Kategorie: 2U a více servery do racku
107546 Kč
cena s DPH
Server HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 využívá špičkové technologie a tak nabízí zvýšenou flexibilitu a ...
86149 Kč
cena s DPH
7D73A06LEA 1x Silver 4514Y 16C 150W 2.0G 1x 32GB 1Rx4 5600MHz 9350-8i 8x 2.5" SAS; Open bay Open 2x LP Gen4 1x1100W Titanium 6x Perf Opt Plat
Machine types 7D72 - 1 year warranty, 7D73 - 3 year warranty
Form factor 1U rack.
Processor One or two
53582 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL20g11 E-2434 (3.4G/4C) 1x32G 2x2TB/7.2k SATA VROC 2LFF-HP 290W Smart Choice
83098 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL145g11 AMD 8024P (2.4/8C) 1x32G 2SFF NS204i-u 2x1000W 4x1Gb Smart Choice
Jste připraveni zažít výjimečný výkon, cenovou dostupnost a všestrannost s nejnovějším řešením serveru Edge Computing od společnosti HPE?
Server HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 je 2U, jednoprocesorový, robustní server edge computing navržený tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám maloobchodu, výroby, telekomunikací a různých dalších odvětví. Nabízí přesvědčivou alternativu k tradičním serverům s elegantním designem, dostupnou cenou a tichým provozem. Tento server je poháněn architekturou AMD EPYCTM 8004 Zen4c 4. generace a poskytuje až 64 energeticky účinných jader, rychlost PCIe Gen5 a vysoce výkonné úložiště EDSFF. Může pracovat nepřetržitě při teplotách až 55 °C a odolat prostředí s vysokou prašností a vysokými vibracemi. Je navržen pro dnešní hybridní svět a umožňuje podnikům virtualizovat tradiční IT aplikace, aby posílily své podniky a urychlily úspěch AI. 3 klíčové vlastnosti:
1. Získejte robustní špičkový výpočetní výkon s malou plochou serveru
HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 snižuje závislost na cloudové infrastruktuře tím, že řeší různé pracovní zátěže s nízkou latencí pomocí efektivního zpracování poháněného procesory AMD Siena. Server podporuje až 64 jader a nabízí podporu pro 3x jeden široký GPU, přizpůsobuje svůj výkon okrajovým pracovním zátěžím a zároveň poskytuje vyšší energetickou účinnost prostřednictvím nových výkonových disků EDSFF. HPE Integrated Lights Out a Compute Ops Management navíc umožňují snadnou správu na různých místech. Malé rozměry serveru HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 kladou uživatelům důraz na úsilí o udržitelnost.
2. Přizpůsobeno pro rozmanité portfolio Edge Computing prostředí
HPE ProLiant DL145 využívá tvarový faktor 2U, který poskytuje lepší chlazení, proudění vzduchu a tichou akustiku. HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 měří přibližně 15 palců na šířku a 16 palců do hloubky a lze jej namontovat do racku, na stěnu nebo na stůl, což poskytuje flexibilitu pro vaše jedinečné obchodní prostředí. Tento server je navržen tak, aby vyhovoval různým omezením prostředí, zvládne provozní teplotu až 55 stupňů Celsia a odolá mírným až extrémním otřesům a vibracím. V místech s velkým množstvím prachu a nečistot je velký vzduchový filtr HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 schopen odfiltrovat škodlivý vzduchem přenášený materiál a udržet vaše zařízení efektivní.
3. Zabezpečení vašich dat a majetku pomocí vylepšených funkcí zabezpečení
Hewlett Packard Enterprise se stará o to, aby byl váš majetek a data v bezpečí, zejména na okraji, kde jsou data a majetek zranitelnější vůči útoku. HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 má vysoce kvalitní bezpečnostní funkce potřebné k zajištění vašeho klidu. Postaveno na podpisu Hewlett Packard Enterprise Silicon Root of Trust, Integrated Lights Out 6, IDevID a certifikátech platformy, můžete si být jisti, že jsou vaše data chráněna před vnějšími hrozbami. Detekce narušení šasi pomocí zámků Bezel a Kensington chrání vaše zařízení před neoprávněnou krádeží nebo vniknutím
Technical specifications
HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 8024P 2.4GHz 8c 1P1x32GB-R 2SFF NS204i-u NC BCM5719 2x1000WPS Server
Product Number
Processor name
AMD EPYC™ 8024P (8core, 2.4GHz 32MB L3 90W)
Processor number
1 processor included
Processor core available
8 core
Processor cache
32 MB L3
Processor speed
2.40 GHz
Power supply type
2x 900-1000W Titanium HotPlug AC Power Supply Kit
Expansion slots
4 x PCIe Gen5 (2 FHFL, 1 FHHL, 1OCP 3.0)
for detailed descriptions reference the QuickSpecs
Memory type
HPE DDR5 Smart Memory
Included drives
None ship standard, 2 SFF supported
System fan features
4x Standard Fans
Network controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Storage controller
HPE NS204i-u Gen11 NVMe Hot Plug Boot Optimized Storage Device
Infrastructure management
HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning (embedded), HPE OneViewStandard (download), HPE iLO Advanced, HPE iLO Advanced PremiumSecurity Edition, OneView Advanced (require licenses), HPE Compute OpsManagement (subscription included)
3/3/3: Server warranty includes 3 years of parts, 3 years of labor, and 3 years of onsite support coverage. Additional information regardingworldwide limited warranty and tech support is available at:https://h20564.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/home. Add HPE support and service coverage to supplement the product warranty https://www.hpe.com/support
86981 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g10 Plus 4310 (2.1G/12C) 2x32G 2x480G SR416i-a NVMe/SAS 2x800W 8SFF 4x1Gocp Smart Choice
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus - Smart Choice Models
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 4310 12c 1P 2x32GB-R SR416i-a 2x480GB SATA SSD 2x800W PS EU Server
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 8SFF NC Configure-to-order Server
4310 (12 core, 2.1 GHz, 120W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
64 GB (2x32 GB, 3200 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 2667 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Notes: No embedded networking.
Storage Controller
HPE SR416i-a Gen10 Plus x16 Lanes 4GB Cache NVMe/SAS 24G Controller
Included Drives
2x HPE 480GB SATA 6G Read Intensive SFF BC Multi Vendor SSD
Optical Drive
Optional DVD via Universal Media Bay or USB connectivity
Expansion Slots
2 PCIe: 1 x16 FH, 1 x16 LP
Power Supply
2x HPE 800W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit
5x Standard Fans
Rail Kit
HPE ProLiant DL300 Gen10 Plus 1U SFF Easy Install Rail Kit Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
1U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
103303 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g11 4509Y (2.6G/8C) 1x32G MR408i-o/4G 8-10SFF 1x1000W 2x1G NBD333 1U
SKU Number P70540-421 Model Name HPE PL DL360g11 4509Y (2.6G/8C) 1x32G MR408i-o/4G 8-10SFF 1x1000W 2x1G NBD333 1U Chassis HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52499-B21) CPU 4509Y (8 core, 2.6 GHz, 125W) Number of Processors One with standard heatsink Memory 32 GB (1x32 GB , 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. Network Controller Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Storage Controller HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller Hard Drive None Included Internal Storage 8 SFF NC CTO Server (upgradeable to 8+2 SFF front) PCIe Slots 2-slots (x16 FH, x16 HH). Upgradeable to 3rd slot in HH (or remove Slot 2 bracket to be FH at Slot 3) in 2nd CPU configuration. Power Supply 1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit Fans 5 - Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit HPE ProLiant DL3XX Gen11 Easy Install Rail 3 Kit Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets). Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 1U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 4509Y 2.6GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR408i-o NC 8SFF 1000W PS Server
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 8SFF NC Configure-to-order Server
4509Y (8 core, 2.6 GHz, 125W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
32 GB (1x32 GB , 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Included Hard Drives
None ship standard, 8 SFF supported
Internal Storage
8 SFF NC CTO Server (upgradeable to 8+2 SFF front)
Optical Drive
Optional - HPE 9.5mm SATA DVD-RW Optical Drive, HPE Mobile USB DVD-RW Drive.
