 160MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) * Wi-Fi 7 features require Windows 11 SV3 to function properly. (There is no support driver for Windows 10.) ** Wi-Fi 7 channels on 6 GHz band availability depends on individual country s regulations. Expansion Slots 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX16), integrated in the CPU: - AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x16 mode - AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x8 mode - AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4 mode * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. Storage Interface 1 x M.2 connector (M2A_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 SSDs: - AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSDs - AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series- Phoenix 1/ Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0x4/x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2B_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SSDs: - AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs - AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs - AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2C_SB), integrated in the Chipset, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB CPU: - 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 (Note1) - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) on the back panel CPU + USB 2.0 Hub: - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support, available through the internal USB header - 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (1 port on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Chipset+USB 3.2 Gen 1 Hub: - 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports on the back panel (Note 1) This USB Type-C port supports a maximum speed of 40Gbps. Actual support may vary by CPU. Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 2 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 3 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted PlatformModule header (For theGC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x HDMI port (Note2) 1 x reset button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper (Note 2) Only available with the AMD Radeon™ Graphics Processors. Back Panel Connectors 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) 1 x HDMI port 1 x USB Type-C port (DisplayPort) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan(pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Form Factor E-ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
2022 Kč
cena s DPH
MSI PRO A620M-B The PRO Series is tailored to professionals from all walks of life. The lineup features impressive performance and high quality, while aiming to provide users incredible experience. Users who care about productivity and efficiency can definitely count on the MSI PRO Series to assist you with multitasking and increasing efficiency. Supports AMD Ryzen 9000 / 8000 / 7000 Series Desktop Processors Supports DDR5 Memory, Dual Channel DDR5 6800+MHz (OC) Core Boost : With premium layout and digital power design to support more cores and provide better performance Memory Boost: Advanced technology to deliver pure data signals for the best performance, stability and compatibility Lightning Fast Game experience: PCIe 4.0 slot, Lightning Gen4x4 M.2 AUDIO BOOST: Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality for the most immersive gaming experience Steel Armor: Protecting VGA cards against bending and EMI for better performance, stability and strength CPU Supports AMD Ryzen™ 9000/ 8000/ 7000 Series Desktop Processors Socket AM5 Memory 2x DDR5, Maximum Memory Capacity 128GB Memory Support DDR5 6800+(OC)/ 6600(OC)/ 6400(OC)/ 6200(OC)/ 6000(OC)/ 5800(OC)/ 5600(OC)/ 5400(OC)/ 5200(OC)/ 5000(OC)/ 4800(JEDEC) MT/s Max. overclocking frequency: • 1DPC 1R Max speed up to 6800+ MHz • 1DPC 2R Max speed up to 6000+ MHz Supports Dual-Channel mode Supports non-ECC, un-buffered memory Supports AMD EXPO Onboard Graphics 1x HDMI™ Support HDMITM 2.1, maximum resolution of 4K 60Hz* 1x VGA Support VGA, maximum resolution of 2048x1536 50Hz, 2048x1280 60Hz, 1920x1200 60Hz *Available only on processors featuring integrated graphics. Graphics specifications may vary depending on the CPU installed. Slot 1x PCI-E x16 slot • Supports x16 (For Ryzen™ 9000 and 7000 Series processors) • Supports x8 (For Ryzen™ 8700/ 8600/ 8400 Series processors) • Supports x4 (For Ryzen™ 8500/ 8300 Series processors) 1x PCI-E x1 slot PCI_E1 Gen PCIe 4.0 supports up to x16 (From CPU) PCI_E2 Gen PCIe 3.0 supports up to x1 (From Chipset) Audio Realtek ALC897 Codec 7.1-Channel High Definition Audio Storage 1x M.2 M.2_1 Source (From CPU) supports up to PCIe 4.0 x4 , supports 2280/2260 devices 4x SATA 6G RAID Supports RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 10 for SATA storage devices USB 2x USB 2.0 (Rear) 4x USB 2.0 (Front) 4x USB 5Gbps Type A (Rear) 2x USB 5Gbps Type A (Front) LAN Realtek RTL8125BG 2.5G LAN Internal IO 1x Power Connector(ATX_PWR) 1x Power Connector(CPU_PWR) 1x CPU Fan 2x System Fan 2x Front Panel (JFP) 1x Chassis Intrusion (JCI) 1x Front Audio (JAUD) 1x Com Port (JCOM) 1x Addressable V2 RGB LED connector (JARGB_V2) 1x RGB LED connector(JRGB) 1x TPM pin header(Support TPM 2.0) 4x USB 2.0 ports 2x USB 5Gbps Type A ports LED FEATURE 4x EZ Debug LED BACK PANEL PORTS HDMI™ VGA Keyboard/Mouse USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gbps (Type-A) LAN port Audio connectors USB 2.0 OPERATING SYSTEM Support for Windows 11 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit FORM Factor mATX 215mmx243.84mm
3180 Kč
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Chipset: Intel® B760
Rozměrový formát: ATX (304,8x243,84mm)
3737 Kč
cena s DPH
* Smart Fan 6
* Q-Flash Plus
* EZ-Latch
Chipset: AMD B650...
5866 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock Z890 Pro RS WiFi White; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto...
17072 Kč
cena s DPH
Product SKUs
Physical Stats
Form Factor Proprietary ...
6907 Kč
cena s DPH
ASUS PRIME X870-P ASUS Prime series motherboards are expertly engineered to unleash the full potential of AMD Ryzen 9000 series processors. Boasting a robust power design, comprehensive cooling solutions and intelligent tuning options, the PRIME X870-P motherboard provides users and PC DIY builders with a range of performance optimizations via intuitive software and firmware features. It s designed to be Advanced AI PC-ready, offering the power and connectivity needed for demanding AI applications. CPU AMD Socket AM5 for AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 8000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors* * Refer to https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/ for CPU support list. Chipset AMD X870 Chipset Memory 4 x DIMM slots, max. 192GB, DDR5 Supports up to 8000+MT/s(OC) with Ryzen™ 9000 & 8000 & 7000 Series Processors ECC and Non-ECC, Un-buffered DIMM* Dual channel memory architecture Supports AMD Extended Profiles for Overclocking (EXPO™) ASUS Enhanced Memory Profile (AEMP) * Supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules vary depending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information please refer to CPU/Memory Support list under the Support tab of product information site or visit https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/. * Non-ECC, un-buffered DDR5 memory supports On-Die ECC function. Graphics 1 x HDMI™ port** 2 x USB4 (40Gbps) ports support USB Type-C display outputs*** * Graphics specifications may vary between CPU types. Please refer to AMD CPU specifications. ** Supports 4K@60Hz as specified in HDMI 2.1. *** Supports max. 4K@60Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4a. **** VGA resolution support depends on processors or graphic cards resolution. Expansion Slots AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors* 1 x PCIe 5.0 x16 slot (supports x16 mode) AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Desktop Processors 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slot (supports x8/x4 mode)** AMD X870 Chipset 2 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slots (support x1 mode)*** * Please check the PCIe bifurcation table on the support site (https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1037507/). ** Specifications vary by CPU types. *** PCIEX16(G4)_1 and PCIEX16(G4)_2 share bandwidth with M.2_3. PCIEX16(G4)_1 and PCIEX16(G4)_2 will be disabled when M.2_3 runs. - To ensure compatibility of the device installed, please refer to https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/ for the list of supported peripherals. Storage Supports 4 x M.2 slots and 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports* AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 5.0 x4 mode) AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Desktop Processors M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) AMD X870 Chipset M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) M.2_3 slot (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode)** M.2_4 slot (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 3.0 x2 mode)*** 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports*** * AMD RAIDXpert2 Technology supports both PCIe RAID 0/1/5/10 and SATA RAID 0/1. RAID 5 Function is only supportted by AMD Ryzen™ 9000 series CPU. ** PCIEX16(G4)_1 and PCIEX16(G4)_2 share bandwidth with M.2_3. PCIEX16(G4)_1 and PCIEX16(G4)_2 will be disabled when M.2_3 runs. *** M.2_4 shares bandwidth with SATA6G_1 and SATA6G_2. M.2_4 will be disabled when SATA6G_1 or SATA6G_2 runs. Ethernet 1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet ASUS LANGuard USB Rear USB (Total 10 ports) 2 x USB4 (40Gbps) ports (2 x USB Type-C) 1 x USB 10Gbps port (1 x Type-A) 3 x USB 5Gbps ports (3 x Type-A) 4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A) Front USB (Total 7 ports) 1 x USB 10Gbps connector (supports USB Type-C) 1 x USB 5Gbps header supports 2 additional USB 5Gbps ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports * USB Type-C power delivery output: max. 5V/3A Audio Realtek 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC* - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking - Supports up to 24-Bit/192 kHz playback Audio Features - Audio Shielding - Premium audio capacitors - Dedicated audio PCB layers * A chassis with an HD audio module in the front panel is required to support 7.1 Surround Sound audio output. Back Panel I/O Ports 2 x USB4 (40Gbps) ports (2 x USB Type-C) 1 x USB 10Gbps port (1 x Type-A) 3 x USB 5Gbps ports (3 x Type-A) 4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A) 1 x HDMI™ port 1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet port 3 x Audio jacks 1 x BIOS FlashBack™ button Internal I/O Connectors Fan and Cooling Related 1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header 1 x 4-pin CPU OPT Fan header 1 x 4-pin AIO Pump header 4 x 4-pin Chassis Fan headers Power Related 1 x 24-pin Main Power connector 2 x 8-pin +12V CPU Power connectors Storage Related 4 x M.2 slots (Key M) 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports USB 1 x USB 10Gbps connector (supports USB Type-C) 1 x USB 5Gbps header supports 2 additional USB 5Gbps ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports Miscellaneous 3 x Addressable Gen 2 headers 1 x Clear CMOS header 1 x COM Port header 1 x Front Panel Audio header (F_AUDIO) 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x SPI TPM header (14-1 pin) 1 x 10-1 pin System Panel header Special Features ASUS 5X PROTECTION III - DIGI+ VRM (- Digital power design with DrMOS) - LANGuard - Overvoltage protection - SafeSlot - Stainless-steel back I/O ASUS Q-Design - M.2 Q-Latch - PCIe Slot Q-Release - Q-Dashboard - Q-DIMM - Q-LED Core - Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - Flexible M.2 heatsink - VRM heatsink design ASUS EZ DIY - BIOS FlashBack™ button - BIOS FlashBack™ LED - ProCool - Pre-mounted I/O shield - SafeSlot Aura Sync - Addressable Gen 2 headers Software Features ASUS Exclusive Software Armoury Crate - Aura Creator - Aura Sync - Fan Xpert 4 (with AI Cooling II) - Power Saving ASUS DriverHub ASUS GlideX TurboV Core ASUS CPU-Z Norton 360 for Deluxe (60 Days Free Trial) WinRAR (40 Days Free Trial) UEFI BIOS ASUS EZ DIY - ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 - ASUS EZ Flash 3 - ASUS UEFI BIOS EZ Mode - ASUS MyHotkey BIOS 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS Manageability WOL by PME, PXE Accessories Cables 2 x SATA 6Gb/s cables Miscellaneous 1 x M.2 rubber package 2 x Screw packages for M.2 SSD Documentation 1 x Quick start guide Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor 12 inch x 9.6 inch ( 30.5 cm x 24.4 cm )
3886 Kč
cena s DPH