Power Supply
1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
5x Standard Fans
Rail Kit
HPE ProLiant DL3XX Gen11 Easy Install Rail 3 Kit Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
1U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
88428 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g10 Plus 4309Y (2.8/8C) 2x32G 2x480G (P40497) 2x800W MR416i-p 8SFFU3 4p1G-T Smart Choice
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus 4309Y 2.8GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-p NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-Mode 24G U.3 BC
4309 (8-Core, 2.8 GHz, 105W) 2
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57412 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port SFP+ OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-p/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
3 PCIe: x8/x16/x8
Power Supply
1x 800W Titanium
6 - Maximum Performance
Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/ CMA
Form Factor
2U Rack
76194 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g11 5416S (2.0G/16C/30M) 1x32G VROC 8SFF 1x800W 2x10Gb Base-T PCIe NBD333 1U RENEW P51931-421
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 5416S 2.0GHz 16-core 1P 32GB-R NC 8SFF 800W PS Server
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52499-B21)
5416S (16-core, 2.0GHz, 150W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2Rx8 4800 MT/s
(1x 32 GB) (P43328-B21)
Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE (P26253-B21)
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
Embedded Intel VROC SATA for HPE ProLiant Gen11, with 14 SATA ports (10-ports accessible); Choice of HPE modular Smart Array and PCIe plug-in controller
Hard Drive
not included
Internal Storage
8 SFF NC CTO Server (upgradeable to 8+2 SFF front)
PCIe Slots
2-slots (x16 FH, x16 HH) as standard.
Upgradeable to 3 rd slot in HH (or remove Slot 2 bracket to be FH at Slot 3) in a 2 nd processor configuration.
All PCIe Slos are in design with up to 9.5" length.
Power Supply
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Platinum Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (P38995-B21) (-B21 & -291)
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (865438-B21) (-421)
5- Standard
M anagement
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0
Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11 as it is an embedded feature and disabled on shipments to China.
Rail Kit
HPE Easy Install Rail 3 Kit; w/o CMA. Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Energy Star
Energy Star 3.0
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
118931 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g11 4510 (2.4G/12C) 2x32G 2x2.4TB/10k 2x1000W MR408i-o 8SFF 4x1G Smart Choice
Smart Choice Models
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 4510 2.4GHz 12c 1P 64GB-R 8SFF MR408i-o 2x960GB SSD 2x1000W PS EMEA Server
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 8SFF NC Configure-to-order Server
4510 (12 core, 2.4 GHz, 150W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
2x32 GB , 5600 MT/s Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. P64706-B21 32gb
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Included Hard Drives
2x 2.4TB 10k SAS
Internal Storage
8 SFF NC CTO Server (upgradeable to 8+2 SFF front)
Optical Drive
Optional - HPE 9.5mm SATA DVD-RW Optical Drive, HPE Mobile USB DVD-RW Drive
Power Supply
2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
5x Standard Fans
Rail Kit
HPE ProLiant DL3XX Gen11 Easy Install Rail 3 Kit Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
1U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
89467 Kč
cena s DPH
7D76A05ZEA 1x Silver 4514Y 16C 150W 2.0G 1x32GB 1Rx4 5600Mhz 9350-8i 8x 2.5" SAS Open bay Open 3 (x16, x8, x8) Gen4 1x1100W Titanium 5x Std Plat
Machine types 7D75 - 1 year warranty, 7D76 - 3 year warranty
Form factor 2U rack
Processor One or two
76626 Kč
cena s DPH
7D76A05VEA 1x Silver 4509Y 8C 125W 2.6G 1x32GB 1Rx4 9350-8i 8x 2.5" SAS Open bay Open 3 (x16, x8, x8) Gen4 1x1100W Titanium 5x Std Opt Opt Plat Yes
Machine types 7D75 - 1 year warranty, 7D76 - 3 year warranty
Form factor 2U rack
Processor One or
69673 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g10 Plus 4314 (2.4G/16C) 1x32G MR416i-a/4G 8SFFBCU3 1x800W 2p10G-Tocp P55275R-421 RENEW
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 4314 2.4GHz 16-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-a NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-mode U.3 BC
4314 (16-Core, 2.4 GHz, 135W) 1
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB) & 31 DIMM blanks
Notes: Runs at 2667 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-a/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
2 PCIe: 1 x16 FH, 1 x16 LP
Power Supply
1x 800W Titanium
7 - High Performance
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/o CMA
Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
102030 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g11 4410Y (2.0G/12C/30M) 1x32G MR408i-o 8SFF 1x800W 4x1Gb NBD333 1U
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 4410Y 2.0GHz 12-core 1P 32GB-R MR408i-o NC 8SFF 800W PS Server
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52499-B21)
4410Y (12 core, 2.0GHz, 150W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2Rx8 4800 MT/s
(1x 32 GB) (P43328-B21)
Notes: Runs at 4000 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE (P51181-B21)
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller and Smart Storage Battery (P58335-B21)
Hard Drive
None Included
Internal Storage
8 SFF NC CTO Server (upgradeable to 8+2 SFF front)
PCIe Slots
2-slots (x16 FH, x16 HH) as standard.
Upgradeable to 3 rd slot in HH (or remove Slot 2 bracket to be FH at Slot 3) in a 2 nd processor configuration.
All PCIe Slos are in design with up to 9.5" length.
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (865438-B21) (-421)
5- Standard
M anagement
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0
Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11 as it is an embedded feature and disabled on shipments to China.
Rail Kit
HPE Easy Install Rail 3 Kit; w/o CMA. Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Energy Star
Energy Star 3.0
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
82933 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g10 Plus 4309Y (2.8G/8C) 2x32G 2x480G 2x800W MR416i-a/4G 8SFFBCU3 4x1G ocp Smart Choice
S KU Number
M odel Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 4309Y 2.8GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-a NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-mode U.3 BC
4309Y (8-Core, 2.8 GHz, 105W) 3
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
2x 32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB) & 31 DIMM blanks
Notes: Runs at 2667 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-a/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
2 PCIe: 1 x16 FH, 1 x16 LP
Power Supply
2x 800W Titanium
7 - High Performance
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/o CMA
Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
88824 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g10 Plus 4309Y (2.8G/8C) 2x32G (P06033) 2x2.4TB 2x800W MR416i-a/4G 8SFFBCU3 ocp4x1G Smart Choice
S KU Number
M odel Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 4309Y 2.8GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-a NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-mode U.3 BC
4309Y (8-Core, 2.8 GHz, 105W) 3
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
2x 32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB) & 31 DIMM blanks
Notes: Runs at 2667 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for (No embedded netw)
Storage Controller
MR416i-a/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
2x HPE 2.4TB SAS 12G Mission Critical 10K SFF BC 3-year Warranty 512e Multi Vendor HDD
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
2 PCIe: 1 x16 FH, 1 x16 LP
Power Supply
2x 800W Titanium
7 - High Performance
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/o CMA
Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
95598 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL145g11 AMD8124P (2.45/16C) 2x32G 2SFF NS204i-u 2x1000W 4x1Gb Smart Choice
Model HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 8124P 2.45GHz 16c 1P 2x32GB-R 2SFF NS204i-u 2x1000W PS EMEA Server Product Number P79815-425 Processor name AMD EPYC™ 8124P (16 core, 2.45 GHz, 64 MB L3, 125W) Processor number 1 processor included Processor core available 16 core Processor cache 64 MB L3 Processor speed 2.45 GHz Power supply type 2x HPE ProLiant DL110 900W-1000W Titanium Hot Plug AC Power Supply Kit Expansion slots 4 x PCIe Gen5 (2 FHFL, 1 FHHL, 1OCP 3.0) for detailed descriptions reference the QuickSpecs Memory type HPE DDR5 Smart Memory Included drives None ship standard, 2 SFF supported System fan features 4x Standard Fans Network controller Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Storage controller HPE NS204i-u Gen11 NVMe Hot Plug Boot Optimized Storage Device Infrastructure management HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning (embedded), HPE OneView Std (requires download), HPE iLO Advanced, HPE iLO Adv Premium Security Edition, HPE OneView Adv (require licenses), HPE Compute Ops Management (subscription included) Warranty 3/3/3: Server warranty includes three years of parts, three years of labor, and three years of onsite support coverage. Additional information regarding worldwide limited warranty and technical support is available at: https://h20564.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/home. Additional HPE support and service coverage, to supplement the product warranty, is available. https://www.hpe.com/support
Jste připraveni zažít výjimečný výkon, cenovou dostupnost a všestrannost s nejnovějším řešením serveru Edge Computing od společnosti HPE?
Server HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 je 2U, jednoprocesorový, robustní server edge computing navržený tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám maloobchodu, výroby, telekomunikací a různých dalších odvětví. Nabízí přesvědčivou alternativu k tradičním serverům s elegantním designem, dostupnou cenou a tichým provozem. Tento server je poháněn architekturou AMD EPYCTM 8004 Zen4c 4. generace a poskytuje až 64 energeticky účinných jader, rychlost PCIe Gen5 a vysoce výkonné úložiště EDSFF. Může pracovat nepřetržitě při teplotách až 55 °C a odolat prostředí s vysokou prašností a vysokými vibracemi. Je navržen pro dnešní hybridní svět a umožňuje podnikům virtualizovat tradiční IT aplikace, aby posílily své podniky a urychlily úspěch AI.
Klíčové vlastnosti
Získejte robustní špičkový výpočetní výkon s malou plochou serveru
HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 snižuje závislost na cloudové infrastruktuře tím, že řeší různé pracovní zátěže s nízkou latencí pomocí efektivního zpracování poháněného procesory AMD Siena. Server podporuje až 64 jader a nabízí podporu pro 3x jeden široký GPU, přizpůsobuje svůj výkon okrajovým pracovním zátěžím a zároveň poskytuje vyšší energetickou účinnost prostřednictvím nových výkonových disků EDSFF. HPE Integrated Lights Out a Compute Ops Management navíc umožňují snadnou správu na různých místech. Malé rozměry serveru HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 kladou uživatelům důraz na úsilí o udržitelnost.
Přizpůsobeno pro rozmanité portfolio Edge Computing prostředí
HPE ProLiant DL145 využívá tvarový faktor 2U, který poskytuje lepší chlazení, proudění vzduchu a tichou akustiku. HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 měří přibližně 15 palců na šířku a 16 palců do hloubky a lze jej namontovat do racku, na stěnu nebo na stůl, což poskytuje flexibilitu pro vaše jedinečné obchodní prostředí. Tento server je navržen tak, aby vyhovoval různým omezením prostředí, zvládne provozní teplotu až 55 stupňů Celsia a odolá mírným až extrémním otřesům a vibracím. V místech s velkým množstvím prachu a nečistot je velký vzduchový filtr HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 schopen odfiltrovat škodlivý vzduchem přenášený materiál a udržet vaše zařízení efektivní.
Zabezpečení vašich dat a majetku pomocí vylepšených funkcí zabezpečení
Hewlett Packard Enterprise se stará o to, aby byl váš majetek a data v bezpečí, zejména na okraji, kde jsou data a majetek zranitelnější vůči útoku. HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 má vysoce kvalitní bezpečnostní funkce potřebné k zajištění vašeho klidu. Postaveno na podpisu Hewlett Packard Enterprise Silicon Root of Trust, Integrated Lights Out 6, IDevID a certifikátech platformy, můžete si být jisti, že jsou vaše data chráněna před vnějšími hrozbami. Detekce narušení šasi pomocí zámků Bezel a Kensington chrání vaše zařízení před neoprávněnou krádeží nebo vniknutím
Technical specifications
HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 8124P 2.45GHz 16c 1P2x32GB-R 2SFF NS204i-u 2x1000W PS EMEAServer
Product Number
Processor name
AMD EPYC™ 8124P (16 core, 2.45 GHz, 64 MB L3, 125W)
Processor number
1 processor included
Processor core available
16 core
Processor cache
64 MB L3
Processor speed
2.45 GHz
Power supply type
2x HPE ProLiant DL110 900W-1000W Titanium Hot Plug AC Power Supply Kit
Expansion slots
4 x PCIe Gen5 (2 FHFL, 1 FHHL, 1OCP 3.0)
for detailed descriptions reference the QuickSpecs
Memory type
HPE DDR5 Smart Memory
Included drives
None ship standard, 2 SFF supported
System fan features
4x Standard Fans
Network controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Storage controller
HPE NS204i-u Gen11 NVMe Hot Plug Boot Optimized Storage Device
Infrastructure management
HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning (embedded), HPE OneViewStandard (requires download), HPE iLO Advanced, HPE iLO Advanced PremiumSecurity Edition, and HPE OneView Advanced (require licenses), HPE Compute OpsManagement (subscription included)
3/3/3: Server warranty includes three years of parts, three years of labor, andthree years of onsite support coverage. Additional information regardingworldwide limited warranty and technical support is available at:https://h20564.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/home. Additional HPE support andservice coverage, to supplement the product warranty, is available. For moreinformation, visit https://www.hpe.com/support
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 8124P 2.45GHz 16c 1P 2x32GB-R 2SFF NS204i-u 2x1000W PS EMEA Server
HPE ProLiant DL145 Gen11 Configure-to-order Server
8124P (16 core, 2.45 GHz, 125W)
Number of CPU
64 GB (2x32 GB, 4800 MT/s)
Network Control
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
HPE NS204i-u Gen11 NVMe Hot Plug Boot Optimized Storage Device
Included Drives
None ship standard, 2 SFF supported
Expansion Slots
4 x PCIe Gen5 (2 FHFL, 1 FHHL, 1OCP 3.0)
Power Supply
2x HPE ProLiant DL110 900W-1000W Titanium Hot Plug AC Power Supply Kit
4x Standard Fans
HPE iLO Standard with Int Provisioning (embedded), HPE OneView Standard, HPE iLO Advanced, HPE iLO Advanced Premium Security Edition, and HPE OneView Adv (require licenses), HPE Compute Ops Management (subscription included)
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
2U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
124655 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 4514Y (2.0/16C/30M) 4x32G (P64706-B21) NS204i-u(2x480gM.2) 2x1000W 8SFF 2x10G-T Smart Choice
SKU Number P52561-421 Model Name HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 4514Y 2.0GHz 16c 1P 128GB-R 8SFF NS204i-u NC BCM57416 2x1000W PS EU Server Chassis 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52534-B21) CPU 4514Y (16 core, 2.0 GHz, 150W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 128 GB (4x32 GB, 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. 4x P64706-B21 Network Controller Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE Storage Controller HPE NS204i-u Gen11 NVMe Hot Plug Boot Optimized Storage Device (2x480G m.2) Internal Storage 8-26SFF CTO Server (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421) Fans 6x High Performance Fan Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 - Smart Choice Models
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 4514Y 2.0GHz 16c 1P 128GB-R 8SFF NS204i-u NC BCM57416 2x1000W PS EU Server
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 8SFF NC Configure-to-order Server
4514Y (16 core, 2.0 GHz, 150W)
Number of CPU
128 GB (4x32 GB, 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation.
Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE
HPE NS204i-u Gen11 NVMe Hot Plug Boot Optimized Storage Device
Hard Drives
None ship standard, 8 SFF supported
Optical Drive
Optional DVD-ROM Optional via Universal Media Bay External support only
Expansion Slots
3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration
Power Supply
2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
6x High Performance Fan
Rail Kit
HPE ProLiant DL3XX Gen11 Easy Install Rail 3 Kit
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
58251 Kč
cena s DPH
Server HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 využívá špičkové technologie a tak nabízí zvýšenou flexibilitu a ...
19132 Kč
cena s DPH
Benchmark CPU Intel Xeon E-2388G @ 3.20GHz 23,815 https://www.fujitsu.com/global/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx1330m5/
Intel Xeon E-2334 4C/8T 3.40 GHz
32GB (1x32GB) 2Rx8 DDR4-3200 U ECC
Rack Mount Kit
Region-kit Europe
iRMCS6 eLCM Activation License preloaded
Power Supply Dummy
Modular PSU 500W titanium hp
No powercord as order option
TPM 2.0 Module V1
Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX1330 M5
Mono-socket x86 server providing an ideal mix of performance and cost in a compact 1U space Ideal foundation for many SMBs across industries and for a wide range of workloads such as file/print applications, web hosting, communication, collaboration, and virtualization Cost-efficient performance based on Intel Xeon E-2300 processors either with 4-, 6-, or 8-cores Address data sets with up to 4x DDR4 DIMMs (in total up to 128GB memory)
BOOST YOUR PRODUCTIVITY Workload optimized performance for space and power constrained environments from the edge to the data center.
SCALE YOUR IT ACCORDING TO YOUR NEEDS The PRIMERGY RX1330 M5 delivers the flexibility to increase compute, storage, and memory capacity based on various configuration options and different base units.