ROG STRIX B550-A GAMING Základná doska AMD B550 Ryzen AM4 Gaming ATX s rozhraním PCIe 4.0, tímové výkonové stupne, Intel 2.5Gb Ethernet, duálny M.2 s chladičmi, SATA 6 Gb/s, USB 3.2 Gen 2 a Aura Sync RGB Socket AMD AM4: pripravený pre stolové procesory Ryzen™ radu 5000/ 4000 G/ 3000 Najlepšie herné pripojenie : PCIe 4.0-ready, dual M.2, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C plus HDMI™ 2.1 a DisplayPort 1.podpora 2 výstupov Bezproblémové pripojenie k sieti: Intel 2.5Gb Ethernet s ASUS LANGuard Robustné riešenie napájania: Tímové napájacie stupne s napájacím konektorom ProCool, vysokokvalitné zliatinové tlmivky a odolné kondenzátory Renomovaný softvér: Intuitívne ovládacie panely pre UEFI BIOS a ASUS AI Networking uľahčujú konfiguráciu herných zostáv Konštrukcia vhodná pre domácich majstrov: Obsahuje predmontovaný I/O štít, BIOS FlashBack™, Q-LED a SafeSlot Bezkonkurenčná personalizácia: exkluzívne osvetlenie Aura Sync RGB od spoločnosti ASUS vrátane hlavičky Aura RGB a adresovateľnej hlavičky RGB Gen 2 Špičkový herný zvuk : mikrofón s potlačením šumu AI, kodek SupremeFX S1220A, DTS Sound Unbound™ a Sonic Studio III pre pohlcujúci zvuk TECHNICKÉ ŠPECIFIKÁCIE CPU * Pozrite si stránku www. asus. com pre zoznam podporovaných procesorov Socket AMD AM4 pre stolové procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000/ 4000 G/ 3000 čipová súprava AMD B550 pamäť 4 x DIMM, max. 128GB, DDR4 4600(O.C)/4400(O.C)/4133(O.C.)/4000(O.C.)/3866(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/3466(O.C.)/3200/3000/2800/2666/2400/2133 MHz Nevyrovnaná pamäť 4 x DIMM, max. 128GB, DDR4 5100(O.C)/4800(O.C.)/4600(O.C)/4400(O.C)/4133(O.C.)/4000(O.C.)/3866(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/3466(O.C.)/3200/3000/2800/2666/2400/2133 MHz Nevyrovnaná pamäť Dvojkanálová pamäťová architektúra OptiMem II Podpora pamäte ECC (režim ECC) sa líši podľa procesora. * Pozrite si stránku www. asus. com pre zoznamy kvalifikovaných predajcov pamäte (Qualified Vendors Lists). Procesory AMD RyzenTM 4000 radu G grafika Integrovaný grafický procesor 1 x DisplayPort 1.2 1 x HDMI 2.1 (4K@60HZ ) *Grafické špecifikácie sa môžu u jednotlivých typov procesorov líšiť. podpora viacerých grafických procesorov Podporuje technológiu AMD 2-Way CrossFireX rozširujúce sloty 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 (režim x16) Čipová sada AMD B550 1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 (režim x4) * 3 x PCIe 3.0 x1 1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 (režim x16) Stolné procesory AMD Ryzen™ série 5000/ 3000 úložisko Celkovo podporuje 2 x M. 2 sloty a 6 portov SATA 6 Gb/s Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie: 1 x M.2_1 zásuvka 3, s kľúčom M, podpora úložných zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIe 4.0 x4) Procesory AMD Ryzen™ 3. generácie s grafikou Radeon™: 1 x M.2_1 zásuvka 3, s kľúčom M, podpora pamäťových zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIE 3.0 x 4 režim)* Čipová sada AMD B550: 1 x M.2_2 zásuvka 3, s kľúčom M, podpora pamäťových zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIE 3.0 x 4 režim) 6 x SATA 6Gb/s port(y), Podpora Raid 0, 1, 10 lAN Intel I225-V 2.5Gb Ethernet ASUS LANGuard audio ROG SupremeFX 8-kanálový zvukový kódovač s vysokým rozlíšením S1220A - Duálne OP zosilňovače - Snímanie impedancie pre predné a zadné výstupy slúchadiel - Podporuje : detekciu jackov, Multi-streaming, prepínanie jackov na prednom paneli - Vysokokvalitný 120 dB SNR stereo výstup prehrávania a 113 dB SNR vstup pre nahrávanie - Podporuje prehrávanie až do 32-Bit/192 kHz * Audio funkcie: - Technológia SupremeFX Shielding™ - Pozlátené konektory - Optický S/PDIF vstupný port(y) na zadnom paneli - Tienenie zvuku - Prémiové japonské zvukové kondenzátory - Kryt zvuku * Z dôvodu obmedzení šírky pásma HDA nie je pre 8-kanálový zvuk podporovaný 32-Bit/192 kHz. porty USB Zadný port USB (spolu 8 ) 2 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 2 (1 x Type-A +1 x USB Type-C) 4 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 (4 x Type-A) 2 x USB 2.0 portov Predný port USB (spolu 6 ) 2 x USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 4 x USB 2.0 portov funkcie softvéru Exkluzívny softvér ROG - RAMCache III - ROG CPU-Z - GameFirst VI - Sonic Studio III + Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer - Sonic Radar III - DTS Sound Unbound - Overwolf - Antivírusový softvér Exkluzívne softvérové funkcie ASUS Armoury Crate - Aura Creator - Aura Sync - AI Noise Cancelling Microphone AI Suite 3: - PPSU EPU DIGI+ VRM Fan Xpert 4 TurboV EVO - EZ update WinRAR UEFI BIOS ASUS EZ DIY xml-ph-0023@d špeciálne funkcie ASUS Aura Sync - Štandardný(é) RGB header(y) - Adresovateľný(é) RGB header(y) Gen 2 ASUS Q-Design - ASUS Q-DIMM - ASUS Q-LED (DRAM [žltá],CPU [červená], VGA [biela], Boot Device [žltozelená]) - ASUS Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - Hliníkový M.2 chladiče ASUS EZ DIY -Tlačidlo BIOS FlashBack™ -BIOS FlashBack™ LED -Clear CMOS header -ProCool -Predmontovaný I/O shield - SafeSlot zadné I/O porty 1 x Intel I225-V 2.5Gb Ethernet 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (1 x Type-A+1 x USB Type-C) 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 2 x USB 2.0 1 x optický S/PDIF výstup 1 x tlačidlo (tlačidlá) BIOS FlashBack™ 5 x pozlátené audio konektory interné porty I/O 1 x konektor(-y) ventilátora CPU 1 x konektor(-y) ventilátora CPU OPT 3 x konektor(-y) ventilátora šasi 1 x konektor AIO_PUMP 1 x konektor AAFP 2 x záhlavie(-a) pásu Aura RGB 1 x adresovateľné záhlavie(-a) Gen 2 1 x USB 3.2 konektory Gen 1 (do 5 Gb/s) podporujú ďalšie 2 USB 3.2 porty Gen 1 2 x USB 2.0 konektor(y) podporuje(ú) ďalšie 4 USB 2.0 portov 1 x M.2 Socket 1 s kľúčom M, podpora úložných zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIe 4.0 x4 režim) 1 x M.2 Socket 2 s kľúčom M, podpora pamäťových zariadení typu 2242/2260/2280/22110 (SATA a PCIE 3.0 x 4 režimy) 6 x SATA 6Gb/s konektor(y) 1 x Thunderbolt header(y) 1 x 24-pinový EATX Power konektor(y) 1 x 8-pinový ATX 12V Power konektor(y) 1 x 4-pinový ATX 12V Power konektor(y) 1 x systémový panel(y) 1 x Thermal sensor connector(y) 1 x Clear CMOS jumper(y) príslušenstvo Používateľská príručka 4 x kábel(y) SATA 6 Gb/s 1 x podporné DVD 1 x nálepky ROG Strix 1 x balenie káblových pások 1 x predlžovací kábel pre adresovateľnú LED 1 x ROG Thank you card 1 x M.2 balíky skrutiek SSD 1 x M.2 gumové obaly bIOS 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS spravovateľnosť WOL podľa PME, PXE operačný systém Windows 10 64-bit faktor formy Formát ATX 12 palcov x 9.6 palcov (30.5 cm x 24.4 cm) poznámka * Zdieľanie šírky pásma s PCIe3.0 x1_1, PCIe3.0 x1_2, PCIe3.0 x1_3 * Keď sa M.2_2 Zásuvka 3 je zaplnená , porty SATA6G_5/6 budú deaktivované. .
2042 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE N4120I H (rev. 1.0)
pevné kondenzátory s ochranou proti vlhkosti Nový design PCB ze skleněné tkaniny
Chipset: Intel®
Rozměrový formát: mini-ITX (170x170mm)
Procesor: vestavěný procesor Intel® Quad-Core Celeron® N4120 (2,6GHz) 4MB mezipaměti
9382 Kč
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SUPERMICRO MB 1xLGA1151 (Xeon E3-21xx,i3), C246, 4xDDR4, 8xSATA3, 2x M.2, 2xPCIe3.0 x8, VGA, 4x LAN, IPMI
3455 Kč
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GIGABYTE B650M D3HP AX (rev. 1.0)
* Smart Fan 6
* Q-Flash Plus
Chipset: AMD B650
4131 Kč
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ASRock B650M PG Riptide; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto výst...
6127 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock Z890 Livemixer WiFi; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto v...
4198 Kč
cena s DPH
MSI B650M GAMING PLUS WIFI/AM5/mATX www.mader.cz
3744 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock B860 Pro-A; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto výstupy nef...
7460 Kč
cena s DPH
MSI MAG Z890 TOMAHAWK WIFI, Intel Z890, LGA1851, 4xDDR5, ATX
4051 Kč
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GIGABYTE B860 DS3H Supports Intel Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2) Hybrid 8+1+2 phases VRM solution D5 Bionic Corsa for Infinite Memory Performance AI Perfdrive : Provides optimal and customized BIOS preset profile for users EZ-Latch : PCIe x16 Slot with Quick Release Design Friendly UI : Multi-Theme, AIO Fan Control, and Q-Flash Auto Scan in BIOS and SW Ultra-Fast Storage : 2*M.2 slots, including 1* PCIe 5.0 x4 M.2 Thermal Guard : To Ensure M.2 SSD Performance Fast Networking : 2.5GbE LAN Extended Connectivity : DisplayPort, HDMI CPU LGA1851 socket: Support for Intel Core™ Ultra Processors (Go to GIGABYTE s website for the latest CPU support list.) L3 cache varies with CPU Chipset Intel B860 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 9066(O.C)/8800(O.C) /8600(O.C) / 8400(O.C) /8266(O.C) / 8200(O.C) / 8000(O.C) / 7950(O.C) / 7900(O.C) / 7800(O.C) / 7600(O.C.) / 7400(O.C.) / 7200(O.C.) / 7000(O.C.) / 6800(O.C.) / 6600(O.C.) / 6400 / 5600 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 256 GB (64 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" on GIGABYTE s website for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3. - 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 3840x2160@144 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 2.1 version. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Expansion Slots CPU: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 5.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: - 4 x PCI Express x16 slots, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_1~PCIEX1_4) Storage Interface CPU: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) - 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) on the back panel - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports available through the internal USB header - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+USB 2.0 Hub: - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 2 x system fan headers 2 x system fan/water cooling pump headers 3 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x HDMI port* 1 x DisplayPort* 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x RJ-45 port 2 x antenna connectors (2T2R) 3 x audio jacks * Actual support may vary by CPU. I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Smart Backup Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit * The Intel NPU driver is only supported on Windows 11. Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
1668 Kč
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ASRock H610M-HDV/M.2 R2.0 Supports 14th, 13th & 12th Gen Intel Core™ Processors (LGA1700) 6+1+1 Phase Power Design Supports DDR4 3200MHz 1 PCIe 4.0 x16, 1 PCIe 3.0 x1 Graphics Output Options: HDMI, DisplayPort, D-Sub Realtek ALC897 7.1 CH HD Audio Codec CPU - Supports 14th, 13th & 12th Gen Intel Core™ Processors (LGA1700) - 6+1+1 Power Phase design - Supports Intel Hybrid Technology - Supports Intel Turbo Boost Max 3.0 Technology Chipset - Intel H610 Memory - Dual Channel DDR4 Memory Technology - 2 x DDR4 DIMM Slots - Supports DDR4 non-ECC, un-buffered memory up to 3200 - Supports ECC UDIMM memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) - Max. capacity of system memory: 64GB* - Supports Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) 2.0 Graphics - Intel Xe Graphics Architecture (Gen 12) - Three graphics output options: D-Sub, HDMI and DisplayPort 1.4 - Supports HDMI 2.1 TMDS Compatible with max. resolution up to 4K x 2K (4096x2160) @ 60Hz - Supports DisplayPort 1.4 with DSC (compressed) max. resolution up to 8K (7680x4320) @ 60Hz / 5K (5120x3200) @ 120Hz - Supports D-Sub with max. resolution up to 1920x1200 @ 60Hz - Supports HDCP 2.3 with HDMI 2.1 TMDS Compatible and DisplayPort 1.4 Ports Expansion Slots CPU: - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 Slot (PCIE2), supports x16 mode* Chipset: - 1 x PCIe 3.0 x1 Slot (PCIE1) Storage Chipset: - 1 x Ultra M.2 Socket (M2_2, Key M), supports type 2242/2260/2280 PCIe Gen3x4 (32 Gb/s) mode* - 4 x SATA3 6.0 Gb/s Connectors Ethernet - PCIE x1 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000 Mb/s - 1 x Realtek RTL8111H - Supports Wake-On-LAN - Supports Lightning/ESD Protection - Supports Energy Efficient Ethernet 802.3az - Supports PXE Audio - 7.1 CH HD Audio (Realtek ALC897 Audio Codec) - Supports Surge Protection Back Panel I/O Ports - 1 x PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port - 1 x D-Sub Port - 1 x HDMI Port - 1 x DisplayPort 1.4 - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Ports (Supports ESD Protection) - 4 x USB 2.0 Ports (Supports ESD Protection) - 1 x RJ-45 LAN Port with LED (ACT/LINK LED and SPEED LED) - HD Audio Jacks: Line in / Front Speaker / Microphone Internal I/O Connectors - 1 x SPI TPM Header - 1 x Chassis Intrusion and Speaker Header - 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin)* - 1 x Chassis/Water Pump Fan Connector (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)** - 1 x 24 pin ATX Power Connector - 1 x 8 pin 12V Power Connector - 1 x Front Panel Audio Connector - 1 x USB 2.0 Header (Supports 2 USB 2.0 ports) (Supports ESD Protection) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Header (Supports 2 USB 3.2 Gen1 ports) (Supports ESD Protection) Special Features ASRock Super Alloy - Premium Power Choke - Sapphire Black PCB - High Density Glass Fabric PCB ASRock Ultra M.2 (PCIe Gen3x4) ASRock Full Spike Protection (for all USB, Audio, LAN Ports) ASRock Live Update & APP Shop Software Features Software - ASRock Motherboard Utility (A-Tuning) - ASRock XFast LAN UEFI - ASRock EZ Mode - ASRock Full HD UEFI - ASRock My Favorites in UEFI - ASRock Instant Flash BIOS - 128Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS with multilingual GUI support - ACPI 6.0 Compliant wake up events - SMBIOS 2.7 Support - CPU Core/Cache, CPU Core/Cache Load-Line, CPU GT, CPU GT Load-Line, DRAM, +0.82V PCH, +1.05V PCH, VCCIN AUX, +1.8V PROC, +1.05V PROC Voltage Multi-adjustment Hardware Monitor - Fan Tachometer: CPU, Chassis/Water Pump Fans - Quiet Fan (Auto adjust chassis fan speed by CPU temperature): CPU, Chassis/Water Pump Fans - Fan Multi-Speed Control: CPU, Chassis/Water Pump Fans - CASE OPEN detection - Voltage monitoring: CPU Vcore, DRAM, +0.82V PCH, +1.05V PCH, VCCIN AUX, VCCSA, +1.05V PROC, +12V, +5V, +3.3V Accessories - Quick Installation Guide, Support CD, I/O Shield - 2 x SATA Data Cables - 1 x Screw for M.2 Socket Operating System - Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit Certifications - FCC, CE - ErP/EuP ready (ErP/EuP ready power supply is required) Form Factor - Micro ATX Form Factor: 8.66-in x 7.6-in, 22.0 cm x 19.3 cm - Solid Capacitor design
1183 Kč
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Balíček Surveillance Virtual Device License Pack - elektronická licence
Licenční balíčky pro s...