SIMPLIFY YOUR IT New iRMC S6 enhances server administrator productivity with a variety of user-friendly features for remote management. Moreover, Infrastructure Manager (ISM) enables organizations to have centralized control over the entire infrastructure using a single user interface.
GROW YOUR BUSINESS The variety of expansion options makes the RX1330 M5 an ideal rack server platform for growing businesses. Outstanding configuration flexibility caters to a variety of business requirements and a range of HPE Qualified Options to fit most needs.
153139 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL325g11 AMD Epyc 9354P (3.3G/32C) 1x32G MR408i-o/4G 8SFF 1100W 2x10Gocp
Product Number
Processor name
AMD EPYC™ 9354P (32 core, 3.25 GHz, 256 MB L3, 280W)
Processor number
1 processor included Processor core available 32 core Processor cache 256 MB L3 Processor speed 3.25 GHz
Power supply type
1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
Expansion slots
1 OCP 3.0, 1 PCIe Gen 5 x16, for detailed descriptions refer to the QuickSpecs
Memory type
1x 32GB DDR5 Smart Memory
Included hard drives
None ship standard, 8 SFF supported Optical drive type Optional, None ship standard
System fan features
7x Performance Fans
Network controller
Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Storage controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Product dimensions (metric)
60 x 91.6 x 24.2 cm Weight 22.18 kg
Infrastructure management
HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning (embedded), HPE OneView Standard (requires download), HPE iLO Advanced, HPE iLO Advanced Premium Security Edition, and HPE OneView Advanced (require licenses), HPE GreenLake for Compute Ops Management (subscription included)
3/3/3: Server warranty includes three years of parts, three years of labor, and three years of on-site support coverage. Additional information regarding worldwide limited warranty and technical support is available at: https://h20564.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/home. Additional HPE support and service coverage for your product can be purchased locally. For information on availability of service upgrades and the cost for these service upgrades, refer to the HPE website at https://www.hpe.com/support.
191928 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL320g11 5416S (2.0/16C) 64G 2x1.92T SSDmu 3x2.4T/10k NVIDIA L4 S0K89C MR416i-o8G 8SFF 2x1000W 2x1G Smart Choice
HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 - Smart Choice Models
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 5416S 2.0GHz 16c 1P 64GB-R 10SFF MR416i-o 3x2.4TB HDD 2x1000W PS EU Server
HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 8SFF Configure-to-order Server
5416S (16 core, 2.0 GHz, 150W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
64 GB (2x32 GB, 4800 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation.
1x NVIDIA L4 24GB PCIe Accelerator
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5720 Ethernet 1Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter
Storage Controller
HPE MR416i-o Gen11 x16 Lanes 8GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Included Drives
3x HPE 2.4TB SAS 12G Mission Critical 10K SFF BC 3-year Warranty 512e HDD 2x HPE 1.92TB SATA 6G Mixed Use SFF BC Multi Vendor SSD
Optical Drive
None included, optional HPE 9.5mm SATA DVD-RW Optical Drive or HPE Mobile USB DVD-RW Drive
Expansion Slots
1 x16 FHHL PCIe Gen5; 1 OCP 3.0 Slot as default. 1 x16 FHHL PCIe Gen5 optional.
Power Supply
2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
7x High Performance Fans
Rail Kit
HPE Easy Install Rail 1 Kit
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
1U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
224045 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL320g11 6530 (2.1/32C) 2x64G 2x1.92 P40504 3x2.4 P28352 MR416i-o/8G 10SFF 2xNVIDIA L4 2x1000W 2x1G Smart Choice
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 6530 2.1GHz 32c 1P 128GB-R 10SFF MR416i-o 3x2.4TB HDD 2x1000W PS EU Server
HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 8SFF Configure-to-order Server
6530 (32 core, 2.1 GHz, 270W)
Number of Processors
One with performance heatsink
128 GB (2x64 GB, 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4800 MT/s due to processor limitation.
2x NVIDIA L4 24GB PCIe Accelerator
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5720 Ethernet 1Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter
HPE MR416i-o Gen11 x16 Lanes 8GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Included Drives
3x HPE 2.4TB SAS 12G Mission Critical 10K SFF BC 3-year Warranty 512e HDD
2x HPE 1.92TB SATA 6G Mixed Use SFF BC Multi Vendor SSD
Optical Drive
None included, optional HPE 9.5mm SATA DVD-RW Optical Drive or HPE Mobile USB DVD-RW Drive
Expansion Slots
1 x16 FHHL PCIe Gen5; 1 OCP 3.0 Slot as default. 1 x16 FHHL PCIe Gen5 optional.
Power Supply
2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
7x High Performance Fans
Rail Kit
HPE Easy Install Rail 1 Kit
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
1U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
150229 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL325g11 AMD EPYC (2.5G/24C) 2x32G (P50311) 2x480G 2x1000W MR408i-o/4G 8SFF 2p10G Smart Choice
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen11 9224 2.5GHz 24c 64GB-R 8SFF MR408i-o 2x480GB SATA SSD 2x1000W RPS EU Server
HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen11 8SFF Configure-to-order Server
8SFF 2.5"
9224 (24 core, 2.5 GHz, 200W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
64 GB (2x32 GB, 4800 MT/s)
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Included Drives
2x HPE 480GB SATA 6G Read Intensive SFF BC Multi Vendor SSD
Optical Drive
Optional, None ship standard
Expansion Slots
1 PCIe x16 Primary Riser
Power Supply
2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
7x Standard Fans
Default: HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning, HPE OneView Standard (requires download)
Rail Kit
HPE ProLiant DL3XX Gen11 Easy Install Rail 2 Kit
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
1U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
107847 Kč
cena s DPH
Server HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 využívá špičkové technologie a tak nabízí vysokou flexibilitu a v...
138895 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL345g11 EPYC 9124 (3.0G/16C) 2x32G 2x480G 2x1000W MR416i-p 8SFF 4p1G Smart Choice
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL345 Gen11 9124 2.7GHz 16-core 1P 32GB-R MR408i-o 8SFF 1000W PS EU Server
9124 (16-Core, 2.7 GHz, 240W)
Number of Processors
One processor
2x32 GB RDIMM SR 4800 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
HPE 1GbE 4-port OCP3 Adapter plus choice of OCP or standup card
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Hard Drive
Internal Storage
8 SFF Chassis (upgradeable to 16 SFF front)
Optical Drive
None ship as standard
PCI-Express Slots
2 PCIe x16 Riser (Primary slot 3 and Secondary slot 6)
Power Supply
2x 1000W HPE FlexSlot Power Supply
6-standard fans
Default: HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning, HPE OneView Standard (requires download)
Energy Star
3.0 certified
Form Factor
2U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
Country Code Key
154098 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 4514Y (2.0/16C/30M) 2x32G (p64706) 2x2.4TB/10k 2x1000W MR416i-o/4G 8SFF 2x10G-T Smart Choice
SKU Number P52561-421 Model Name HPE PL DL380g11 4514Y (2.0/16C/30M) 32G MR408i-o/4G 8-26SFF 1000Wti 2x10G-T Chassis 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52534-B21) CPU 4514Y (16 core, 2.0 GHz, 150W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 2x32 GB, 5600 MT/s Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. Network Controller Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE Storage Controller HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller and Smart Storage Battery Hard Drive 2x2.4TB 10 k SAS Internal Storage 8-26SFF CTO Server (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421) Fans 4 Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
143649 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL385g11 AMD EPYC 9124 (3.0-3.7G/16C) 2x32G NS204i(2x480) 2x1000W 8LFF 2p10GT Smart Choice
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE PL DL385g11 9124 (3.0-3.7G/16C) 2x32G NS204i(2x480) 2x100W 8LFF 4x1G Smart Choice
9124 (16-Core, 2.7 GHz, 240W)
Number of Processors
One processor
2x32 GB RDIMM SR 4800 MT/s (1x 1Rx4 32 GB)
Network Controller
BCM 5719 1GbE 4p BASE-T OCP3 Adptr plus choice of standup card
Storage Controller
NS204 2x480g ssd sata
Hard Drive
Internal Storage
8 SFF Chassis (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 8 SFF mid + 2SFF rear)
Optical Drive Bay
Optical Drive
None ship as standard
PCI-Express Slots
1-slot (x16) as standard (Slot upgradeable. Please refer to PCIe slot section in this doc)
Power Supply
2x 1000W HPE FlexSlot Power Supply (96% eff.)
4-standard fans
Default: HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning, HPE OneView Standard (requires download)
Energy Star
3.0 certified
Form Factor
2U Rack, HPE Gen11 rail kit without CMA
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
123943 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL320g11 4514Y (2.0/16C) 2x32G (p64706) 2x480G (P40497) MR408i-o 8SFF 2x1000W 2x1Gb Smart Choice SKU number P77243-425 Model Name HPE PL DL320g11 4514Y (2.0/16C/4400) 2x32G 2x480G SATA SSD MR408i-o 8SFFBCU3 2x1000W 2x1Gb 1U EIR Chassis 8SFF Backplane 8SFF x1Trimode U.3 Basic Carrier Backplane Number of Processors 1 socket Processor Memory Network Controller HPE embedded 2-port 1 GbE Ethernet adapter Storage Controller Embedded SATA controller (AHCI or Intel SATA software RAID controller) Hard Drive 2x480G SSD SATA Optical Drive Bay Not included (Optical Drive options available) PCI-Express Slots 2 x16 FHHL PCIe Gen5; 1 OCP 3.0 Slot Power Supply 2 x 1000W Fans 5 Standard Management HPE iLO6 Security TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Rail Kit Easy Install w/o CMA Form Factor 1U Rack Warranty Server Warranty includes 3-Year Parts, 3-Year Labor, 3-Year Onsite support with next business day response Serial 1 port - Optional Video 1 front Display port (optional) + 1 Rear - VGA port (standard on all chassis types) Network Ports 2x 1GbE embedded NIC (standard on all chassis types), Choice of OCP or standup card, supporting a wide arrange of NIC adapters iLO Remote Mgmt Port 1Gb Dedicated Front iLO Service Port 1 std USB 4 standard on all models: 1 front(USB 3.2 Gen1), 2 rear (USB 3.2 Gen1), 1 internal (USB 2.0) +1 optional USB 2.0 front in 4LFF & 8SFF Notes: USB 3.2 Gen1 is referred to as USB 3.0 in some marketing documents.
Operating Systems and Virtualization Software
See HPE Servers Support & Certification Matrices
Microsoft Windows Server
VMware ESXi
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
Canonical Ubuntu
Oracle Linux and Oracle VM
Community Enterprise Linux (CentOS, Alma Linux, Rocky Linux)
202998 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g10 4215R (3.2G/8C) 1x32G MR416i 8SFF 1x800W titan 2x10G FLR Base-T BCM57416 EIR NBD333 1U
Powered by 2 nd Generation Intel Xeon Processors
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 4215R 3.20GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-a NC 8SFF BC 800W PS Server
HPE DL360 Gen10 NC 8SFF BC CTO Svr (P56949-B21)
4215R (8-Core, 3.2 GHz, 130W)
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 2933 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port FLR-T BCM57416 Adapter
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-a/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Supports only SAS/SATA Basic Carrier drives. Does not support Smart Carrier drives or NVMe drives.
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
2 PCIe: 1 x16 FH, 1 x8 LP
SKU Number
Power Supply
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Platinum Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-B21 & -291)
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421)
5 - Standard
Rail Kit
SFF Easy Install w/o CMA Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Energy Star
Energy Star 3.0
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
51125 Kč
cena s DPH
7D76A04FEA 1x Silver 4410Y 12C 150W 2.0G 1x32GB 1Rx4 Option Option 2.5" Open bay Open Open 1x1100W Titanium 5x Std Opt Yes Plat Yes
Machine types 7D75 - 1 year warranty
7D76 - 3 year warranty
Form factor 2U rack
Processor One or two 4th-generati
145985 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g11 5515+ (3.2G/8C) 2x32G (P64706) 8SFF MR408i-o/4G 2x480G 2x1000W 2x10G-T
42196 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL20g11 E-2434 (3.4G/4C) 16G 2LFF-HP 290W
62959 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g10 Plus 4309Y (2.8/8C) 32G MR416i-p/4Gssb 8SFFU.3 1x800Wti L9 2x10GSFP+ocp RF P55278-421 RENEW
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus 4309Y 2.8GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-p NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-Mode 24G U.3 BC
4309 (8-Core, 2.8 GHz, 105W) 2
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57412 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port SFP+ OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-p/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
3 PCIe: x8/x16/x8
Power Supply
1x 800W Titanium
6 - Maximum Performance
Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/ CMA
Form Factor
2U Rack
40002 Kč
cena s DPH
Dell PowerEdge R250; Základem serveru je čtyřjádrový procesor Intel Xeon E-2334 , doplněný o 16 GB operační paměti RAM. Server je dodáván s jedním 2 TB SATA diskem. Upozornění: Řad...
46336 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g10 4208 (2.1G/8C) 1x32G MR416i-p/4G 8SFF 800Wti 4x1GFLR P56959-421 RENEW
Worldwide & Japan BTO Models
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 4208 2.10GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-p 8SFF BC 800W PS Server
8SFF BC Chassis (P56970-B21)
4208 (8 core, 2.1GHz, 85W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 2933 MT/s
(1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
Embedded 4 x 1GbE Ethernet Adapter
Storage Controller
Broadcom MegaRAID MR416i-p 4GB and Smart Storage Battery (SAS/SATA only)
Hard Drive
None Included
Supports only SAS/SATA Basic Carrier drives. Does not support Smart Carrier drives or NVMe drives.
Internal Storage
8 SFF Chassis (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear)
PCIe Slots
3-slots (x8, x16, x8 with dual m.2) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration
Power Supply
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Platinum Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-B21 & -291)
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421)
4 - Standard
HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning (embedded), HPE OneView Standard (requires download); HPE iLO Advanced, HPE iLO Advanced Premium Security Edition and HPE OneView Advanced (require licenses)
Rail Kit
SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm
Energy Star
Energy Star 3.0
Form Factor
2U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
125646 Kč
cena s DPH
Server HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 využívá špičkové technologie a tak nabízí vysokou flexibilitu a v...
104921 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 4509Y (2.6/8C) 32G MR408i-o/4G 8-26SFF 1000W 4x1G
SKU Number P70456-421 Model Name HPE PL DL380g11 4509Y (2.6/8C/22.5M) 32G MR408i-o/4G 8-26SFF 1000Wti 4x1G NDB333 Chassis HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 8SFF NC Configure-to-order Server CPU 4509Y (8 core, 2.6 GHz, 125W)5416S (16 core, 2.0GHz, 150W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 32 GB (1x32 GB , 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. Network Controller Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Notes: No embedded networking Storage Controller HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller and Smart Storage Battery Hard Drive None Included Internal Storage 8 SFF CTO Server (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421) Fans 4 Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
Processor name
Intel Xeon Silver 4509Y (8 core, 2.60 GHz, 22.5 MB L3, 125W)
Processor number
1 processor included
Processor core available
8 core
Processor cache
22.5 MB L3
Processor speed
2.60 GHz
Power supply type
1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
Expansion slots
Up to 8 PCIe Gen5, and 2 OCP 3.0, for detailed descriptions reference the QuickSpecs
Memory type
HPE DDR5 Smart Memory
Included hard drives
None ship standard, 8 SFF supported
Optical drive type
Optional DVD-ROM Optional via Universal Media Bay External support only
System fan features
4x Standard Fans
Network controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Storage controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Product dimensions (metric)
60 x 99.8 x 27.3 cm
23.62 x 39.29 x 10.75 in
41.32 kg
91.095 lb
Infrastructure management
HPE iLO Standard with intelligent provisioning (embedded), HPE OneView Standard (requires download) (standard) HPE iLO Advanced, HPE OneView Advanced (optional, requires licenses), and HPE GreenLake COM
3/3/3: Server Warranty includes three years of parts, three years of labor, and three years of onsite support coverage. Additional information regarding worldwide limited warranty and technical support is available at: https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/home. Additional HPE support and service coverage, to supplement the product warranty, is available. For more information, visit https://www.hpe.com/support.
130966 Kč
cena s DPH
Server HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 využívá špičkové technologie a tak nabízí vysokou flexibilitu a v...