9915 Kč
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ASRock Z890 Taichi Lite; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto výstu...
4866 Kč
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GIGABYTE B850 EAGLE WIFI6E X3D Turbo Mode : Unleash new era gaming performance DDR5 OC up to 8200MT/s AMD Socket AM5 : Supports AMD Ryzen™ 9000 / 8000 / 7000 Series Processors Digital twin 8+2+2 phases VRM solution Dual Channel DDR5 : 4*DIMMs with AMD EXPO™Memory Module Support WIFI EZ-Plug : Quick and easy design for Wi-Fi antenna installation EZ-Latch Plus : PCIe and M.2 slots with Quick Release & Screwless Design EZ-Latch Click : M.2 heatsinks with screwless design Friendly UI : Multi-Theme, AIO Fan Control, and Q-Flash Auto Scan in BIOS and SW. Ultra-Fast Storage : 3*M.2 slots, including PCIe 5.0 x4 Efficient Thermal : VRM Thermal Armor Advanced & M.2 Thermal Guard Fast Networking : GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 6E with directional Ultra-high gain antenna Extended Connectivity : HDMI, Displayport PCIe UD Slot : PCIe 5.0 x16 slots with 10X strength for graphics card & Better Heat dissipation effect CPU AMD Socket AM5, support for: AMD Ryzen™ 9000 Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Processors (Go to GIGABYTE s website for the latest CPU support list.) Chipset AMD B850 Memory Support for DDR5 8200(O.C) / 8000(O.C) / 7950(O.C) / 7900(O.C) / 7800(O.C) / 7600(O.C.) / 7400(O.C.) / 7200(O.C.) / 7000(O.C.) / 6800(O.C.) / 6600(O.C.) / 6400(O.C) / 6200(O.C) / 6000(O.C) / 5800(O.C) / 5600(O.C) / 5200 / 4800 / 4400 MT/s memory modules. 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 256 GB (64 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for AMD EXtended Profiles for Overclocking (AMD EXPO™) and Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" on GIGABYTE s website for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor with AMD Radeon™ Graphics support: - 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 3840x2160@144 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.4 version and HDR. - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version, HDCP 2.3, and HDR. ** Support for native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. LAN Realtek GbE LAN chip (1 Gbps/100 Mbps/10 Mbps) Wireless Communication module Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 (PCB rev. 1.0) - WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.3 - Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard Realtek Wi-Fi 6E RTL8852CE (PCB rev. 1.1) - WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.3 - Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) Expansion Slots 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX16), integrated in the CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x16 mode AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x8 mode AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4 mode * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: - 3 x PCI Express x16 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_1, PCIEX1_2, PCIEX1_3) Storage Interface 1 x M.2 connector (M2A_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SSDs: AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2B_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SSDs: AMD Ryzen™ 9000/7000 Series Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2C_SB), integrated in the Chipset, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x2 SSDs 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices * RAID 5 is only available on AMD Ryzen™ 9000 Series Processors. RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB CPU: - 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) on the back panel Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header - 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (2 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+USB 2.0 Hub: - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x 4-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 3 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 3 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x reset button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x DisplayPort* 1 x HDMI port* 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x RJ-45 port 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x antenna connectors (2T2R) 3 x audio jacks * Actual support may vary by CPU. I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Smart Backup Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
7198 Kč
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ASUS ROG STRIX B850-A GAMING WIFI Elevate your build with the ROG Strix B850-A Gaming WiFi. Featuring a sleek white PCB and support for AMD Ryzen™ 9000 Series processors, this motherboard delivers the power and connectivity needed for advanced AI applications. With DDR5 support, full PCIe 5.0 capabilities, USB 20Gbps port, and WiFi 7, it s the ultimate blend of style and performance. CPU AMD Socket AM5 for AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 8000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors* * Refer to https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/ for CPU support list. Chipset AMD B850 Chipset Memory 4 x DIMM slots, max. 192GB, DDR5 Supports up to 8000+MT/s (OC) with Ryzen™ 9000 & 8000 & 7000 Series Processors ECC and Non-ECC, Un-buffered DIMM Dual channel memory architecture Supports AMD Extended Profiles for Overclocking (EXPO™) ASUS Enhanced Memory Profile (AEMP) * Supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules vary depending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information please refer to CPU/Memory Support list under the Support tab of product information site or visit https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/. ** Non-ECC, un-buffered DDR5 memory supports On-Die ECC function. Graphics 1 x DisplayPort* 1 x HDMI™ port** - Graphics specifications may vary between CPU types. Please refer to AMD CPU specifications. * Supports max. 8K@30Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4 ** Supports 4K@60Hz as specified in HDMI 2.1 *** VGA resolution support depends on processors or graphic cards resolution. Expansion Slots AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors 1 x PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with Q-Release Slim AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Desktop Processors 1 x PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with Q-Rlease Slim (supports PCIe 4.0 x8 or x4 mode)* AMD B850 Chipset 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slot (supports x4 mode)** * Specifications vary by CPU types. ** PCIEX16(G4) slot (supports x4 mode) from AMD B850 Chipset shares bandwidth with M.2_3 - To ensure compatibility of the device installed, please refer to https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/ for the list of supported peripherals. Storage Total supports 4 x M.2 slots and 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports AMD Ryzen™ 7000 & 9000 Series Desktop Processors M.2_1 (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 5.0x4 mode) M.2_2 (Key M), type 2280/22110 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Desktop Processors M.2_1 (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0x4 mode) M.2_2 (Key M), type 2280/22110 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 mode)* AMD B850 Chipset M.2_3 (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4)** M.2_4 (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4) 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports * Specifications vary by CPU types. ** M.2_3 slot shares bandwidth with PCIEX16(G4). When PCIEX16(G4) slot is operating, M.2_3 will be disabled. AMD RAIDXpert2 Technology Ryzen™ 9000 Series Processors: RAID 0/1/5/10 Ryzen™ 8000 Series Processors: RAID 0/1 Ryzen™ 7000 Series Processors: RAID 0/1/10 Ethernet 1 x Intel 2.5Gb Ethernet ASUS LANGuard Wireless & Bluetooth Wi-Fi 7* 2x2 Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) Supports 2.4/5/6GHz frequency band** Supports Wi-Fi 7 160MHz bandwidth, up to 2.9Gbps transfer rate. Bluetooth v5.4*** *Wi-Fi features may vary depending on the operating system For Windows 11, Wi-Fi 7 will require 24H2 or later version for full functions, Windows 11 21H2/22H2/23H2 only supports Wi-Fi 6E. For Windows 10, only Wi-Fi 6 is supported. ** Wi-Fi 6GHz frequency band and bandwidth regulatory may vary between countries. *** The Bluetooth version may vary, please refer to the Wi-Fi module manufacturer s website for the latest specifications. USB Rear USB (Total 10 ports) 1 x USB 20Gbps port (1 x USB Type-C) 3 x USB 10Gbps ports (2 x Type-A + 1 x USB Type-C) 4 x USB 5Gbps ports (4 x Type-A) 2 x USB 2.0 ports (2 x Type-A) Front USB (Total 7 ports) 1 x USB 10Gbps connector (supports USB Type-C) 1 x USB 5Gbps header supports 2 additional USB 5Gbps ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports * USB Type-C power delivery output: max. 5V/3A Audio ROG SupremeFX 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC ALC4080* - Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel MIC Jack-retasking - High quality 120 dB SNR stereo playback output and 110 dB SNR recording input - Supports up to 32-Bit/384 kHz playback on front panel Audio Features - SupremeFX Shielding Technology - Savitech SV3H712 AMP - Rear optical S/PDIF out port - Premium audio capacitors - Audio cover * A chassis with an HD audio module in the front panel is required to support 7.1 Surround Sound audio output. ** The LINE OUT port on the rear panel does not support spatial audio. If you wish to use spatial audio, make sure to connect your audio output device to the audio jack on the front panel of your chassis or use a USB interface audio device. Back Panel I/O Ports 1 x USB 20Gbps port (1 x USB Type-C) 3 x USB 10Gbps ports (2 x Type-A + 1 x USB Type-C) 4 x USB 5Gbps ports (4 x Type-A) 2 x USB 2.0 ports (2 x Type-A) 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI™ port 1 x Wi-Fi module 1 x Intel 2.5Gb Ethernet port 2 x Audio jacks 1 x Optical S/PDIF out port 1 x BIOS FlashBack™ button 1 x Clear CMOS button Internal I/O Connectors Fan and Cooling Related 1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header 1 x 4-pin CPU OPT Fan header 1 x 4-pin AIO Pump header 4 x 4-pin Chassis Fan headers Power Related 1 x 24-pin Main Power connector 2 x 8-pin +12V CPU Power connector Storage Related 4 x M.2 slots (Key M) 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports USB 1 x USB 10Gbps connector (supports USB Type-C) 1 x USB 5Gbps header supports 2 additional USB 5Gbps ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports Miscellaneous 3 x Addressable Gen 2 headers 1 x CPU Over voltage jumper 1 x Front Panel Audio header (F_AUDIO) 1 x Power button 1 x 10-1 pin Front System Panel header 1 x Thermal Sensor header 1 x Thunderbolt™ (USB4) header Special Features Extreme Engine Digi+ - 5K Black metallic capacitors ASUS Q-Design - M.2 Q-Latch - M.2 Q-Release - M.2 Q-Slide - PCIe Slot Q-Release Slim (with PCIe SafeSlot) - Q-Antenna - Q-Dashboard - Q-DIMM - Q-LED (CPU [red], DRAM [yellow], VGA [white], Boot Device [yellow green]) - Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - M.2 heatsink backplate - M.2 heatsink ASUS EZ DIY - BIOS FlashBack™ button - BIOS FlashBack™ LED - Clear CMOS button - ProCool - Pre-mounted I/O shield - SafeSlot - SafeDIMM Aura Sync - Addressable Gen 2 headers Software Features ROG Exclusive Software - ROG CPU-Z - Dolby Atmos ASUS Exclusive Software Armoury Crate - AIDA64 Extreme (60 days free trial) - Aura Creator - Aura Sync - Fan Xpert 4 - GameFirst - HWiNFO - Power Saving ASUS DriverHub ASUS GlideX TurboV Core Adobe Creative Cloud (Free Trial) Norton 360 for Gamers (60 Days Free Trial) WinRAR (40 Days Free Trial) UEFI BIOS ASUS EZ DIY - ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 - ASUS EZ Flash 3 - ASUS UEFI BIOS EZ Mode - ASUS MyHotkey BIOS 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS Manageability WOL by PME, PXE Accessories Cables 2 x SATA 6Gb/s cables Miscellaneous 1 x ASUS WiFi Q-Antenna 1 x Cable ties package 1 x M.2 Q-Latch package 1 x M.2 Q-Slide package 1 x ROG key chain 1 x ROG Strix stickers 4 x M.2 rubbers Documentation 1 x Quick start guide Operating System Windows 11 Form Factor ATX Form Factor 12 inch x 9.6 inch ( 30.5 cm x 24.4 cm )
4410 Kč