92342 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10Plus 4309Y (2.8/8C/12M/2667) 32G MR416i-p/4Gssb 8SFFU.3 1x800W 2x10GSFP+ocp x8/x16/x8 RF NBD333
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus 4309Y 2.8GHz 8core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-p NC 8SFF 800W PS Server
8SFF x1 Tri-Mode 24G U.3 BC
4309 (8-Core, 2.8 GHz, 105W) 2
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57412 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port SFP+ OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-p/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
3 PCIe: x8/x16/x8
Power Supply
1x 800W
6 - Maximum Performance
Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/ CMA
Form Factor
2U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
137672 Kč
cena s DPH
Dell PowerEdge R760XS; Základem serveru je 16jádrový procesor Intel Xeon Gold 5416S , doplněný o 32 GB operační paměti RAM. Server je dodáván se dvěma SSD 480 GB SATA disky. Foto produ...
133033 Kč
cena s DPH
Server, 2× Xeon Silver 4314, 64GB, 2× 480GB SSD, H755, iDRAC9 Enterprise 15G, 2× 1100W, 2U, 3Y ProSupport on-site
62959 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus 4310 (2.1/12C/18M) 32G MR416i-p/4Gssb 8SFFBCU3 1x800Wtit ocp2x10GSFP+ RF NBD333
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus 4310 2.1GHz 12-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-p NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-Mode 24G U.3 BC
4310 (12-Core, 2.1 GHz, 120W)
Number of Processors
One processor with high performance heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57412 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port SFP+ OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-p/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
3 PCIe: x8/x16/x8
Power Supply
1x 800W Titanium
6 - Maximum Performance
Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/ CMA
Form Factor
2U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
105222 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL320g11 4510 (2.4/12C) 2x32G (p64706) 2x480G (P40497) MR408i-o 8SFF 2x1000W 2x1Gb Smart Choice SKU number P80510-425 Model Name HPE PL DL320g11 4510 (2.4/12C) 2x32G 2x480G SATA SSD MR408i-o 8SFFBCU3 2x1000W 2x1Gb 1U EIR Chassis 8SFF Backplane 8SFF x1Trimode U.3 Basic Carrier Backplane Number of Processors 1 socket Processor 4510 (12 core, 2.4 GHz, 150W) Memory 64 GB (2x32 GB, 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. Network Controller HPE embedded 2-port 1 GbE Ethernet adapter Storage Controller Embedded SATA controller (AHCI or Intel SATA software RAID controller) Hard Drive 2x480G SSD SATA Optical Drive Bay Not included (Optical Drive options available) PCI-Express Slots 2 x16 FHHL PCIe Gen5; 1 OCP 3.0 Slot Power Supply 2 x 1000W Fans 5 Standard Management HPE iLO6 Security TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Rail Kit Easy Install w/o CMA Form Factor 1U Rack Warranty Server Warranty includes 3-Year Parts, 3-Year Labor, 3-Year Onsite support with next business day response Serial 1 port - Optional Video 1 front Display port (optional) + 1 Rear - VGA port (standard on all chassis types) Network Ports 2x 1GbE embedded NIC (standard on all chassis types), Choice of OCP or standup card, supporting a wide arrange of NIC adapters iLO Remote Mgmt Port 1Gb Dedicated Front iLO Service Port 1 std USB 4 standard on all models: 1 front(USB 3.2 Gen1), 2 rear (USB 3.2 Gen1), 1 internal (USB 2.0) +1 optional USB 2.0 front in 4LFF & 8SFF Notes: USB 3.2 Gen1 is referred to as USB 3.0 in some marketing documents.
Operating Systems and Virtualization Software
See HPE Servers Support & Certification Matrices
Microsoft Windows Server
VMware ESXi
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
Canonical Ubuntu
Oracle Linux and Oracle VM
Community Enterprise Linux (CentOS, Alma Linux, Rocky Linux)
53354 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL20g11 E-2436 (2.9G/6C) 1x32G 2x480G VROC 4SFF 1x800W 4x1G NBD333 Smart Choice
HPE ProLiant DL20 Gen11 - Smart Choice Models
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL20 Gen11 E-2436 2.9GHz 6c 1P 32GB-DR 4SFF VROC 2x480GB SATA SSD 800W RPS EU Server
HPE ProLiant DL20 Gen11 4SFF Hot Plug Configure-to-order Server
E-2436 (6 core, 2.9 GHz, 65W)
Number of Processors
32 GB (1x32 GB UDIMM, 4800 MT/s)
Network Controller
HPE embedded 1GB 4-port BCM5719 Network Adapter
Storage Controller
Embedded Intel VROC SATA software RAID Notes: SATA only
Included Hard Drives
Internal Storage
4 SFF HDD Bays (Hot Plug)
Optical Drive
Optional: DVD-ROM, DVD-RW
Expansion Slots
1x PCIe 5.0 CEM slot, 1 Internal OCP Storage Controller slot, 1 External OCP 3.0 Network Controller slot
Power Supply
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit
3x high performance non-hot plug and non-redundant fans
iLO Management (standard), Intelligent Provisioning (standard) iLO Advanced (optional)
Rail Kit
HPE Easy Install Rail 12 Kit
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
74463 Kč
cena s DPH
Server HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 využívá špičkové technologie a tak nabízí zvýšenou flexibilitu a ...
6930 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE 2.4TB SAS 12G Mission Critical 10K SFF BC 3y 512e Multi Vendor HDD RENEW P28352-B21
73508 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g10 Plus 5315Y (3.2G/4C/6C8C) 1x32G MR416i-a/4Gsb 8SFFBCU3 1x800W 2x10G-T ocp 1U P55276-421 RENEW
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus 5315Y 3.2GHz 8-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-a NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-mode U.3 BC
5315Y (8-Core, 3.2 GHz, 140W) 2
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB) & 31 DIMM blanks
Notes: Runs at 2933 MT/s due to processor limitation
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-a/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
2 PCIe: 1 x16 FH, 1 x16 LP
Power Supply
1x 800W Titanium
7 - High Performance
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/o CMA
Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
103640 Kč
cena s DPH
DELL Server PowerEdge R550
Přizpůsobte se nejrůznějším požadavkům aplikací pomocí dvousocketové...
79234 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL345g11 AMD Epyc 9124 (3.0G/16C) 1x32G MR408i-o/4G 8SFF 1000W 4x1Gocp
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL345 Gen11 9124 2.7GHz 16-core 1P 32GB-R MR408i-o 8SFF 1000W PS EU Server
9124 (16-Core, 2.7 GHz, 240W)
Number of Processors
One processor
32 GB RDIMM SR 4800 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
HPE 1GbE 4-port OCP3 Adapter plus choice of OCP or standup card
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Hard Drive
None ship as standard
Internal Storage
8 SFF Chassis (upgradeable to 16 SFF front)
Optical Drive
None ship as standard
PCI-Express Slots
2 PCIe x16 Riser (Primary slot 3 and Secondary slot 6)
Power Supply
1x 1000W HPE FlexSlot Power Supply
Notes: EU Lot-9 compliant.
6-standard fans
Default: HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning, HPE OneView Standard (requires download)
Energy Star
3.0 certified
Form Factor
2U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
Country Code Key
32009 Kč
cena s DPH
FUJITSU SRV RX1330M5 PRIMERGY Xeon E-2334 4C/8T 3.4GHz 32GB(2Rx8) 2xM.2 SATA BEZ HDD MAX4xBAY2.5 HP 500W RACK eLCM
135298 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL385g11 AMD EPYC 9124 (3.0-3.7G/16C) 2x32G 2x480G 2x1000W MR408i-o/4G 8SFF 2x10G-T ocp Smart Choice
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen11 9124 2.7GHz 16-core 1P 32GB-R 8SFF 800W PS Server
9124 (16-Core, 2.7 GHz, 240W)
Number of Processors
One processor
2x32 GB RDIMM SR 4800 MT/s (1x 1Rx4 32 GB)
Network Controller
BCM 5719 1GbE 4p BASE-T OCP3 Adptr plus choice of standup card
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Hard Drive
Internal Storage
8 SFF Chassis (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 8 SFF mid + 2SFF rear)
Optical Drive Bay
Optical Drive
None ship as standard
PCI-Express Slots
1-slot (x16) as standard (Slot upgradeable. Please refer to PCIe slot section in this doc)
Power Supply
2x 1000W HPE FlexSlot Power Supply (96% eff.)