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ASUS PRIME B840M-A-CSM ASUS Prime series motherboards are expertly engineered to unleash the full potential of AMD Ryzen™ 9000 series processors. The PRIME B840M-A-CSM motherboard provides users and PC DIY builders with a range of performance optimizations via intuitive software and firmware features. It’s designed to be Advanced AI PC-ready, offering the power and connectivity needed for demanding AI applications. CPU AMD Socket AM5 for AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 8000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors* * Refer to https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/ for CPU support list. Chipset AMD B840 Chipset Memory 4 x DIMM slots, max. 192GB, DDR5 Supports up to 7600+MT/s (OC) with Ryzen™ 9000 & 8000 & 7000 Series Processors, ECC and Non-ECC, Un-buffered DIMM* Dual channel memory architecture Supports AMD Extended Profiles for Overclocking (EXPO™) ASUS Enhanced Memory Profile (AEMP) * Supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules vary depending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information please refer to CPU/Memory Support list under the Support tab of product information site or visit https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/. Adjustments will be made based on the specifications of mass-produced memory products available on the market. * Non-ECC, un-buffered DDR5 memory supports On-Die ECC function. Graphics 2 x DisplayPort** 1 x HDMI™ port*** * Graphics specifications may vary between CPU types. Please refer to AMD CPU specifications. ** Supports max. 8K@30Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4. *** Supports 4K@60Hz as specified in HDMI 2.1. Expansion Slots AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors* 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slot (supports x16 mode) AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Desktop Processors 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slot (supports x8/x4 mode)** AMD B840 Chipset 2 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots (support x1 mode) * Please check the PCIe bifurcation table on the support site (https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1037507/). ** Specifications vary by CPU types. - To ensure compatibility of the device installed, please refer to https://www.asus.com/support/download-center/ for the list of supported peripherals. Storage Total supports 3 x M.2 slots and 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series Desktop Processors M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 mode)* AMD B840 Chipset M.2_3 slot (Key M), type 2280 (supports PCIe 3.0 x4 mode) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports * Specifications vary by CPU types. AMD RAIDXpert2 Technology Ryzen™ 9000 Series Processors: RAID 0/1/5/10 Ryzen™ 8000 Series Processors: RAID 0/1 Ryzen™ 7000 Series Processors: RAID 0/1/10 Ethernet 1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet ASUS LANGuard USB Rear USB (Total 7 ports) 2 x USB 10Gbps ports (2 x Type-A) 1 x USB 5Gbps port (1 x USB Type-C) 4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A) Front USB (Total 7 ports) 1 x USB 5Gbps connector (supports USB Type-C) 1 x USB 5Gbps header supports 2 additional USB 5Gbps ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports * USB Type-C power delivery output: max. 5V/3A Audio Realtek 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC* - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking - Supports up to 24-Bit/192 kHz playback Audio Features - Audio Shielding - Premium audio capacitors - Dedicated audio PCB layers * A chassis with an HD audio module in the front panel is required to support 7.1 Surround Sound audio output. Back Panel I/O Ports 2 x USB 10Gbps ports (2 x Type-A) 1 x USB 5Gbps port (1 x USB Type-C) 4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A) 2 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI™ port 1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet port 3 x Audio jacks 1 x BIOS FlashBack™ button Internal I/O Connectors Fan and Cooling Related 1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header 1 x 4-pin CPU OPT Fan header 2 x 4-pin Chassis Fan headers Power Related 1 x 24-pin Main Power connector 1 x 8-pin +12V CPU Power connector Storage Related 3 x M.2 slots (Key M) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports USB 1 x USB 5Gbps connector (supports USB Type-C ) 1 x USB 5Gbps header supports 2 additional USB 5Gbps ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports Miscellaneous 3 x Addressable Gen 2 headers 1 x Clear CMOS header 1 x COM Port header 1 x Front Panel Audio header (F_AUDIO) 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x SPI TPM header (14-1 pin) 1 x 10-1 pin Front Panel System header Special Features ASUS 5X PROTECTION III - DIGI+ VRM - LANGuard - Overvoltage protection - SafeSlot Core+ - Stainless-steel back I/O ASUS Q-Design - Q-Dashboard - Q-DIMM - Q-LED Core - Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - M.2 heatsink - VRM heatsink design ASUS EZ DIY - BIOS FlashBack™ button - BIOS FlashBack™ LED - Pre-mounted I/O shield Aura Sync - Addressable Gen 2 headers Software Features ASUS Exclusive Software Armoury Crate - Aura Creator - Aura Sync - Fan Xpert 2+ - Power Saving ASUS DriverHub TurboV Core ASUS CPU-Z Adobe Creative Cloud (Free Trial) Norton 360 Deluxe (60 Days Free Trial) WinRAR (40 Days Free Trial) UEFI BIOS ASUS EZ DIY - ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 - ASUS EZ Flash 3 - ASUS UEFI BIOS EZ Mode - ASUS MyHotkey Remote Management Features IT Management software supported - ASUS Control Center Express (ACCE) BIOS 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS Manageability WOL by PME, PXE Accessories Cables 2 x SATA 6Gb/s cables Miscellaneous 1 x M.2 rubber package 2 x Screw packages for M.2 SSD Documentation 1 x ACC Express Activation Key Card 1 x Quick start guide Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor micro-ATX Form Factor 9.6 inch x 9.6 inch (24.4 cm x 24.4 cm)
3514 Kč
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ASUS MB TUF GAMING A620M-PLUS WIFI TUF GAMING A620M-PLUS is equipped with outstanding features, including 6-layer PCB design, DDR5 6400+(OC), Massive VRM Heatsink, PCIe 4.0 support, dual M.2 slots, Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet, USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports, front USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C, BIOS FlashBack™, 2 x DisplayPort, HDMI™, Addressable Gen 2 headers, Aura RGB header, Aura Sync, M.2 Q-Latch, Q-LED Core, ASUS OptiMem II, Fan Xpert 2+, Power Saving, Two-Way AI Noise Cancellation, Armoury Crate, ASUS TUF PROTECTION and SafeSlot Core+, which will bring users maximizing performance, stability and compatibility for the very best DIY PC experiences. CPU AMD Socket AM5 for AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Desktop Processors*
* Refer to www.asus.com for CPU support list.
Chipset AMD A620 Chipset
Memory 4 x DIMM slots, Max. 128GB, DDR5 6400+(OC)/6200(OC)/6000(OC)/5800(OC)/5600(OC)/5400(OC)/5200/5000/4800, ECC and Non-ECC, Un-buffered Memory*
Dual Channel Memory Architecture
Supports AMD Extended Profiles for Overclocking (EXPO™)
OptiMem II
* Supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules vary depending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information please refer to CPU/Memory Support list under the Support tab of product information site or visit https://www.asus.com/support/.
* Non-ECC, un-buffered DDR5 memory supports On-Die ECC function.
Graphics 2 x DisplayPort**
1 x HDMI™ port***
* Graphics specifications may vary between CPU types. Please refer to AMD CPU specifications.
** Support max. 8K@60Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4.
*** Supports 4K@60Hz as specified in HDMI 2.1.
Expansion Slots AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Desktop Processors*
1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slot
AMD A620 Chipset
2 x PCIe 3.0 x1 slots
* Please check the PCIe bifurcation table on the support site (https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1037507/).
- To ensure compatibility of the device installed, please refer to https://www.asus.com/support/ for the list of supported peripherals.
Storage Total supports 2 x M.2 slots and 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports*
AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Desktop Processors
M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode)
M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode)
AMD A620 Chipset
4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports
* AMD RAIDXpert2 Technology supports both PCIe RAID 0/1/10 and SATA RAID 0/1/10.
Ethernet 1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet
Wireless & Bluetooth Wi-Fi 6
1x1 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax)
Supports 2.4/5GHz frequency band
Bluetooth v5.3*
* The Bluetooth version may vary, please refer to the Wi-Fi module manufacturer s website for the latest specifications.
USB Rear USB (Total 6 ports)
2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) ports (2 x Type-A)
4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A)
Front USB (Total 7 ports)
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) connector (supports USB Type-C)
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) header supports 2 additional USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports
2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports
Audio Realtek 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC*
- Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking
- Supports up to 24-Bit/192 kHz playback
Audio Features
- Audio Shielding
- Premium audio capacitors
- Dedicated audio PCB layers
* A chassis with an HD audio module in the front panel is required to support 7.1 Surround Sound audio output.
Back Panel I/O Ports 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) ports (2 x Type-A)
4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 x Type-A)
2 x DisplayPort
1 x HDMI™ port
1 x Wi-Fi Module
1 x Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet port
3 x Audio jacks
1 x BIOS FlashBack™ button
1 x PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse combo port
Internal I/O Ports Fan and Cooling related
1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header
2 x 4-pin Chassis Fan headers
Power related
1 x 24-pin Main Power connector
1 x 8-pin +12V Power connector
Storage related
2 x M.2 slots (Key M)
4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) connector (supports USB Type-C )
1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) header supports 2 additional USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports
2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports
3 x Addressable Gen 2 headers
1 x Aura RGB header
1 x Clear CMOS header
1 x COM Port header
1 x Front Panel Audio header (AAFP)
1 x S/PDIF Out header
1 x Speaker header
1 x 10-1 pin System Panel header
- ESD Guards
- TUF LANGuard
- Overvoltage Protection
- SafeSlot Core+
- Stainless-Steel Back I/O
ASUS Q-Design
- M.2 Q-Latch
- Q-LED Core
- Q-Slot
ASUS Thermal Solution
- VRM heatsink design
- BIOS FlashBack™ button
- BIOS FlashBack™ LED
Aura Sync
- Aura RGB header
- Addressable Gen 2 headers
Software Features ASUS Exclusive Software
Armoury Crate
- Aura Creator
- Aura Sync
- Fan Xpert 2+
- Power Saving
- Two-Way AI Noise Cancellation
AI Suite 3
- TurboV EVO
- PC Cleaner
Norton 360 for Gamers (60 Days Free Trial)
- ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3
- ASUS EZ Flash 3
Accessories Cables
2 x SATA 6Gb/s cables
1 x ASUS Wi-Fi moving antennas
1 x I/O Shield
1 x TUF Gaming sticker
1 x Screw package for M.2 SSD
1 x TUF Certification card
1 x User guide Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor micro-ATX Form Factor
9.6 inch x 9.6 inch (24.4 cm x 24.4 cm)
3803 Kč
cena s DPH
ASUS PRIME B760M-A WIFI D4; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto vý...
3926 Kč
cena s DPH
AMD B650 ATX motherboard with DDR5, PCIe 5.0 M.2 support, Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet, DisplayPort, HDMI®, SATA 6 Gbps, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C®, front USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C®, BIOS FlashBack™, USB4® Support and Arua Sync support
AMD AM5 Socket
245 Kč
cena s DPH
SUPERMICRO 1U I/O Shield for X11SCZ with EMI Gasket in SC510 Chassis
1683 Kč
cena s DPH
základní deska, MB, mATX, socket 1700, Intel H610, 1x M.2, 4x SATA, 2x DDR4, D-Sub, HDMI
1933 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE H610M S2H V2 (rev. 1.0)
Chipset: Intel® H610 Express
Rozměrový formát: Micro A...