4-standard fans
Default: HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning, HPE OneView Standard (requires download)
Energy Star
3.0 certified
Form Factor
2U Rack, HPE Gen11 rail kit without CMA
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
51163 Kč
cena s DPH
FUJITSU PRIMERGY SERVER Pro přidání disků 5-8 nutno dokoupit RAID kontroler a backplane / základní SATA kontrolér je na 4kd HDD, a hot swap backplane je osazen deskou pro 4ks hdd:
Například: PY-BA24SG FUJITSU RAID HDD no 5-8 Upgrade kit - CPxxx - pro HDD číslo 5 až 8 - hot swap BAY 2,5" - RX1330M6 a RAID kontroler, CP600i, EP640i, EP680i, CP2200-16i, EP3252-8i nebo CP500+kabel: PY-SR3FB FUJITSU RAID CP500i FH/LP - PSAS - RAID Levels 0, 1, 10, 5, 50 - no cache / 2xSFF8643 PY-CBS131 FUJITSU RAID kabel - Internal RAID kabel - CP500 pozice 1-4 / pro pozice 5-8 doplň CAGE PY-BA24SG - pouze pro RX1330M6
https://www.fujitsu.com/global/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx1330m6/ https://youtu.be/Nc3Ndlac6A0
ErP Lot9 Configuration 1
Intel Xeon E-2488 8C/16T 3.20 GHz
32GB (1x32GB) 2Rx8 DDR5-4800 U ECC
Rack Mount Kit
Region-kit Europe
iRMC advanced pack
iRMCS6 eLCM Activation License preloaded
Power Supply Dummy
Modular PSU 500W titanium hp
No powercord as order option
TPM 2.0 Module V2
pro 8ks HDD nutno dokoupit: PYBBA24SG - Upgrade kit 4x 2.5 a RAID kontroler
107955 Kč
cena s DPH
DELL Server PowerEdge R660xs
Dell EMC PowerEdge R660xs je navržen tak, aby splňoval specifickou...
118946 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 4510 (2.4/12C) 2x32G (p64706) 2x960G SSDri (P40498) 8SFF MR408i-o 2x1000W 4x1Gb NBD333 Smart Choice
SKU Number P71675-425 Model Name HPE PL DL380g11 4510 (2.4/12C) 2x32G 2x960G 8SFF MR408i-o 2x1000W 4x1Gb NBD333 Chassis HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 8SFF NC Configure-to-order Server CPU 4510 (12 core, 2.4 GHz, 150W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 64 GB (2x32 GB 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. Network Controller Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Storage Controller HPE MR408i-o Hard Drive 2x 960G SATA SSD p40498-b21 Internal Storage 8SFF (upgradeable to 24/30SFF) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit Fans 4 Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit HPE ProLiant DL3XX Gen11 Easy Install Rail 3 Kit Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
113920 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g11 4510 (2.4G/12C) 2x32G (P64706) 2x960G (P40498) 2x1000W MR408i-o 8SFF 4x1G Smart Choice
Smart Choice Models
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 4510 2.4GHz 12c 1P 64GB-R 8SFF MR408i-o 2x960GB SSD 2x1000W PS EMEA Server
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen11 8SFF NC Configure-to-order Server
4510 (12 core, 2.4 GHz, 150W)
Number of Processors
One with standard heatsink
64 GB (2x32 GB , 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. P64706-B21 32gb
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Included Hard Drives
2x 960GB SATA SSD P40498-B21
Internal Storage
8 SFF NC CTO Server (upgradeable to 8+2 SFF front)
Optical Drive
Optional - HPE 9.5mm SATA DVD-RW Optical Drive, HPE Mobile USB DVD-RW Drive
Power Supply
2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
5x Standard Fans
Rail Kit
HPE ProLiant DL3XX Gen11 Easy Install Rail 3 Kit Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
Form Factor
1U Rack
Server warranty includes 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
27955 Kč
cena s DPH
Benchmark CPU Intel Xeon E-2388G @ 3.20GHz 23,815 https://www.fujitsu.com/global/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx1330m5/
1 x VFY:R1335SC041IN PY RX1330M5/SHORT/SFF/HP PSU / 1 x PYBCP63EA Intel Xeon E-2388G 8C/16T 3.20 GHz 1 x PYBME32UG2 32GB (1x32GB) 2Rx8 DDR4-3200 U ECC 1 x PYBRRS4 Rack Mount Kit 1 x S26361-F1452-E140 Region-kit Europe 1 x PYBLCM14 iRMCS6 eLCM Activation License preloaded 1 x S26113-F574-E99 Power Supply Dummy 1 x PYBPU503 Modular PSU 500W titanium hp 1 x T26139-Y3850-E10 No powercord as order option 1 x PYBTPM16 TPM 2.0 Module V1
Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX1330 M5
Mono-socket x86 server providing an ideal mix of performance and cost in a compact 1U space Ideal foundation for many SMBs across industries and for a wide range of workloads such as file/print applications, web hosting, communication, collaboration, and virtualization Cost-efficient performance based on Intel Xeon E-2300 processors either with 4-, 6-, or 8-cores Address data sets with up to 4x DDR4 DIMMs (in total up to 128GB memory)
BOOST YOUR PRODUCTIVITY Workload optimized performance for space and power constrained environments from the edge to the data center.
SCALE YOUR IT ACCORDING TO YOUR NEEDS The PRIMERGY RX1330 M5 delivers the flexibility to increase compute, storage, and memory capacity based on various configuration options and different base units.
SIMPLIFY YOUR IT New iRMC S6 enhances server administrator productivity with a variety of user-friendly features for remote management. Moreover, Infrastructure Manager (ISM) enables organizations to have centralized control over the entire infrastructure using a single user interface.
GROW YOUR BUSINESS The variety of expansion options makes the RX1330 M5 an ideal rack server platform for growing businesses. Outstanding configuration flexibility caters to a variety of business requirements and a range of HPE Qualified Options to fit most needs.
54584 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g10 4210R (2.4G/10C) 32G MR416i-a/4Gssb 8SFF 800Wti 4x1GFLR EIR NBD333 P56956-421 RENEW
Powered by 2 nd Generation Intel Xeon Processors
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 4210R 2.40GHz 10-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-a 8SFF BC 800W PS Server
HPE DL360 Gen10 8SFF BC CTO Svr (P56950-B21)
4210R (10-Core, 2.4 GHz,100W)
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 2933 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
1 Embedded 4 x 1GbE Ethernet Adapter
Storage Controller
MR416i-a/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Supports only SAS/SATA Basic Carrier drives. Does not support Smart Carrier drives or NVMe drives.
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
2 PCIe: 1 x16 FH, 1 x8 LP
SKU Number
Power Supply
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Platinum Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-B21 & -291)
1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421)
5 - Standard
Rail Kit
SFF Easy Install w/o CMA Notes: Server does not support shelf mounted rail kits ("L" brackets).