7478 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE Z890 AORUS ELITE WIFI7 ICE Supports Intel Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2) Digital twin 16+1+2 phases VRM solution D5 Bionic Corsa for Infinite Memory Performance AORUS AI SNATCH : Auto-Overclocking Software by AI models AI Perfdrive : Provides optimal and customized BIOS preset profile for users Premium Compatibility : 4*DDR5 with XMP Memory Module Support WIFI EZ-Plug : Quick and easy design for Wi-Fi antenna installation EZ-Latch Plus : PCIe and M.2 slots with Quick Release & Screwless Design EZ-Latch Click : M.2 heatsinks with screwless design Sensor Panel Link : Onboard video port for hassle-free in-chassis panel setup Friendly UI : Multi-Theme, AIO Fan Control, and Q-Flash Auto Scan in BIOS and SW New Power Monitor in HWinfo for real-time monitoring on CPU power phases Ultra-Fast Storage : 4*M.2 slots, including 1* PCIe 5.0 x4 Efficient Thermal : VRM Thermal Armor Advanced & M.2 Thermal Guard L Fast Networking : 2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 7 with directional Ultra-high gain antenna Extended Connectivity : THUNDERBOLT™ 4 Type-C with DP-Alt, DisplayPort High-Res Audio : ALC1220 & WIMA Audiophile Grade Capacitors Ultra Durable PCIe Armor : The metal back plate of PCIe x16 slot for enhanced durability PCIe UD Slot X : PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with 10X strength for graphics card CPU LGA1851 socket: Support for Intel Core™ Ultra Processors L3 cache varies with CPU * Please refer to "CPU Support List" for more information. Chipset Intel Z890 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 9200(O.C) / 9066(O.C) / 8933(O.C) / 8800(O.C) / 8600(O.C) / 8400(O.C) / 8266(O.C) / 8200(O.C) / 8000(O.C) / 7950(O.C) / 7900(O.C) / 7800(O.C) / 7600(O.C.) / 7400(O.C.) / 7200(O.C.) / 7000(O.C.) / 6800(O.C.) / 6600(O.C.) / 6400 / 6200 / 6000 / 5800 / 5600MT/s memory modules. 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 256 GB (64 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules Support CUDIMM memory module (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: - 1 x Intel Thunderbolt™ 4 connector (USB4 USB Type-C port), supporting DisplayPort and Thunderbolt™ video outputs When a Thunderbolt™ monitor is installed, the maximum resolution supported is 5120x2880@60 Hz with 24 bpp (single display output). When a USB4 USB Type-C monitor is installed, the maximum resolution supported is 3840x2160@240 Hz (single display output). * Because of the limited I/O resources of the PC architecture, the number of Thunderbolt™ devices that can be used is dependent on the number of the PCI Express devices being installed. (Refer to Chapter 2-6, "Back Panel Connectors," for more information.) * Support for DisplayPort 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3 - 1 x front HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920x1080@30 Hz * Support for HDMI 1.4 version - 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3 (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Support for up to triple-display at the same time Audio Realtek ALC1220 CODEC * The back panel line out jack supports DSD audio. High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless Communication module MediaTek Wi-Fi 7 MT7925 (PCB rev. 1.0) - 802.11a, b, g, n, ac, ax, be, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.4 - Support for 11be 160MHz wireless standard Realtek Wi-Fi 7 RTL8922AE (PCB rev. 1.1) - 802.11a, b, g, n, ac, ax, be, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.4 - Support for 11be 160MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) * Wi-Fi 7 features require Windows 11 SV3 to function properly. (There is no support driver for Windows 10.) ** Wi-Fi 7 channels on 6 GHz band availability depends on individual country s regulations. Expansion Slots CPU: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 5.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: - 2 x PCI Express x16 slots, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4_1, PCIEX4_2) Storage Interface CPU: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2B_CPU) Chipset: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2Q_SB) - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SATA and PCIe 4.0 x4 SSD support) (M2M_SB) - 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB CPU: - 1 x Intel Thunderbolt™ 4 (USB Type-C) ports on the back panel *Support up to 40Gbps with Thunderbolt devices *Support up to 20Gbps with USB4 devices *Support up to 10Gbps with USB 3.2 devices Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support, available through the internal USB header - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) on the back panel - 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (3 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: - 8 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (4 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connectors 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 3 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 4 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x HDMI port (Note) 1 x power button 1 x reset button 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper (Note) Actual support may vary by CPU. Back Panel Connectors 1 x Intel Thunderbolt™ 4 connectors (USB Type-C ports) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 2 x antenna connectors (2T2R) 1 x DisplayPort (Note) 1 x RJ-45 port 1 x optical S/PDIF Out connector 2 x audio jacks (Note) Actual support may vary by CPU. I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Smart Backup Bundled Software Norton Internet Secur...
5596 Kč
cena s DPH
MSI PRO Z890-P WIFI, Intel Z890, LGA1851, 4xDDR5, ATX
176 Kč
cena s DPH
SATA kabel, 50cm, sada 2 kusů
1824 Kč
cena s DPH
Základní deska, Intel H470, LGA1200, 2× DDR4 DIMM (max. 64GB), M.2, HDMI, DVI-D, VGA, mATX
3615 Kč
cena s DPH
Supports 13th Gen & 12th Gen Intel Core™ Processors (LGA1700)
12+1+1 Power Phase, Dr.MOS for VCore+GT
Supports DDR5 7200MHz (OC)
1 PCIe 5.0 x16, 1 PCIe 4.0 x1
Graphics Output Options: HDMI, DisplayPort, eDP
Realtek ALC897 7.1 CH HD Audio Codec,
Nahimic Audio
4 SATA3, 3 Hyper M.2 (PCIe Gen4x4)
2 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C (1 Rear, 1 Front)
1 USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A (Rear)
6 USB 3.2 Gen1 (4 Rear, 2 Front)
6 USB 2.0 (2 Rear, 4 Front)
Dragon 2.5G LAN,
802.11ax (WiFi 6E) + Bluetooth
Supports ASRock Auto Driver Installer
Unique Feature
Superb Productivity - PCIe Gen5 (Graphics) - Dual Channel DDR5 Rock-Solid Durability - 12+1+1 Power Phase, 50A Dr.MOS for VCore+GT - Flexible Integrated I/O Shield Ultrafast Connectivity - 2.5G LAN, 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6EModule EZ Update - ASRock Auto Driver Installer EZ Troubleshooter - ASRock Post Status Checker
- Supports 13th Gen & 12th Gen Intel Core™ Processors (LGA1700) - Supports Intel Hybrid Technology - Supports Intel Turbo Boost Max 3.0 Technology - Supports Intel Thermal Velocity Boost (TVB) - Supports Intel Adaptive Boost Technology (ABT)
- Intel B760
- Dual Channel DDR5 Memory Technology - 4 x DDR5 DIMM Slots - Supports DDR5 non-ECC, un-buffered memory up to 7200+(OC)* - Max. capacity of system memory: 128GB - Supports Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) 3.0
*1DPC 1R Up to 7200+ MHz (OC), 4800 MHz Natively. 1DPC 2R Up to 6000+ MHz (OC), 4400 MHz Natively. 2DPC 1R Up to 5600+ MHz (OC), 4000 MHz Natively. 2DPC 2R Up to 4800+ MHz (OC), 3600 MHz Natively.
- 128Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS with GUI support
- Intel Xe Graphics Architecture (Gen 12) - 1 x eDP 1.4, supports max. resolution up to Full HD 60Hz - 1 x HDMI 2.1 TMDS Compatible, supports HDCP 2.3 and max. resolution up to 4K 60Hz - 1 x DisplayPort 1.4 with DSC (compressed), supports HDCP 2.3 and max. resolution up to 8K 60Hz / 5K 120Hz
*Intel UHD Graphics Built-in Visuals and the VGA outputs can be supported only with processors which are GPU integrated.
- 7.1 CH HD Audio (Realtek ALC897 Audio Codec) - Nahimic Audio
- 2.5 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000/2500 Mb/s - Dragon RTL8125BG - Supports Phantom Gaming LAN Software - Smart Auto Adjust Bandwidth Control - Visual User Friendly UI - Visual Network Usage Statistics - Optimized Default Setting for Game, Browser, and Streaming Modes - User Customized Priority Control
Wireless LAN
- 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6E Module - Supports IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax - Supports Dual-Band 2x2 with extended 6GHz band support* - 2 antennas to support 2 (Transmit) x 2 (Receive) diversity technology - Supports Bluetooth + High speed class II - Supports MU-MIMO
*Wi-Fi 6E (6GHz band) will be supported by Microsoft Windows 11. The availability will depend on the different regulation status of each country and region. It will be activated (for supported countries) through Windows Update and software updates once available. A 6GHz compatible router is required for 6E functionality.
CPU: - 1 x PCIe 5.0 x16 Slot (PCIE1), supports x16 mode* Chipset: - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x1 Slot (PCIE2)* - 1 x M.2 Socket (Key E), supports type 2230 WiFi/BT PCIe WiFi module and Intel CNVio/CNVio2 (Integrated WiFi/BT) - 15µ Gold Contact in VGA PCIe Slot (PCIE1)
*Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks
CPU: - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_1, Key M), supports type 2260/2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* Chipset: - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_2, Key M), supports type 2260/2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_3, Key M), supports type 2260/2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* - 4 x SATA3 6.0 Gb/s Connectors
*Supports Intel Volume Management Device (VMD) Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks
- Supports RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 and RAID 10 for SATA storage devices
- 2 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C (1 Rear, 1 Front) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A (Rear) - 6 x USB 3.2 Gen1 (4 Rear, 2 Front) - 6 x USB 2.0 (2 Rear, 4 Front) * All USB ports support ESD Protection
- 1 x eDP Signal Connector - 1 x SPI TPM Header - 1 x Chassis Intrusion and Speaker Header - 1 x RGB LED Header* - 3 x Addressable LED Headers** - 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin)*** - 1 x CPU/Water Pump Fan Connector (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)**** - 3 x Chassis/Water Pump Fan Connectors (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)***** - 1 x 24 pin ATX Power Connector (Hi-Density Power Connector) - 2 x 8 pin 12V Power Connectors (Hi-Density Power Connector) - 1 x Front Panel Audio Connector - 2 x USB 2.0 Headers (Support 4 USB 2.0 ports) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Header (Supports 2 USB 3.2 Gen1 ports) - 1 x Front Panel Type C USB 3.2 Gen2 Header (10 Gb/s)
*Supports in total up to 12V/3A, 36W LED Strip **Support in total up to 5V/3A, 15W LED Strip ***CPU_FAN1 supports the fan power up to 1A (12W). ****CPU_FAN2/WP supports the fan power up to 2A (24W). *****CHA_FAN1~3/WP support the fan power up to 2A (24W). CPU_FAN2/WP and CHA_FAN1~3/WP can auto detect if 3-pin or 4-pin fan is in use.
Rear Panel I/O
- 2 x Antenna Ports - 1 x PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port - 1 x HDMI Port - 1 x DisplayPort 1.4 - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A Port (10 Gb/s) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C Port (10 Gb/s) - 4 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Ports - 2 x USB 2.0 Ports - 1 x RJ-45 LAN Port - HD Audio Jacks: Line in / Front Speaker / Microphone
Software and UEFI
Software - ASRock Motherboard Utility (Phantom Gaming Tuning) - ASRock Phantom Gaming LAN Software - ASRock Polychrome SYNC* UEFI - ASRock EZ Mode - ASRock Full HD UEFI - ASRock My Favorites in UEFI - ASRock Auto Driver Installer - ASRock Instant Flash - ASRock Easy RAID Installer
*These utilities can be downloaded from ASRock Live Update & APP Shop.
- 1 x User Manual - 2 x SATA Data Cables - 2 x ASRock WiFi 2.4/5/6 GHz Antennas - 3 x Screws for M.2 Sockets - 2 x Standoffs for M.2 Sockets
Form Factor
- Micro ATX Form Factor: 9.6-in x 9.6-in, 24.4 cm x 24.4 cm - 2oz Copper PCB
- Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit / 11 64-bit
- FCC, CE - ErP/EuP ready (ErP/EuP ready power supply is required)
11731 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock Z790 Taichi Carrara; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto vý...