Energy Star
Energy Star 3.0
Form Factor
1U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
60059 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL20g11 E-2434 (3.4G/4C) 1x32G (P64339) 2x480G VROC 4SFF 1x800W 4x1G NBD333 Smart Choice
98994 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL360g11 4510 (2.4G/12C) 2x32G 2x960G VROC 4LFF LPC 2x800W 4x1G Smart Choice
167151 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 6526Y (2.8G/16C) 4x32G (p64706) NS204i-u(2x480g) 2x1000W 8SFF 2x10G-T Smart Choice
SKU Number P77241-425 Model Name HPE PL DL380g11 6526Y (2.8G/16C) 4x32G NS204i-u(2x480g) 2x1000W 8SFF 2x10G-T Smart Choice Chassis 8SFF CPU 6526Y(16 core, 2.8 GHz, 150W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 4x32 GB, 5600 MT/s Network Controller Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE Storage Controller NS204 (2x480G m.2) HW raid 0,1,10 Hard Drive Internal Storage 8-26SFF CTO Server (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 2x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421) Fans 4 Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
73721 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 4410Y (2.0/12C/38M) 32G 12LFF VROC (sata) 1000Wti 4x1Gb NBD333 2U
SKU Number P52562-421 Model Name HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 4410Y 2.0GHz 12-core 1P 32GB-R NC 12LFF 800W PS Server Chassis 12LFF NC CTO Server (P52533-B21) CPU 4410Y (12 core, 2.0GHz, 150W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 32 GB RDIMM 2R 4800 MT/s (1x 32 GB) Network Controller Broadcom BCM5719 Ethernet 1Gb 4-port BASE-T OCP3 Adapter for HPE Storage Controller Embedded SW RAID 14 SATA ports (12-ports accessible), choice of HPE modular Smart Array and PCIe plug-in controller. Hard Drive None Included Internal Storage 12 LFF CTO Server PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 1x HPE 800W Flex Slot Platinum Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit Fans 4 Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
137055 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 6430 (2.1/32C) 64G VROC 8-26SFF 1000W 2x10/25G SFP28
SKU Number P58417-B21 Model Name HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen11 6430 2.1GHz 32-core 1P 32GB-R NC 8SFF 1000W PS Server Chassis 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52534-B21) CPU 6430 (32-core, 2.1GHz, 270W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 64 GB RDIMM 2R 4800 MT/s (2x 32 GB) Network Controller Broadcom BCM57414 Ethernet 10/25Gb 2-port SFP28 OCP3 Adapter for HPE Storage Controller Embedded SW RAID with 14 SATA ports (12-ports accessible), choice of HPE modular Smart Array and PCIe plug-in controller. Hard Drive None Included Internal Storage 8 SFF CTO Server (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit Fans 6 - High Performance Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
130547 Kč
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HPE PL DL380g11 6426Y (2.5/16C) 32G MR408i-o/4G 8SFF 1000W 2x10G-T iLO6 2U
SKU Number P60636-421 Model Name HPE PL DL380g11 6426Y (2.5/16C/38M/4800) 32G MR408i-o/4G 8-26SFF 1000Wtit 2x10G iLO6 base-T 2U NBD333 Chassis 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52534-B21) CPU 6426Y (16 core, 2.0GHz, 185W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 32 GB RDIMM 2R 4800 MT/s (1x 32 GB) Network Controller Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE Storage Controller HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller and Smart Storage Battery Hard Drive None Included Internal Storage 8 SFF CTO Server (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421) Fans 4 Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
162097 Kč
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HPE PL DL365g11 AMD Epyc 9224 (2.5/24C) 2x32G 2x480G MR408i-o/4G ocp2p10G-T 8SFF 2x1000W 1U Smart Choice
89475 Kč
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Are you looking to run edge AI workloads like Computer Vision that need GPU accelerators or distributed data solutions that require expandable storage? The HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 is a 1U 1P server with a unique compact and workload-driven modular design that is purpose-built for edge computing delivering exceptional performance at 1P economics and an excellent choice for both virtualized and containerized workloads. Powered by 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors with up to 32 cores, 270W, increased memory capability (up to 2 TB 4800 MT/s), and high-speed PCIe Gen5 supporting up to four single-wide GPUs (or two double-wide), the HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 server is a perfect low-cost, 1U 1P, performance solution. The HPE ProLiant Gen11 servers are engineered to optimize IT at the edge with a cloud operating experience, built-in security, and optimized performance for workloads to drive your business forward.
P57687-421 dl320g11 datasheet
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL320 Gen11 4410Y 2.0GHz 12-core 1P 16GB-R MR408i-o 8SFF 1000W PS
8SFF x1 Tri mode U.3 Basic Carrier Backplane
4410Y (12-Core, 2.0 GHz, 150W) Y = Speed Select = Intel SST-PP increases the base frequency when fewer cores are enabled. Allows greater flexibility, deployment options, and platform longevity.
16 GB RDIMM DDR5; 4800 MT/s (1x 16GB) & 15 DDIMM Blanks Runs at 4000MT/s due to cpu limitation
HPE embedded 2-port 1 GbE Ethernet adapter
MR408i-o with Megacell Battery
Hard Drive
None ship as standard
PCI- Slots
1 x16 FHHL PCIe Gen5; 1 OCP 3.0 Slot
1 x 1000W Titanium
7 Standard
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11 since It is an embedded feature. TPM is disabled on shipments to China.
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/o CMA
Form Factor
1U Rack Height x Width x Depth 8 SFF 4.28 x 43.46 x 60.51 cm
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
139193 Kč
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HPE PL DL345g11 AMD Epyc 9124 (3.0G/16C) 2x32G (p50311) 2x960G (P47808) 2x1000W MR416i-p 8LFF 4p1G Smart Choice
140304 Kč
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HPE PL DL385g11 AMD Epyc 9124 (3.0G/16C) 1x32G MR408i-o/4G 8SFF 1000W 4x1G ocp
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen11 9124 2.7GHz 16-core 1P 32GB-R 8SFF 800W PS Server
9124 (16-Core, 3.0-3.7 GHz, 240W)
Number of Processors
One processor
32 GB RDIMM SR 4800 MT/s (1x 1Rx4 32 GB)
Network Controller
BCM 5719 1GbE 4p BASE-T OCP3 Adptr plus choice of standup card
Storage Controller
HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller
Hard Drive
None ship as standard
Internal Storage
8 SFF Chassis (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 8 SFF mid + 2SFF rear)
Optical Drive Bay
Optical Drive
None ship as standard
PCI-Express Slots
1-slot (x16) as standard (Slot upgradeable. Please refer to PCIe slot section in this doc)
Power Supply
1x 1000W HPE FlexSlot Power Supply (96% eff.)
4-standard fans
Default: HPE iLO Standard with Intelligent Provisioning, HPE OneView Standard (requires download)
Energy Star
3.0 certified
Form Factor
2U Rack, HPE Gen11 rail kit without CMA
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
93700 Kč
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Server HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus využívá špičkové technologie a tak nabízí zvýšenou flexibili...
123922 Kč
cena s DPH
HPE PL DL380g11 4514Y (2.0/16C/30M) 32G (p64706) MR408i-o/4G 3x8SFF 1000W 2x10G-T
SKU Number P52561-421 Model Name HPE PL DL380g11 4514Y (2.0/16C/30M) 32G MR408i-o/4G 8-26SFF 1000Wti 2x10G-T Chassis 8SFF NC CTO Server (P52534-B21) CPU 4514Y (16 core, 2.0 GHz, 150W) Number of CPU One with standard heatsink Memory 32 GB (1x32 GB , 5600 MT/s) Notes: Runs at 4400 MT/s due to processor limitation. Network Controller Broadcom BCM57416 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BASE-T Adapter for HPE Storage Controller HPE MR408i-o Gen11 x8 Lanes 4GB Cache OCP SPDM Storage Controller and Smart Storage Battery Hard Drive None Included Internal Storage 8 SFF CTO Server (upgradeable to 24 SFF front + 2SFF rear) PCIe Slots 3-slots (x8, x16, x8) as standard; upgradeable to 8-slots in a 2 processor configuration Power Supply 1x HPE 1000W Flex Slot Titanium Hot Plug Low Halogen Power Supply Kit (-421) Fans 4 Standard Management HPE iLO 6 Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Notes: Enabling TPM 2.0 no longer requires TPM module option kit for Gen11. It is an embedded feature and can be disabled in the BIOS setting. Rail Kit SFF Easy Install Rail Kit; cable management arm Energy Star Energy Star 3.0 Form Factor 2U Rack Warranty 3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.
101049 Kč
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HPE PL DL380g10 Plus 4314 (2.4/16C/24M) 32G MR416i-p/4Gssb 8SFFBCU3 1x800Wti L9 2x10GSFP+ocp RF NBD333
SKU Number
Model Name
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus 4314 2.4GHz 16-core 1P 32GB-R MR416i-p NC 8SFF 800W PS EU Server
8SFF x1 Tri-Mode 24G U.3 BC
4314 (16-Core, 2.4 GHz, 135W)
Number of Processors
One processor with standard heatsink
32 GB RDIMM 2R 3200 MT/s (1x 32 GB)
Network Controller
Broadcom BCM57412 Ethernet 10Gb 2-port SFP+ OCP3 Adapter for HPE
Notes: No embedded networking
Storage Controller
MR416i-p/4GB with Smart Storage Battery
Hard Drive
None included
Optical Drive
Not included (Optical Drive options available)
PCIe Slots
3 PCIe: x8/x16/x8
Power Supply
1x 800W Titanium
6 - Maximum Performance
Notes: Disabled on AA1 SKUs
Rail Kit
Easy Install w/ CMA
Form Factor
2U Rack
3-year parts, 3-year labor, 3-year onsite support with next business day response.