2984 Kč
cena s DPH
ASUS PRO A620M-C-CSM AMD A620 Micro-ATX business motherboard with enhanced security, reliability, manageability and serviceability AMD AM5 socket: Ready for AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Desktop processors ASUS CSM program: A stable motherboard supply, end-of-life notifications, and IT software for business motherboards ASUS Control Center Express: Integrated IT monitoring and management software that simplifies enterprise-level system administration Enhanced system security: A self-recovering BIOS Consistent and reliable performance: High-quality components and rigorous testing to help ensure durability in harsh environments Efficient management and customization: An event log and commercial BIOS kit to enable easy maintenance Better serviceability: Q-LED Core diagnostic display and COM debug header to facilitate building and support processes Ultrafast connectivity: DDR5, M.2 PCIe 4.0 slots, USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports and front USB 3.2 Gen 1 header CPU AMD Socket AM5 for AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Desktop Processors* Supports up to AMD 120W CPU * Refer to www.asus.com for CPU support list. Chipset AMD A620 Chipset Memory 2 x DIMM slots, Max. 96GB, DDR5 6400+(OC)/6200(OC)/6000(OC)/5800(OC)/5600(OC)/5400(OC)/5200/5000/4800 ECC and Non-ECC, Un-buffered Memory* Dual Channel Memory Architecture Supports AMD Extended Profiles for Overclocking (EXPO™) OptiMem II * Supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules vary depending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information please refer to CPU/Memory Support list under the Support tab of product information site or visit https://www.asus.com/support/. * Non-ECC, un-buffered DDR5 memory supports On-Die ECC function. Graphics 1 x DisplayPort** 1 x VGA port 1 x DVI-D port 1 x HDMI™ port*** * Graphics specifications may vary between CPU types. Please refer to AMD CPU specifications. ** Supports max. 8K@60Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4. *** Supports 4K@60Hz as specified in HDMI 2.1. Expansion Slots AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Desktop Processors* 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slot (supports x16 mode) AMD A620 Chipset 2 x PCIe 3.0 x1 slots 1 x PCI slot * Please check the PCIe bifurcation table on the support site (https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1037507/). - To ensure compatibility of the device installed, please refer to https://www.asus.com/support/ for the list of supported peripherals. Storage Total supports 2 x M.2 slot and 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports* AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Desktop Processors M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) AMD A620 Chipset 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports * AMD RAIDXpert2 Technology supports both PCIe RAID 0/1/10 and SATA RAID 0/1/10. Ethernet 1 x Realtek 1Gb Ethernet ASUS LANGuard USB Rear USB (Total 6 ports) 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10G) ports (1 x Type-A + 1 x USB Type-C) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) port (1 x Type-A) 3 x USB 2.0 ports (3 x Type-A) Front USB (Total 6 ports) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) header supports 2 additional USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports Audio "Realtek 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC* - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking - Supports up to 24-Bit/192 kHz playback" * A chassis with an HD audio module in the front panel is required to support 7.1 Surround Sound audio output. Back Panel I/O Ports 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10G) ports (1 x Type-A, 1 x USB Type-C) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) port (1 x Type-A) 3 x USB 2.0 ports (3 x Type-A) 1 x DisplayPort 1 x VGA port 1 x DVI-D port 1 x HDMI™ port 1 x Realtek 1Gb Ethernet port 1 x COM port 1 x PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse combo port Internal I/O Connectors Fan and Cooling related 1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header 2 x 4-pin Chassis Fan headers Power related 1 x 24-pin Main Power connector 1 x 8-pin +12V Power connector Storage related 2 x M.2 slot (Key M) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports USB 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5G) header supports 2 additional USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports Miscellaneous 1 x Clear CMOS header 1 x Chassis Intrude header 1 x COM Port header 1 x Front Panel Audio header (AAFP) 1 x COM debug header 1 x LPT header 1 x SMBUS header 1 x Speaker header 1 x SPI TPM header (14-1pin) 1 x 10-1 pin System Panel header Special Features ASUS Q-Design - Q-DIMM - Q-LED Core - Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - Aluminum heatsink design ASUS EZ DIY - Box Headers Bespoke Motherboard Design & Business Focused Features - ASUS Self Recovering BIOS - ASUS Event Log - ASUS Commercial BIOS kit* - Anti-Moisture Coating - 24/7 Reliability - Overcurrent Protection * Please contact local FAE for commercial BIOS kit. Software Features ASUS Exclusive Software IT Management software supported - ASUS Control Center Express(ACCE) BIOS 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS Manageability WOL by PME, PXE Accessories Cables 2 x SATA 6Gb/s cables Miscellaneous 1 x I/O Shield 2 x M.2 Anchors Documentation 1 x ACC Express Activation Key Card 1 x User guide Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor micro-ATX Form Factor 24.4 cm x 22.4 cm
14072 Kč
cena s DPH
ASUS Pro WS W680M-ACE SE Intel W680 LGA 1700 Micro-ATX motherboard with BMC AST2600 onboard , PCIe 5.0, DDR5 support, dual Intel 2.5 Gb Ethernet, 2 x PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots, plus a USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 front panel connector, SlimSAS, SATA 6 Gbps, HDMI™, DisplayPort and VGA(dedicated for BMC) Intel LGA 1700 socket: Ready for 13th Gen Intel Core™ processors & 12th Gen Intel Core™ Processors Enhanced power solution: DrMOS, ProCool connector, alloy chokes and durable capacitors for stable power delivery Next-gen connectivity: PCIe 5.0 Safeslot, 2 x M.2 PCIe 4.0, SlimSAS, dual Intel 2.5Gb Ethernet, front panel USB 3.2 Gen2x2 Type-C, TPM header Server-grade IPMI remote management: Hardware and software-level with a dedicated LAN port link to AST2600 BMC controller, plus a real-time monitoring and management software – ASUS Control Center Express Comprehensive cooling: VRM heatsink, M.2 heatsinks, hybrid fan headers and Fan Xpert 4 Trusted stability: Highly compatible with the latest technologies with solid QVL list and tested for 24/7 operation, validated for extensive compatibility CPU Intel Socket LGA1700 for 13th Gen Intel Core™ Processors & 12th Gen Intel Core™ * Refer to www.asus.com for CPU support list. Chipset Intel W680 Chipset Memory 4 x DIMM, Max. 192GB, DDR5 ECC and Non-ECC Un-buffered Memory* Dual Channel Memory Architecture Supports Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) OptiMem II * Supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules vary depending on the CPU and memory configuration, for more information please refer to CPU/Memory Support list under the Support tab of product information site or visit https://www.asus.com/support/ * Non-ECC, un-buffered DDR5 memory supports On-Die ECC function. Onboard Graphics 1 x DisplayPort** 1 x HDMI port*** 1 x VGA port from AST2600 * Graphics specifications may vary between CPU types. Please refer to www.intel.com for any updates. **Supports max. 8K@60Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4. ***Supports 4K@60Hz as specified in HDMI 2.1. Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. LAN Realtek 7.1 Surround Sound High Definition Audio CODEC - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking - Supports up to 24-Bit/192 kHz playback" Audio Features - Audio Shielding - Premium audio capacitors - Dedicated audio PCB layers - Unique de-pop circuit Wireless & Bluetooth M.2 slot only (Key E, CNVi & PCIe)* *Wi-Fi module is sold separately. Expansion Slots Intel 13th & 12th Gen Processors* - 1 x PCIe 5.0 x16 slot Intel W680 Chipset - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x4 slot - 1 x PCIe 3.0 x1 slot Storage Interface Total supports 2 x M.2 slots and 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports* Intel 13th & 12th Gen Processors - M.2_1 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) Intel W680 Chipset** - M.2_2 slot (Key M), type 2242/2260/2280 (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode) - 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports - 1 x SlimSAS Slot Support SlimSAS NVMe device (supports PCIe 4.0 x4 mode and up to 4 SATA devices)*** * Intel Rapid Storage Technology supports PCIe RAID 0/1/5/10, SATA RAID 0/1/5/10. ** Intel Rapid Storage Technology supports Intel Optane Memory H Series on PCH attached M.2 slots. *** SlimSAS slot can support up to 4 SATA devices via a transfer cable. the cable is purchased separately. USB Rear USB (Total 6 ports) - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports (1 x Type-A, 1 x Type-C) - 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (4 x Type-A) Front USB (Total 7 ports) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 connector (supports USB Type-C) - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header supports additional 2 USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports - 2 x USB 2.0 headers support additional 4 USB 2.0 ports Internal I/O Connectors Fan and Cooling related 1 x 4-pin CPU Fan header 1 x 4-pin CPU OPT Fan header 1 x 4-pin W_PUMP+ header 3 x 4-pin Chassis Fan headers Power related 1 x 24-pin Main Power connector 1 x 8-pin +12V Power connector Storage related 2 x M.2 slots (Key M) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports 1 x SlimSAS port USB 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 connector (supports USB Type-C ) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header supports 2 additional USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0 headers support 4 additional USB 2.0 ports Miscellaneous 1 x LPT header 1 x T-sensor 1 x Clear CMOS header 1 x COM Port header 1 x Front Panel Audio header (AAFP) 1 x SPI TPM header (14-1pin) 1 x 20-3 pin System Panel header with Chassis intrude function BMC Related 1 x BMC LED and switch 1 x VGA switch1 x BMC LAN fixed IP switch 1 x IPMI switch 1 x Q_PSU switch 1 x PSU SMBus header 1 x VPP_I2C header 1 x Micro SD card socket 1 x BMC_T_SENSOR header 1 x Location button header 1 x Location LED and header 1 x Message LED and header Back Panel Connectors -2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports (1 x Type-A, 1 x Type-C) -4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (4 x Type-A) -1 x DisplayPort -1 x HDMI port -1 x VGA port from AST2600 -2 x Intel 2.5Gb Ethernet ports -1 x Realtek 1Gb Ethernet dedicated for AST2600 -3 x Audio jacks -1 x BIOS FlashbackTM button -2 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports (1 x Type-A, 1 x Type-C) -4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (4 x Type-A) -1 x DisplayPort -1 x HDMI port -1 x VGA port from AST2600 -2 x Intel 2.5Gb Ethernet ports -1 x Realtek 1Gb Ethernet dedicated for AST2600 -5 x Audio jacks -1 x BIOS FlashbackTM button Special Features ASUS 5X PROTECTION III - DIGI+ VRM (- Digital power design with DrMOS) - ESD Guards - LANGuard - Overvoltage Protection - SafeSlot - Stainless-Steel Back I/O ASUS Q-Design - Q-Code - M.2 Q-Latch - Q-Connector - Q-DIMM - Q-LED (CPU [red], DRAM [yellow], VGA [white], Boot Device [yellow green]) - Q-Slot ASUS Thermal Solution - M.2 heatsink - VRM heatsink design ASUS EZ DIY - CPU Socket lever protector - SafeDIMM - SafeSlot - BIOS FlashBack™ button - BIOS FlashBack™ LED Bespoke Motherboard Design & Business Focused Features - 24/7 Reliability H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the fan you install. Software Features SUS Exclusive Software Armoury Crate - Fan Xpert 4 - Power Saving ASUS CPU-Z Adobe Creative Cloud (Free Trial) Norton 360 Deluxe (60 Days Free Trial) WinRAR IT Management software supported - ASUS Control Center Express(ACCE) Intel vPro UEFI BIOS ASUS EZ DIY - ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 - ASUSTek. EzFlash Utility BIOS 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS(text-based) 256 Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS Manageability WOL by PME, PXE Accessories Cables 2 x SATA 6Gb/s cables Miscellaneous 1 x Q-connector 1 x M.2 Rubber Packages 2 x Screw package for M.2 SSD 1 x I/O Shield Documentation 1 x User guide 1 x ACC Express Activation Key Card Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor micro-ATX Form Factor 24.4 cm x 24.4 cm
15263 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE Z890 AORUS MASTER Supports Intel Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2) Digital twin 18+1+2 phases VRM solution D5 Bionic Corsa for Infinite Memory Performance AORUS AI SNATCH : Auto-Overclocking Software by AI models AI Perfdrive : Provides optimal and customized BIOS preset profile for users Premium Compatibility : 4*DDR5 with XMP Memory Module Support DDR Wind Blade : Enhanced Active Cooling for Memory Modules WIFI EZ-Plug : Quick and easy design for Wi-Fi antenna installation EZ-Latch Plus : PCIe and M.2 slots with Quick Release & Screwless Design EZ-Latch Click : M.2 heatsinks with screwless design Sensor Panel Link : Onboard video port for hassle-free in-chassis panel setup Friendly UI : Multi-Theme, AIO Fan Control, and Q-Flash Auto Scan in BIOS and SW New Power Monitor in HWinfo for real-time monitoring on CPU power phases Ultra-Fast Storage : 5*M.2 slots, including 2* PCIe 5.0 x4 Efficient Thermal : VRM Thermal Armor Advanced & M.2 Thermal Guard XL Fast Networking : 10GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 7 with directional Ultra-high gain antenna Extended Connectivity : Dual THUNDERBOLT™ 4 Type-C with DP-Alt DTS : X Ultra Audio : ALC1220 & Rear ESS SABRE Hi-Fi 9118 DAC Ultra Durable PCIe Armor : The metal back plate of PCIe x16 slot for enhanced durability PCIe UD Slot X : PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with 10X strength for graphics card CPU LGA1851 socket: Support for Intel Core™ Ultra Processors L3 cache varies with CPU * Please refer to "CPU Support List" for more information. Chipset Intel Z890 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 9500(O.C) / 9466(O.C) / 9333(O.C) / 9200(O.C)/ 9066(O.C) / 8933(O.C) /8800(O.C) /8600(O.C) / 8400(O.C) /8266(O.C) / 8200(O.C) / 8000(O.C) / 7950(O.C) / 7900(O.C) / 7800(O.C) / 7600(O.C.) / 7400(O.C.) / 7200(O.C.) / 7000(O.C.) / 6800(O.C.) / 6600(O.C.) / 6400 / 6200 / 6000 / 5800 / 5600MT/s memory modules. 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 256 GB (64 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules Support CUDIMM memory module (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: - 2 x Intel Thunderbolt™ 4 connectors (USB4 USB Type-C ports), supporting DisplayPort and Thunderbolt™ video outputs When a Thunderbolt™ monitor is installed, the maximum resolution supported is 5120x2880@60 Hz with 24 bpp (single display output). When a USB4 USB Type-C monitor is installed, the maximum resolution supported is 3840x2160@240 Hz (single display output). * Because of the limited I/O resources of the PC architecture, the number of Thunderbolt™ devices that can be used is dependent on the number of the PCI Express devices being installed. (Refer to Chapter 2-6, "Back Panel Connectors," for more information.) * Support for DisplayPort 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3 - 1 x front HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920x1080@30 Hz * Support for HDMI 1.4 version. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Support for up to triple-display at the same time Audio Realtek ALC1220 CODEC * The front panel line out jack supports DSD audio. ESS ES9118 DAC chip Support for DTS:X Ultra High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 5.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Marvell AQtion AQC113C 10GbE LAN chip (10 Gbps/5 Gbps/2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless Communication module Intel Wi-Fi 7 BE200NGW - 802.11a, b, g, n, ac, ax, be, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.4 - Support for 11be 320MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) * Wi-Fi 7 features require Windows 11 SV3 to function properly. (There is no support driver for Windows 10.) ** Wi-Fi 7 channels on 6 GHz band availability depends on individual country s regulations. Expansion Slots CPU: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 5.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. * The PCIEX16 slot shares bandwidth with the M2D_CPU connector. The PCIEX16 slot operates at up to x8 mode when a device is installed in the M2D_CPU connector. Chipset: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4) - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1) Storage Interface CPU: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2B_CPU) - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2D_CPU) Chipset: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 SATA and PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2M_SB) - 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB CPU: - 2 x Intel Thunderbolt™ 4 (USB Type-C) ports on the back panel *Support up to 40Gbps with Thunderbolt devices *Support up to 20Gbps with USB4 devices *Support up to 10Gbps with USB 3.2 devices Chipset: - 6 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) on the back panel Chipset+USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Hub: - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support, available through the internal USB header Chipset+2 USB 3.2 Gen 1 Hubs: - 8 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (4 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: - 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (2 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connectors 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 4 x system fan headers 4 x system fan/water cooling pump headers 4 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 5 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 headers 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x noise detection header 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x HDMI port (Note) 1 x power button 1 x reset button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper 2 x temperature sensor headers Voltage Measurement Points (Note) Actual support may vary by CPU Back Panel Connectors 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x Clear CMOS button 2 x Intel Thunderbolt™ 4 connectors (USB Type-C ports) 6 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports (red) 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x RJ-45 port 2 x antenna connectors (2T2R) 2 x audio jacks 1 x optical S/PDIF Out connector I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. Noise detection BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications ...
5296 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE Z890M GAMING X Supports Intel Core™ Ultra processors (Series 2) Digital 8+1+2 phases VRM solution D5 Bionic Corsa : for Infinite Memory Performance AORUS AI SNATCH : Auto-Overclocking Software by AI models AI Perfdrive : Provides optimal and customized BIOS preset profile for users Premium Compatibility : 4*DDR5 with XMP Memory Module Support PCIe EZ-Latch : PCIe slots with Quick Release & Screwless Design Friendly UI : Multi-Theme, AIO Fan Control, and Q-Flash Auto Scan in BIOS and SW New Power Monitor in HWinfo for real-time monitoring on CPU power phases Ultra-Fast Storage : 3*M.2 slots, including 1* PCIe 5.0 x4 Efficient Thermal : VRM Thermal Armor Advanced & M.2 Thermal Guard Fast Networking : 2.5GbE LAN Extended Connectivity : HDMI, DisplayPort CPU LGA1851 socket: Support for Intel Core™ Ultra Processors L3 cache varies with CPU * Please refer to "CPU Support List" for more information. Chipset Intel Z890 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 8800(O.C) / 8600(O.C) / 8400(O.C) /8266(O.C) / 8200(O.C) / 8000(O.C) / 7950(O.C) / 7900(O.C) / 7800(O.C) / 7600(O.C.) / 7400(O.C.) / 7200(O.C.) / 7000(O.C.) / 6800(O.C.) / 6600(O.C.) / 6400 / 6200 / 6000 / 5800 / 5600MT/s memory modules. 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 256 GB (64 GB single DIMM capacity)of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules Support CUDIMM memory module (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3. ** Support for native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. - 2 x DisplayPorts, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 2.1 version. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Support for up to triple-display at the same time Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Expansion Slots CPU: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 5.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4) Storage Interface CPU: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2580/2280 PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support)(M2Q_SB) - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 PCIe 4.0x4/x2 SSD support) (M2N_SB) - 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header - 5 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (3 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) - 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 1 x system fan header 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 2 x addressable RGB Gen2 LED strip headers 1 x RGB LED strip header 3 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 2 x Thunderbolt™ add-in card connectors 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x HDMI port (Note) 2 x DisplayPorts (Note) 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks (Note) Actual support may vary by CPU. I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan(pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functionsof each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Smart Backup Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 24.4cm
4626 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock B860M LiveMixer WiFi LiveMixer series is crafted with the needs of modern content creators in mind, offering excellent connectivity for streaming and multiple auxiliary devices. Its reliable performance ensures seamless content creation and efficient time management. Unique Feature Superb Productivity - PCIe Gen5 (Graphics, M.2) - Dual Channel DDR5 - Thunderbolt™ 4 Type-C Port (40 Gb/s) Rock-Solid Durability - 10+1+1+1+1 Power Phase, Dr.MOS for VCore+GT+SA with Enlarged Heatsink Armor - Flexible Integrated I/O Shield - 20K Long-lasting Black Caps (high quality and conductive polymer capacitors) for VCore Ultrafast Connectivity - 2.5G LAN, 802.11axe Wi-Fi 6E Module EZ Update - BIOS Flashback Button - ASRock Auto Driver Installer EZ Troubleshooter - ASRock Post Status Checker CPU - Supports Intel Core™ Ultra Processors (Series 2) (LGA1851) - Supports Intel Hybrid Technology - Supports Intel Turbo Boost Max 3.0 Technology - Supports Intel Thermal Velocity Boost (TVB) - Supports Intel Adaptive Boost Technology (ABT) - Integrated NPU for dedicated AI acceleration Chipset - Intel B860 Memory - Dual Channel DDR5 Memory Technology - 4 x DDR5 DIMM Slots - Supports DDR5 non-ECC, un-buffered memory up to 8666+(OC)* - Supports Clocked Unbuffered DIMM (CUDIMM) - Max. capacity of system memory: 256GB - Supports Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) 3.0x * 1DPC 1R Up to 8666+ MHz (OC), 5600 MHz Natively. 1DPC 2R Up to 6800+ MHz (OC), 5600 MHz Natively. 2DPC 1R Up to 6533+ MHz (OC), 4800 MHz Natively. 2DPC 2R Up to 5600+ MHz (OC), 4400 MHz Natively. BIOS - 256Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS with GUI support Graphics - Intel Xe LPG Graphics Architecture - 1 x HDMI 2.1 TMDS/FRL 8G Compatible, supports HDR, HDCP 2.3 and max. resolution up to 4K 120Hz - 1 x Intel Thunderbolt™ 4, supports HDCP 2.3 and max. resolution up to 8K 60Hz / 5K 120Hz** * Intel UHD Graphics Built-in Visuals and the VGA outputs can be supported only with processors which are GPU integrated. ** Supports two 4K displays or one 8K display Only the CPU s embedded graphics can be displayed through Thunderbolt™ ports. If you want to display to a Thunderbolt™ monitor, please use CPU models with embedded graphics. Audio - 7.1 CH HD Audio with Content Protection (Realtek ALC1220 Audio Codec) - Impedance Sensing on Rear Out port - Individual PCB Layers for R/L Audio Channel - Nahimic Audio LAN - 2.5 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000/2500 Mb/s - Dragon RTL8125BG - Supports Dragon 2.5G LAN Software - Smart Auto Adjust Bandwidth Control - Visual User Friendly UI - Visual Network Usage Statistics - Optimized Default Setting for Game, Browser, and Streaming Modes - User Customized Priority Control Wireless LAN - 802.11axe Wi-Fi 6E Module - Supports IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax/axe - Supports Dual-Band 2x2 with extended 6GHz band* support - 2 antennas to support 2 (Transmit) x 2 (Receive) diversity technology - Supports Bluetooth 5.3 - Supports MU-MIMO *The Wi-Fi 6E module is supported by Microsoft Windows 11 only. There is no driver available for Windows 10. The availability of the 6GHz band will depend on the different regulation status of each country and region. It will be activated (for supported countries) through Windows Update and software updates once available. A 6GHz compatible router is required for 6E functionality. Slots CPU: - 1 x PCIe 5.0 x16 Slot (PCIE1), supports x16 mode* Chipset: - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x4 Slot (PCIE2), supports x4 mode* - 1 x M.2 Socket (Key E), supports type 2230 WiFi/BT PCIe WiFi module and Intel CNVio/CNVio2 (Integrated WiFi/BT) * Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks Storage CPU: - 1 x Blazing M.2 Socket (M2_1, Key M), supports type 2280 PCIe Gen5x4 (128 Gb/s) mode* Chipset: - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_2, Key M), supports type 2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* - 1 x Hyper M.2 Socket (M2_3, Key M), supports type 2280 PCIe Gen4x4 (64 Gb/s) mode* - 4 x SATA3 6.0 Gb/s Connectors * Supports Intel Volume Management Device (VMD) Supports NVMe SSD as boot disks RAID - Supports RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 and RAID 10 for SATA storage devices USB CPU: - 1 x Thunderbolt™ 4 Type-C (Rear) Chipset: - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C (Front) - 10 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A (6 Rear, 4 Front) - 10 x USB 2.0 (6 Rear, 4 Front) * All USB ports support ESD Protection Connector - 1 x Thermistor Cable Header - 1 x SPI TPM Header - 1 x Power LED and Speaker Header - 1 x RGB LED Header* - 3 x Addressable LED Headers** - 2 x CPU Fan Connectors (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)*** - 3 x Chassis Fan Connectors (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)*** - 1 x AIO Pump Fan Connector (4-pin) (Smart Fan Speed Control)*** - 1 x 24 pin ATX Power Connector - 2 x 8 pin 12V Power Connectors (Hi-Density Power Connector) - 1 x Front Panel Audio Connector - 2 x USB 2.0 Headers (Support 4 USB 2.0 ports) - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Headers (Support 4 USB 3.2 Gen1 ports) - 1 x Front Panel Type C USB 3.2 Gen1 Header * Supports in total up to 12V/3A, 36W LED Strip ** Support in total up to 5V/3A, 15W LED Strip *** CPU_FAN1 supports the fan power up to 1A (12W). CPU_FAN2, CHA_FAN1~3 and AIO_PUMP support the fan power up to 3A (36W). CPU_FAN2, CHA_FAN1~3 and AIO_PUMP can auto detect if 3-pin or 4-pin fan is in use. Rear Panel I/O - 2 x Antenna Ports - 1 x HDMI Port - 1 x Optical SPDIF Out Port - 1 x Thunderbolt™ 4 Type-C Port (40 Gb/s for USB4 protocol; 40Gb/s for Thunderbolt™ protocol)* - 6 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Ports** - 6 x USB 2.0 Ports - 1 x RJ-45 LAN Port - 1 x BIOS Flashback Button - 1 x Line Out Jack (Gold Audio Jack) - 1 x Microphone Input Jack (Gold Audio Jack) * Supports USB PD 3.0 up to 5V@3A (15W) charging ** USB32_12 support Ultra USB Power. Software and UEFI Software - ASRock Motherboard Utility (A-Tuning) - ASRock Dragon 2.5G LAN Software - ASRock Polychrome SYNC* UEFI - ASRock EZ Mode - ASRock Full HD UEFI - ASRock My Favorites in UEFI - ASRock Auto Driver Installer - ASRock Instant Flash *These utilities can be downloaded from ASRock Live Update & APP Shop. Accessories - 2 x SATA Data Cables - 2 x ASRock WiFi 2.4/5/6 GHz Antennas - 1 x Thermistor Cable Form Factor - Micro ATX Form Factor: 9.6-in x 9.6-in, 24.4 cm x 24.4 cm OS - Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit Certifications - FCC, CE - ErP/EuP ready (ErP/EuP ready power supply is required)
4405 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock B860 Pro RS WiFi; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto výstu...
4081 Kč
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AMD Socket AM5 :Supports AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series Processors/li>
Unparalleled Performance :Direct 6+2+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution
Dual Channel DDR5 :4*SMD DIMMs with AMD EXPO™ & Intel XMP Memory Module Support
SuperSpeed Storage :2*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors
Advanced Thermal Design & M.2 Thermal Guard :To Ensure VRM Power Stability & 25110 M.2 SSD Performance
EZ-Latch :PCIe x16 Slot & M.2 Connectors with Quick Release & Screwless Design
Fast Networks :2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 6E 802.11ax
Extended Connectivity :2*DP, HDMI, 2*USB-C 10Gb/s
Smart Fan 6 :Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP
Q-Flash Plus :Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card
AMD Socket AM5, support for: AMD Ryzen™ 7000 / Ryzen™ 8000 Series Processors (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.)
AMD B650
Support for DDR5 8000(OC)/ 7800(OC)/ 7600(OC)/ 7200(OC)/ 7000(OC)/ 6800(OC)/ 6600(OC)/ 6400(OC)/ 6200(OC)/ 6000(OC)/ 5600(OC)/ 5200/ 4800 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for AMD EXtended Profiles for Overclocking (AMD EXPO™) and Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (Please refer "Memory Support List" for more information.)
Onboard Graphics
Integrated Graphics Processor: 2 x DisplayPorts, supporting a maximum resolution of 3840x2160@144 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.4 version and HDR. 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3. ** Support native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.)
Support for up to 3 displays at the same time
Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings.
Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps)
Wireless Communication module
AMD Wi-Fi 6E RZ616 (MT7922A22M) (For PCB rev. 1.0) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.)
Expansion Slots
CPU: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) Chipset: 1 x PCI Express x1 slot, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1)
Storage Interface
CPU: 2 x M.2 connectors (Socket 3, M key, type 25110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) Chipset: 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices
CPU: 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) on the back panel CPU + USB 2.0 Hub: 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support, available through the internal USB header 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (2 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers
Internal I/O Connectors
1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 3 x system fan headers 1 x addressable LED strip header 1 x RGB LED strip header 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x reset button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper
Back Panel Connectors
4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) 2 x DisplayPorts 1 x HDMI port 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x RJ-45 port 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 3 x audio jacks
I/O Controller
iTE I/O Controller Chip
H/W Monitoring
Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the cooler you install.
1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0
Unique Features
Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus
Bundled Software
Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software
Operating System
Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit
Form Factor
Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 24.4cm
8717 Kč
cena s DPH
základní deska, MB, ATX, AM5, AMD X670, pro Ryzen 7000, 4x DDR5, 4x M.2, 4x SATA, 2.5Gb LAN, DisplayPort, HDMI
3576 Kč
cena s DPH
ASUS Prime B760-PLUS D4, an Intel® B760 LGA 1700 ATX motherboard with PCIe 5.0, three PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots, DDR4, Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet, DisplayPort, VGA, HDMI®, SATA 6 Gbps, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C®, front USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C®, Thunderbolt™ (USB4®) suppor
1499 Kč
cena s DPH
MSI PRO H610M-E DDR4 PRO series helps users work smarter by delivering an efficient and productive experience. Featuring stable functionality and high-quality assembly, PRO series motherboards provide not only optimized professional workflows but also less troubleshooting and longevity. CPU Support Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th/ 12th Gen Processors, Intel Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors 1 Processor socket LGA1700 Please go to www.msi.com to get the newest support status as new processors are released. CHIPSET Intel H610 Chipset MEMORY 2x DDR4 memory slots, support up to 64GB 1 Supports 1R 2133/ 2666/ 3200 MHz (by JEDEC & POR) Supports Dual-Channel mode Supports non-ECC, un-buffered memory Please refer to www.msi.com for more information on compatible memory. EXPANSION SLOT 1x PCIe x16 slot (From CPU) Supports up to PCIe 4.0 x16 1x PCIe x1 slot (From H610 chipset) Supports PCIe 3.0 x1 ONBOARD GRAPHICS 1x HDMI™ 1.4 with HDR port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4K 30Hz 1 / 2 1x VGA port, supporting a maximum resolution of 2048x1536 50Hz, 2048x1280 60Hz, 1920x1200 60Hz 1 / 2 Available only on processors featuring integrated graphics.Graphics specifications may vary depending on the CPU installed. STORAGE 4x SATA 6Gb/s ports (From H610 chipset) 1x M.2 slot (Key M) (from CPU) Supports up to PCIe 3.0 x4 Supports up to SATA 6Gb/s Supports 2242/ 2260/ 2280 storage devices INTERNAL USB CONNECTORS 1x USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gbps connector (From H610 chipset) Supports additional 2 USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gbps ports 2x USB 2.0 Type-A connectors (From Hub-GL850G) Supports additional 4 USB 2.0 ports AUDIO Realtek ALC897 Codec 7.1-Channel High Definition Audio LAN 1x Realtek RTL8111H 1Gbps LAN controller INTERNAL CONNECTORS 1x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1x 8-pin +12V power connector 1x 4-pin CPU fan connector 2x 4-pin system fan connectors 1x Front panel audio connector 2x System panel connectors 1x Chassis Intrusion connector 1x TPM module connector 1x Serial port connector 1x Clear CMOS jumper 1x 4-pin RGB LED connector 4x EZ Debug LED BACK PANEL PORTS HDMI™ VGA Keyboard / Mouse USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gbps Type-A LAN port Audio connector USB 2.0 DIMENSIONS M-ATX Form Factor 9.3 in. x 7.9 in. (23.6 cm x 20 cm)
4518 Kč
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GIGABYTE Z790 D AX Supports Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th /12th processors Unparalleled Performance:Twin 12*+1+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs with XMP 3.0 Memory Module Support Next Generation Storage:3*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors Advanced Thermal Design & M.2 Thermal Guard: To Ensure VRM Power Stability & M.2 SSD Performance EZ-Latch:PCIe 4.0x16 Slot with Quick Release Design Fast Networks:2.5GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 6E 802.11ax Extended Connectivity:DP, HDMI, Rear USB-C 10Gb/s Smart Fan 6:Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus:Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card CPU LGA1700 socket: Support for the 14th, 13th, and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors (Go to GIGABYTE s website for the latest CPU support list.) L3 cache varies with CPU Chipset Intel Z790 Express Chipset Memory 14th and 13th Generation Intel Core™ i9/i7 Pocessors: - Support for DDR5 7600(O.C.) /7400(O.C.) /7200(O.C.) /7000(O.C.) /6800(O.C.) /6600(O.C.) / 6400(O.C.) / 6200(O.C.) / 6000(O.C.) / 5800(O.C.) / 5600 / 5400 / 5200/ 4800/4400 MT/s memory modules 13th Generation Intel Core™ i5/i3 and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors: - Support for DDR5 4800/4400 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" on GIGABYTE s website for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3. ** Support for native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. - 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless Communication module Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (PCB rev. 1.0) - WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.3 - Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) Expansion Slots CPU: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 5.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4) - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_4) - 2 x PCI Express x1 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_2, PCIEX1_3) Storage Interface CPU: - 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: - 1 x M.2 connectors (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) - 1 x M.2 connectors (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 SATA and PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2M_SB) - 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header - 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) on the back panel - 6 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports (4 ports on the back panel, 2 ports available through the internal USB header) - 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+USB 2.0 Hub: - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports, available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connectors 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 2 x addressable LED strip headers 3 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 2 x Thunderbolt™ add-in card connectors 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0/GC-TPM2.0 SPI V2 module only) 1 x reset button 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) 4 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) 1 x HDMI port 1 x DisplayPort 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Smart Backup Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
3654 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE B760 DS3H AX With the fast-moving technology changes, GIGABYTE always follows the latest trends and provides customers with advanced features and latest technologies. GIGABYTE motherboards are equipped with upgraded power solution, latest storage standards and outstanding connectivity to enable optimized performance for gaming. Supports Intel Core™ 14th/ 13th /12th processors Unparalleled Performance:Hybrid 8+2+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*DIMMs XMP Memory Module Support Next Generation Storage:2*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors EZ-Latch:PCIe 4.0x16 Slot with Quick Release Design Fast Networks:GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 6E 802.11ax Extended Connectivity:Rear USB-C 20Gb/s, DP, HDMI Smart Fan 6:Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus:Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card CPU LGA1700 socket: Support for the 14th, 13th, and 12th Generation Intel Core™, Pentium Gold and Celeron Processors L3 cache varies with CPU (Please refer "CPU Support List" for more information.) Chipset Intel B760 Express Chipset Memory Support for DDR5 7600(O.C.) /7400(O.C.) /7200(O.C.) /7000(O.C.) /6800(O.C.) /6600(O.C.) / 6400(O.C.) / 6200(O.C.) / 6000(O.C.) / 5800(O.C.) / 5600(O.C.) / 5400(O.C.) / 5200(O.C.) / 4800 / 4000 MT/s memory modules 4 x DDR5 DIMM sockets supporting up to 192 GB (48 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor-Intel HD Graphics support: 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3. ** Support native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304@60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 version and HDCP 2.3 (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out LAN Realtek GbE LAN chip (1 Gbps/100 Mbps) Wireless Communication module Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 (PCB rev. 1.0) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (PCB rev. 1.1) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate Realtek Wi-Fi 6E RTL8852CE (PCB rev. 1.2) WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5/6 GHz carrier frequency bands BLUETOOTH 5.3 Support for 11ax 160MHz wireless standard and up to 2.4 Gbps data rate (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) Expansion Slots CPU: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: 4 x PCI Express x16 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_1, PCIEX1_3~PCIEX1_5) Storage Interface CPU: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset: 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2P_SB) 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB Chipset: 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) on the back panel 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports available through the internal USB header 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Chipset+2 USB 2.0 Hubs: 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 1 x system fan/water cooling pump header 2 x addressable LED strip headers 2 x RGB LED strip headers 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module header (For the GC-TPM2.0 SPI/GC-TPM2.0 SPI 2.0 module only) 1 x serial port header 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x reset button 1 x reset jumper 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 2 x SMA antenna connectors (2T2R) 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 1 x HDMI port 1 x DisplayPort 1 x RJ-45 port 3 x audio jacks I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control function is supported will depend on the fan (pump) you install. BIOS 1 x 128 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) * Available applications in GCC may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. Support for Q-Flash Support for Q-Flash Plus Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
3109 Kč
cena s DPH
GIGABYTE B550 EAGLE WIFI6 AMD Socket AM4 : Supports AMD Ryzen™ 5000 / 4000 / 3000 Series Processors Digital twin 10+3+1 phases VRM solution Dual Channel DDR4 : 4*DIMMs with AMD EXPO™Memory Module Support EZ-Latch : PCIe slots with Quick Release Design Friendly UI : Multi-Theme, AIO Fan Control, and Q-Flash Auto Scan in BIOS and SW. Ultra-Fast Storage : 2*M.2 slots, including PCIe 4.0 x1 Efficient Thermal : VRM Thermal Armor Advanced Fast Networking : GbE LAN & Wi-Fi 6 Extended Connectivity : HDMI, Displayport PCIe UD Slot : PCIe 4.0 x16 slots with 10X strength for graphics card & Better Heat dissipation effect CPU AMD Socket AM4, support for: AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G-Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 4000 G-Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 3000 G-Series Processors/ AMD Ryzen™ 3000 Series Processors (Go to GIGABYTE s website for the latest CPU support list.) Chipset AMD B550 Memory 4 x DDR4 DIMM sockets supporting up to 128 GB (32 GB single DIMM capacity) of system memory Support for DDR4 3200/2933/2667/2400/2133 MT/s memory modules Dual channel memory architecture Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules (The CPU and memory configuration may affect the supported memory types, data rate (speed), and number of DRAM modules, please refer to "Memory Support List" on GIGABYTE s website for more information.) Onboard Graphics Integrated Graphics Processor with AMD Radeon™ Graphics support: - 1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.1 version, HDCP 2.3, and HDR. ** Support for native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on CPU support.) Maximum shared memory of 16 GB Audio Realtek Audio CODEC High Definition Audio 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. LAN Realtek GbE LAN chip (1 Gbps/100 Gbps/10 Mbps) Wireless Communication module Realtek Wi-Fi 6 RTL8851BE - WIFI a, b, g, n, ac, ax, supporting 2.4/5 GHz carrier frequency bands - BLUETOOTH 5.3 - Support for 11ax 80MHz wireless standard (Actual data rate may vary depending on environment and equipment.) Expansion Slots 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX16), integrated in the CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 5000/3000 Series Processors support PCIe 4.0 x16 mode AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G/4000 G/3000 G Series Processors support PCIe 3.0x16 mode * The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot. Chipset: - 4 x PCI Express x16 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1(PCIEX1_1, PCIEX1_2, PCIEX1_3, PCIEX1_4) Storage Interface 1 x M.2 connector (M2A_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SSDs: - AMD Ryzen™ 5000/3000 Series Processors support SATA and PCIe 4.0x4/x2 SSDs - AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G/4000 G/3000 G Series Processors support SATA and PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2B_SB), integrated in the Chipset, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 3.0 x4/x2 SSDs 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices USB CPU: - AMD Ryzen™ 5000/3000 Series Processors support one USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A port (red) on the back panel - AMD Ryzen™ 5000 G/4000 G/3000 G-Series Processors support one USB 3.2 Gen 1 port (red) on the back panel - 1 x USB Type-C port on the back panel, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports on the back panel Chipset: - 1 x USB Type-C port with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support, available through the internal USB header - 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports available through the internal USB header - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports available through the internal USB headers Chipset+USB 2.0 Hub: - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports on the back panel Internal I/O Connectors 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector 1 x 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 1 x CPU fan header 1 x CPU fan/water cooling pump header 3 x system fan headers 2 x addressable LED strip headers 2 x RGB LED strip headers 1 x CPU cooler LED strip/RGB LED strip header 2 x M.2 Socket 3 connectors 4 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 1 x front panel header 1 x front panel audio header 1 x USB Type-C header, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 header 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers 1 x Trusted Platform Module (TPM) header (2x6 pin, for the GC-TPM2.0_S module only) 1 x Clear CMOS jumper Back Panel Connectors 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 2 x antenna connectors (1T1R) 1 x HDMI port (Note) 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A (Note)/USB 3.2 Gen 1 port (red) 1 x USB Type-C port, with USB 3.2 Gen 1 support 1 x Q-Flash Plus button 1 x RJ-45 port 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports 3 x audio jacks (Note) Actual support may vary by CPU. I/O Controller iTE I/O Controller Chip H/W Monitoring Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Water cooling flow rate detection Fan fail warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan speed control function is supported will depend on the fan you install. BIOS 1 x 128 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0 Unique Features Support for APP Center * Available applications in APP Center may vary by motherboard model. Supported functions of each application may also vary depending on motherboard specifications. - @BIOS - EasyTune - RGB Fusion - Smart Backup - System Information Viewer Support for Q-Flash Plus Support for Q-Flash Bundled Software Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software Operating System Support for Windows 11 64-bit Support for Windows 10 64-bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor; 30.5cm x 24.4cm
6696 Kč
cena s DPH
ASRock B650E PG-ITX WiFi; Deska je vybavena grafickými výstupy pro použití s procesory s integrovaným grafickým jádrem. Základní deska grafickou kartu neobsahuje a bez použití odpovídajícího procesoru, budou tyto výs...